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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. The Results have been published.. I have very generously been credited with a 100%er. One clue seemed to be a bit ambiguous a manor house. On the OS map there is shown castle ruins which in fact was a fortified manor house and there is also the "modern" manor house. map He credited both. The other was an 18thC Dovecote in Coldstream, it would appear to be converted in to cottages. I overlooked this one in my research and found what appeared to have possibly been a a dovecote in the style of a watchtower in the town centre memorial garden. I could find any documentary evidence to support this but it looked right. Once the closing date was past and people started putting up their links. I thought I'd done myself out of the 100% to a straight all-rounder. The other ones I had been previously worried about, I had infact been correct. Of the 145 participants who returned their forms to be marked there was 8 Guzzis including 3 V11s: Gary "Wambiker" on here and a Richard from Gloucester. One other was fairly local to me I think he might have come to the owners club meeting recently. If he's there tomorrow night I'll ask him. Looking forward to next years. Anyone else going to take part - you don't have to do all of it.
  2. Yes. I think. It's down to the doseages. If you exced the amount required, you don't care so it's a win win situation.
  3. But I think it's one under each arm Here's to a speedy recovery and take lots of anti inflammatories
  4. The easy way to get them to live harmoniously is to throw the English into the mix They all love to hate the English (deservedly )
  5. Here is Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit's explanation:- Antequam autem experimentorum recensionem aggrediar, necesse ecrit, ut paucis quaedam de thermometris, quae a me construuntur, eorumque scalae divisione, ut & de methodo evacuandi, qua usus sum, mentionem faciam. Duo potissimum genera thermometrorum a me conficiuntur, quorum unum spiritu vini & alterum argento vivo est repletum: Longitudo eorum varia est, pro usu, cui inservire debent: Omnia autem in eo conveniunt, quod in omnibus scalae gradibus concordent, interque limites fixos variationes suas absolvant. Thermometrorum scala, quae meteorologicis observationibus solummodo inserviunt, infra a Zero incipit & 96to gradu finitur. Hujus scalae division tribus nititur terminis fixis, qui arte sequentimodo parari possunt; primus illorum in informa parte vel initio scalae reperitur, & commixtione glaciei, aquae, & salis Armoniaci vel etiam maritimi acquiritur; huic mixturae si thermometron imponitur, fluidum ejus usque ad gradum, qui zero notatur, descendit. Melius autem hyeme, quam aestate hoc experimentum succedit. Secundus terminus obtinetur, si aqua & glacies absque memoratis salibus commiscentur, imposito thermometro huic mixturae, fluidum ejus tricesimum secundum occupat gradum, & terminus initii congelationis a me vocatur; aquae enim stagnantes tenuissima jam glacie obducuntur, quando hyeme liquor thermometri hunce gradum attingit. Terminus tertius in nonagesimo sexto gradu reperitur; & spiritus usque ad hunc gradum dilatatur, dum thermometrum in ore vel sub axillis hominis in statu sano viventis tam diu tenetur donec perfectissime calorem corporis acquisivit. Si vero calor hominis febri vel alio morbo fervente laborantis investigandus est, alio thermometro utendum, cujus scala usque ad 128 vel 132 gradum prolongata est. An autem hi gradus ferventissimo calori alicujus febris sufficiant nondum expertus sum, vix tamen credendum, quod cujusdam febris fervor gradus memoratos excedere debeat. Thermometrorum scala, quorum ope ebullientium liquorum gradus caloris investigatur, etiam a zero incipit & 600 continet gradus, hoc enim circiter gradu Mercurius ipse (quo thermometron repletum est) incipit ebullire.
  6. Thats it then, discuss it at the Erin this year, also serves the purpose that we can tolerate each others offline personality and presence. and then arrange for 07. There was a big scandinavian rally that was posted on here that could be an idea to take in. If we arrange it in advance you should be able to sort the time away one hopes. Mdude posted one for 06 and Tikkanen posted an 05 Nordic one in Denmark
  7. Wild Weasel? Quite right. With radar there is a wider beam and alot more lost and deflected signal to be picked up. The laser is a single point and only when fired by the operator. The only option would be an electronic warfare counter measures package
  8. Go on put a list up some where with synopsis, an introduction thread would be good place, I'm only on to my 5th. With me motorcycles are rather like women I'm in for the long term.
  9. Whilst it's not an area I have anything to do with. The mobile speed camera vans here in the UK use laser coupled with camera. as do the traffic chaps. The only radar ones are the fixed site speed cameras, these you can either see unless on the reverse side of an over head gantry. But the sites are published. There was a time when the old hand held radars were being passed down to the community ofiicers and specials. Other constabularys may differ. Unless you can pick up laser splatter you're done for. Unless you've done your planning and looked at the local authority road safety partnership web site where they've published the locations and even on some the enforcement timetable (?) In the UK the opperator is suposed to formulate the opion that your speeding by his observation and then coroborate that by the camera. What might happen is that he will look down the telephoto sight and record your speed at a far greater distance than you the rider using the mark one eyeball can identify the camera van. I don't know if this has ever tested in court that he (excuse my sexist behaviour lady camera van operators) has only used one method to record your speed which is uncoroborated unless his obsevations down the sight count. I think you're better of with appropriate use of speed and good observation, and a bit of luck. Held me in good stead but I'll probably get done next time out now.
