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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. The requirement is to have a speedo. The accuracy standards changed so that on more modern vehicles they can no longer under read. I think the MOT check is just to make sure there's one fitted they don't check it on the rolling road. We don't have the stringent Type Approval laws that some countries do. The fact the speedo doesn't work is basically down to you. If you want to ride/drive with out a working one is down to to you, you'd soon pick up enough points to take you off the road so it's in your own interest. There is no statutory defence of defective speedo. And if you mention it at the road side you'll at best get laughed at, at worst a construction and use ticket though I can't see any practical way of proving the offence. No requirement for a trip meter/odometer. Just Guzzi paranoia for the fuel warning light.
  2. mine developed the same fault whilst on way to the V11 meet in Galloway. I'll probably go down the bicycle speedo route when I get round to it. But first have to sort out an oil light
  3. Good pictures, you couldn't have done better with the weather. Going up around the west and top always was a high light of my Round Britain Trips. Love It. Glad you had a good time.
  4. Inspirational as ever. Found the thread earlier this evening. Decided to walk away from the computer and come back a savour it leisure once all the evening tasks had been done and the family had all gone to bed. I'll now sleep soundly dreaming of Guzzi Gran Turismo
  5. It's no coincidence it's a popular colour for that type of thing
  6. Had plenty of bites, whilst there. And yes I've scratched them Having left the campsite and enjoyed the A712 to get back on the A75 I thought I could feel something inside my helmet, I didn't think it was the wind. I decided to leave it until I stopped for fuel just south of Carlisle. Needless to say I forgot and only realised once I rejoined the motorway. I pressed on for another 70 miles where I finally stopped for splash; coffee and to add a layer I helmeted up and went and fueled, it was only then I remembered to check my helmet. Inside I found a small beetle - luckily I don't think it was the biting type. My journey home was uneventful though on the opposing carriage way there where two complete closures for accidents. The first was still looking like this The second the Accident Investigators where doing their stuff but the vehicles had just been uploaded. On the way up there was a police Range Rover on an overbridge with it's blues on. Every one slowed in case they were doing speed checks (blue lights on?) but if you looked through the trees you could see the air ambulance on the ground. I'd assume an accident as opposed to illness. I'm thankful that our weekend wasn't blighted.
  7. Here's Oldie Locks - That one's too fast - This one's just right - That one's, well the least said the better I'm not sure we should refer to "Bears on Guzzis" people may get the wrong idea Though we may get a bigger turn up. untill they see "Baby Bear"
  8. I caught some of the highlights last night but So those of you with prolevision don't have to scroll up through the adult channels (thats not why I missed most of last nights show) to find BBC1NI, So thats what what I'm doing tonight
  9. Just got back, had a lovely time. Fantastic roads and company mixed in with good food and beer. What more do you want? Didn't take many pictures From the splinter group ride out 0630 this morning will post more later, but got home just in time to cook dinner
  10. Soren, I'm Stevenage. Hertfordshire which is only just north of London, if that's kinder to your baboon like arse
  11. Good to hear that you're okay. Today is a holiday in the UK, I'm just in from working. The early shift were just finishing of with a lady rider who lost her leg. Don't know enough to hazard any guess on the circs. My chaps had a FTS (fail to stop) with a 10 year old on his bike. The good news is we've traced and arrested the driver. from the detail I know I can guess what happened but can't comment as would be sub judice. Some holiday. I can only recommend restraint. I'm lucky I calm down very quickly, also aided by the fact I've got too much to lose. Go for the get out of Dodge method. I must admit I almost had a motorcycle off once. It was lost in my nearside A pillar. On the approach to the T junction checked both ways. On the nearside of the main road close to the junction was parked a lorry. I edged out still checking and only as started to complete the turn did the aspect change and it emerge from the hidden area. Gave me a scare but not as much as the rider and pillion. I did stop to apologise. It is possible to look and not see.
  12. 16/17/18 May if you've not found the thread already
  13. Glad that you're okay. Short of leaving the bike at home an virtually unavoidable type accident. Hope you don't have the cracked case as Dr Gill, I would have said BFG but you wouldn't have know which cracked case I was referring too!! A trip to Ken Bridge would be a nice shake down.
