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Martin Barrett

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  • My bike(s)
    v11lemans 03 Grigio Titanium (it's not plain black)

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  1. It wasn't an insult it was a cortradiction
  2. I'm very fond of the Guinness. But I won't be celebrating tonight when I'm back from work as I've a quick change. I also drunk the last of it over the weekend. This time of year there are far more significant dates. 22nd March that festival of rampant commercialism - Mothers Day. Though I've got plans this year. I'll put the kids to making daffodils out of egg boxes and crepe paper. Should end up with a nice bunch. But more importantly 21st is the Vernal Equinox. Which poses me with the dilemma to I shear off my winter coat then or do I wait till 29th which is the start of British Summer Time? Back to Ireland, here's hoping that they secure the grand slam in the Six Nations. That way if England beat Scotland and France don't beat Italy by 60pts, England will finish 2nd.
  3. This is my "Venus de My Snow" and sadly how she is now she's the one on the right - David in the middle and child on the left
  4. Some very lucky people there, and some very lucky stupid people also.
  5. I opened this thread with some trepidation. Here's some Guzzi content - Monday
  6. Guy, you forgot to mention the tasteful draped flag pinstriping as there's no wear to hang your fluffy dice unlike your Saxo (any small hot hatch or even better base model tarted up with body kit and drain pipe exaust) Any way the pictures are looking good - well those with the fairing still on
  7. Yes it remains open. Jaap has issued a public reminder. No one has posted further on it. In my opinion the only post now that realistically warrants posting on it is a Stelvio ownership report by TX, but he may feel a new thread is more appropriate. Yes it does contain homophobic and racist content. Should they be deleted or left in the open where they can be seen for what they are. Short bullet posts can often me interpreted to mean far more than the poster intended. But if we expand so that there can be no doubt to exactly what we intended. We end up with long verbose boring unread posts. Like the one I'm desperately trying to avoid here. The way I see it the forum is principally a technical resource, but it needs the social side to encourage the traffic that gets the technical queries answered quickly. Here already we complaints that a thread has been closed and another hasn't. This throws up the debate for firstly the need for moderation and then at what level it's pitched. Then we add in the "Us and Them" factors cultural differences personal experiences etc...It's difficult moderating, in any single forum you have the Moderator and the two Admins (Paul & Jaap) who can take action. You can influence our decisions. I will take note especially if I get a third party complaint, I could well have missed a nuance or even thought it within acceptable boundaries. We're just a PM away and a couple of time zones. You are right friendly discussion should be encouraged, especially as mentioned elsewhere you can get to see yourself through another's eyes, and gain a greater understanding.
  8. This is probably not the thread to relate the story of when my Mike Oldfield Crisis LP was left in the back of my friend's car one summer's day and the only way to play it afterwards was to weigh the tone arm down with several pennies to prevent it skipping. Oops seem to have done it.
  9. Very eloquently put. I've really enjoyed the face to face meetings with others. We really are quite a different bunch. and as has been said before this forum does allow one to interact* with people you perhaps wouldn't normally. In my minds eye I thought I knew how others perceive me and what I stood for and my "reasonable" assumptions. Being an officer of the law I deal with absolutes it's either right or wrong and I always come down on the side of right- well I like to think so. But experience quickly shows that the edges are very blurred. Then we throw in personal experiences and cultural background and that puts a whole different spin on perspectives and interpretation. Professionally I've learnt not to take any of it personally. That was a very hard lesson as it shook some of my beliefs to the core. So I'm now a bit more detached and relaxed, but hopefully not uncaring. Without trying to put my foot in it. I think we English speakers assume that this type of problem will mainly come with those for who English is not their first language. But more often or not it's not, as they pay more attention to what has been written and try harder to understand the inflection. There is currently showing on the BBC a series where Stephen Fry (comedian - clever bugger) does a whistle stop tour of the USA in a black London cab (iconic taxi) Whilst only scratching the surface it quickly shows despite having the same language and greatly influencing our (British) way of life economically/commercially/entertainment/etc we really are two nations separated by the same language(if we're stealing quotes). I think he could have done the same by touring the home nations. I've obviously got some threads to catch up on as been a way awhile and perhaps I should have done that first before putting banana to keyboard. * I was going to say widen the circle of your friends - and you know where that would have led Keith - done your extra l
  10. Thank you for mentioning this. As Jaap alluded to one of the wonderful sides of a common interest bringing people together and doing things for each other. Rekindles ones hope in humanity, especially as the in the world seems to revolve around making an advantage over everyone else to further your own ends, and sometimes coupled with barbaric actions. Timely because we are entering the period of remembrance as well. Some very interesting programmes on the telly. One thing always strikes me is the war graves. Especially the general condition, the memorials here seem almost to fade into the background until this time of year. My eldest had a school trip to Flanders, I too mean to make the trip.
  11. Sorry late to the party, could have saved you some time I too had this, started as intermittent faults at the Erin Rally in Ireland 2 years ago, as day light I only noticed indicators then others reported tail light going out. Fault wasn't evident until the bars moved and wire inside switch became more and more wayward over time. There is a thread on here some where, I wonder if that's the one you saw I don't think many have suffered this.
  12. This the the AA collecting my bike after the suspension eye broke as agents under the Guzzi Recovery Scheme. But my best towing story is as an 18 year old driving dad's Ford Transit Camper, towing my mate Bruce in his just bought fixer up Renault 5. One of the front number plate rivets had come adrift and the aluminum plate swung down and started to grind against the road. Bruce being a bit concerned tried to attract my attention. He was too close for me to see his lights and I couldn't hear his horn over my radio. So he tried his brakes. To me it just felt a bit sluggish so dropped a gear and gave it more welly. He had to give up before he boiled his brakes. Only had to endure another 25 miles of the tow from hell. or is it the the brand new Range Rover delivering a brand new yacht that lost control on the M25 and rolled, and then watching the Highways Agency drag it on it's side to open up one carriageway whilst waiting for Rota garage.
  13. I'd think you'd find the V11Lemans a lot similar to the 1100 Sport but more ergonomically comfortable. It can be a pain sorting out some of the niggles especially with the ancillary equipment fitted. But you've persevered with the Sport so appear to be up to the task. Some of the others mentioned have had their own faults. They also appear to be slightly more weighted to Grand Tourers esp RT ST(Honda) slightly less so ST(Triumph) and FJ. You can tour on anything. I never toured on my FJ but have put a few long weekends on the V11. It copes either heavily laden or with just the light bags. I'd don't know what I'd replace it with - VFR too techy - Falco discontinued - Norge fairing too big and sitty up - 1200 Sport possibly though would want bigger fairing and 4V head. Nothing else appeals either too sport focused or too big. The sensible 4 cylinder option Fazer S; Bandit S; CB1300 etc don't have the wow factor. Then theres dual sports.... There's nothing quite like it anymore. Best I look after her
  14. I'd go for Sweet Leaf - Black Sabbath based purely on the fact it replaces the sugar pot inthe tea set.
  15. Do you think they'd notice if I took mine along in your place?
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