  10. I'm intreged - post alink please
  11. very interesting - I would guess that it has four valve heads, it has at least three. Each cylinder has two carbs, fore and aft, and at least one exhaust out the side, I would assume there could be another on the far side. The big quandery I'm on earlies tomorrow do I go to bed or do I Google?
  12. I'm sticking with a Bofors Deuterium Oxide (Heavy Water) powered Rollmop maker
  13. Rich Maund's kawasaki rubber peg thread with free fitting guide
  14. Nowt wrong with that! (well in it's way) Ideal if you've bent your headstock If you must have three wheels thats the way to do it!
  15. Only if you check the edit box, or go into the page code and I'm a trust worthy upholder of the law
  16. Where? Or were you trying to prempt my next strategy. How about editing a previous post in another thread to show the correct answer and claim plagerisum and the point
  17. I'm not sure what "commado" means over here anymore Yesterdays story and from the weekend
  18. With out wishing to claim the tile of "Master of the Bloody Obvious" If these were both working prior to your attempts to sort out the starting problem. It would appear that you've disturbed something in doing that. I initially thought fuse. But you say thats okay. I would re lift the tank right off and check both connector blocks and any other wires that you may have disturbed. Also as you will have the fairing off check that the bulb itself hasn't blown. and recheck everything, and then I'm at aloss. Good luck.
  19. I was getting the clues mixed up with this one I was going to go for a Bofors Deuterium Oxide (Heavy Water) powered Rollmop maker. But Bofors is Swedish and Rollmops are Scottish At least the Heavy Water Has a Norwegian connection. - education by I suppose that's my half quiz point gone Today the weather on planet Martin is
  20. Tempo from Norway It's not a 1954 150 standard
  21. Here you go
  22. You are right. Everyone will have their own heroes for whatever reason. I always new my comfortable middle class upbringing sheltered me from a lot of life's harsh realities. Whilst I'm not totally intransient in my viewpoint, Like most people I tend to think I'm right. One thing age has taught me is that other people can have an equally valid and contrasting point of view. I have no problem accepting that Best was probably the best ever footballer these isles (there we go the English claiming everything as their own) has ever produced. That he would have been an iconic figure for many, working boy made good etc. Yes he must have been a product of his times, the emergence of the Pop culture mega stars. The local situation in Ireland, something that always seemed so remote, may well mean he has extra special meaning to many. Whilst his demise was ultimately at his own hand. My issue is not with him but the whole celebrity culture thing being fueled by the tabloids and glossies. If you pick up the popular press it's not news but mostly celebrity gossip and plot lines on TV soaps! These are the people generating the mass out pourings of grief, just as they did on Diana's death. Yet when he was battling with his alcoholism and domestic problems they gave him no quarter. It must be the best part of 30 years since he last played top level football. He was a legend. Unlike Joey Dunlop he was still competing and died doing so, and Burns who had to stop and died within a year. It was perhaps wrong of me to offer the comparison, but we naturally do. I will now watch that 16Mb clip and celebrate his skill and lament his demise.
  23. I'm not a football fan. George Best was a victim of Pop culture, he obviously had a great talent, and wasted it due to alcoholism. No doubt brought on by the pressures and opportunities of the new football popstar culture. Yes I accept alcoholism is an illness, but it's one that is primarily self inflicted. He was a victim of media obsession with the cult of celebrity. His difficulties over the last few years always were in the tabloids, he never stood a chance. The press continue to whip up this mass hysteria in the interest of selling papers. Diana, Best and who next. Some celebrities are "media whores" and live and die (poor phraseology) for media coverage it's how they make their money: public appearance, sponsorship, appearing as if they're someone who matters. Some have it thrust upon them and can't escape. Some are able to avoid it. This weekend Richard Burns also lost his fight to an illness, a brain tumour. He was 34 years old a former world champion. He always seemed to be professional and didn't have the media impact of the footballers. Whilst both deaths were tragic. If I had to apportion sympathy I know where it would predominantly go. I'm sorry if this sound callous. But I have to deal with violent sudden and unexpected death and serious injury frequently. I'm thankful that I'm no longer directly involved with the deceased, dying ,injured or family of but it is still emotionally draining.
  24. He's talking about a one time disconect to install the leads to the Optimate conector plug thingy. From thereon its just a case of plugging the Optimate in to the connector plug thingy to leave it on a monitored trickle charge. I don't know how the Anderson battery plugs would differ. Tried a google and came up with an artillery battery Checked your link - they appear to be more substancial
  25. Oh yes, and a different forum.
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