  14. Devastated to see "fork handles" at no 41, but relieved to see "the parrot" heading the list. Must work my way through the SNL ones as past us by generaly on this side of the pond. I liked the Catherine Tate - Ginger refuge. It's true the police are the most gingerphobic I don't like a lot of her stuff, but warming to her. I don't know if I could stomach more than 1 series of her as Dr Who's assistant, currently she's okay but it brings back the memories of the nightmare that was Sylvester McCoy and Bonnie Langford
  15. We've had big investigations here as well, and instructions to remove anything from Facebook etc that conects you to the constabulary. Now I don't use email for anything other work and likewise internet browsing except for quick glance at the BBC news, gone are the days of researching quiz points whilst waiting to answer 999 calls.
  16. Ah how I pine for the good old days
  17. I'm a happy camper too!
  18. I had to clean and lube my twist grip once as it was sticking there, preventing the throtles from closing naturally. But yours is still staying open when you've manually returned so it wouldn't be the grip, but it could be the cable in the sleeve and that seems to be favorite at this point. Another one to watch is the fast idle lever and cable. It's quite amazing how much your braking distance extends (or need for a firmer tug) if you leave the fast idle on
  19. This was discussed this time last year and a few interesting comments were raised my recommendation was Ultraseal In short you pay your money you make your choice NB the links weren't provided as a slap down for not doing a search. I think it's valid that the same questions get repeatedly asked, keeps the board ticking over and gives the chance for new perspectives and the answer may even have changed. I quoted my answer as it was a very good answer and those too lazy/not bothered to follow the links would get to see it
  20. When I was a child we didn't watch commercial television so was spared these course American programmes, which were predominantly on ITV. But thankfully the BBC had good wholesome British programmes ie Mary Mungo and Midge Of course there were plenty of puppet based shows
  21. It never surprises me that when I used to attend accidents the number of shoes etc that had been pulled off feet. But I'd hope more than that from a pair of motorcycle boots, I'd think I'd change my boots if that happened to me.
  22. My take on the videos so far (applying a UK perspective) Orangeoakie's - Dealing with an armed bank robber - serious offence - real risk to Police Officer and the Public to deal with 3- Options - Marksman takes him out as leaves the bank, Likely to be fatal , probable risk to Hostage in immediate vicinity as gets in to getaway vehicle Try and negotiate a surrender - places hostages at risk. Allow to leave - Then it's just how do you end the pursuit, In this example he is still close to the scene and therefore in a relatively sterile area (also not picked up too much speed) - easy to get resources into the right area. By using this method he is brought to a sudden stop and at least is likely to be stunned and not in position to draw his weapon or activate any device before he can be contained. He has no hostage with him so no human shield. Yes he might be killed or seriously injured but the odds are less than the marksman method. The only issue is that whilst he is on the bike how much of a risk is he posing, and comes back to seriousness of offence and the risks of being to deal with him at another occasion. Seems a fair call to me. In the UK to use tactical contact or block the road is a Chief Officer authorisation. Given the time scale in this scenario one could have found him/her and obtained it if they had the morale fibre. Dlaings videos - I couldn't see the first - but from the comments it appears he stuck his car deliberately in front of a stunting motorcycle - I might have seen it previously. If that's the case there's no way it's justified and officer should face charges. At best he's come out to indicate to stop , giving motorcycle an escape route and plenty of room to see him and stop. But I don't think that was the case The second appears to be a deliberate attempt to ram the motorcycle. The Police car was making on blues so would appear to fall some where between the two previous scenarios. I doubt his actions could have been justified even if he'd been the escaping bank robber from the first. Pursuits here are tightly controlled. If they meet the criteria and they are authorised it's always with the view of getting a tactical resolution - stinger or boxed in and brought to a halt. What normally happens is we have a decamp with or without crash before all the resources are in place. A best we will have air support and a dog on scene. Motorcycles are difficult because effectively there is no tactical resolution and ideally we will get the helicopter on scene and then back off and pick him up when he stops.
  23. As Dave states doesn't matter which one connects to which - the alternator puts out AC current and the Regulator/Rectifier unit converts that to usable DC. The light shouldn't flicker - I had issues with mine - Not sure what the problem was got a bit chicken and egg - blown fuse/dirty connectors/corroded & melted connector/ defective regulator all explained here in depth
  24. No I'm sure this is I was looking for either the Z1300 or Goldwing ones with the rear lights on the deck , but this one does the trick
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