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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. Yes I do apologise. You even suggested the sand paper thing aswell. I suppose I must put a picture of my bike in the post. Here is at this years BMF, notice the rain and My personalised umbrella you can just make out the name TOS(ser)
  2. It's not a Scura though he's trying hard: lost the fairing; bling bling forks just needs to sort the paint, some wet and dry on that nice shiney tank should do it
  3. :!: There are 90 pictures one for each landmark and the bonus question. The bonus question doesn't contain my bike . It should appear in each of the other 89 pictures. Some of them are montages as couldn't get the bike and landmark in the same shot. There are some in which the bike may appear more than once Some in the foreground some in the background :!:
  4. I look forward to the fuel stops to break up the monotony and for a stretch. No way could I maintain a constant throttle like that. I'm happy stopping at about 120-130 miles with the knowledge there's a bit more if I need it.
  5. Is this post dike? Good to see it all back. Notice that going for the forest tracks now, mind thoses trees
  6. No snipes in this thread. (Yet)
  7. So why not the aerial shot of your Tenni into the avtar then?
  8. That could be useful to know if it's suposed to do that. That the light goes out again. Has anyone else run it completely dry?
  9. Is that why it's nolonger in your avtar? At least the helicoptor is still green
  10. Well the rally has closed. So I've added links to the relevent photo in each of the above posts. Or you could View them all here.
  11. It can't be any worse than the petrol station incident on route to the Erin, can it?
  12. :!: This thread is now running backwards its the effect of the What time is it? thread For those who didn't see it before - original picture host didn't allow direct linking, so Staedtler has delete whole post and re posted rather than edit it
  13. You're mixing your threads again, Badfest was earlier this year. and singing but not " Swords of a thousand men" thou. Need to recalibrate the time drive of that Scura
  14. Chinese BMW riders - the biggest growing economy- think of the potential sales Pete probably saved you there from the angry Teutons do you know what an SDKFZ is
  15. Well made the trip. Wet at the home end of the trip but dry mid point and beyond. I noticed that my throttle wouldn't return by it self. Not that this is normally a problem during normal riding is it by support for friction locks of one type or another shown on here. But I did cause me to fret about frayed cables and throttles jamming open So I stopped at the service station picked up some WD40 and took it apart. Nothing wrong with the cable or throttle linkages, but they all got a spray anyway. It seems it was the twist grip itself. So a couple of squirts and it has eased, and by the end of the day back to normal. The bike has had to live outside all summer and still is because my garage is full of initially my bedroom furniture and now flooring because of the building we've had done. Buell had a big(ish) stand. How much bigger is their market share compared to Guzzi? They were making the most of being " best handling" in a recent BIKE magazine article Guy, will you be gettting the training wheels on your Harley? Got myself some new winter gloves and bought some bits and bobs from the MGOC stand, they had a Rosso Corsa and a 1924 single, and on the way back found a Scura in the bike park. Typical bike show
  16. http://www.dankalal.net/index.htm Now just match the picture to the avtar and you know who to thank for this .
  17. Black Diamond in the Rough There was another Guzzi in the bike park at the NEC show
  18. Okay I give in.
  19. I was going to ask Jaap to ask for a seperate Underclass Forum for us Toad in the Hole eaters, Where we could discuss Shell Suits and Burberry baseball caps it would be Chavtastic . It would look something like this
  20. It has been mentioned on one of threads concerning the different sumps and external filters, that one of them does away with the cooler anyway. I think it was mentioned that the cooler was superfluous unless sat in traffic in Mediterranean climate, but I can't remember if this was with or without the extra capacity one of the deep sumps gave you. Try some searching it was within the last couple of weeks I'm sure.
  21. This is from the man who after lecturing me to take it steady, before we left the Ponderosa on the Welsh Waltz, as the roads were damp. Within a 100yds has his back end step out. Though it could easily have been on a stone rather than damp. But other than that I can say KB doesn't suffer from lack of grip as he disappears off into the distance (or comes around the outside).
  22. Jaap, it looks like it unanimous You think the poll needs to be open longer
  23. You may have noticed that I feel I shouldn't have been given the Qiz point for Moto Guzzi, benelli engined 400GTS Jaap has taken steps to invalidate my mock E-bay auction to encourage him to take the Quiz point. So I'm asking you fellow Guzzisti to cast your votes.
  24. I see the Tenni has been bumped from "Bike of the Month" with still two clear days to go. I wonder how that will go down
  25. It doesn't look like your lady has any taste or sense of smell, I think she left her nose back in the hotel.
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