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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. Of course there is the Honda tribute - The Dylan 125
  2. It was the fringes on the raincoat that gave it away and the leather chaps (only) worn underneath that gave you away.
  3. I think a long time ago I did come across tyres that were as you describe when front and rears were the same size (?) I don't think that is the case anymore. I think tyres are so specalised now that your front tyre isn't used as a rear fitment on smaller models as it might have been in the past. I could allways be wrong
  4. Martin Barrett

    02 Scura

    I can't keep up with KB on his I think with the single plate clutch they might spin up quicker and the Ohlins suspension , but they're all really very simular. I think the bigest issue would be your requirements re the fairing and bar layout, and then the suspension to determine which varient to go for
  5. I work shifts, my patern aggregates a 40hr week, but as I do a mix of 9 and 10 hour days it averages out at slightly over 2 days off a week. I do try and do a couple of days extra as overtime a month (5 week pattern (20 really)) one to pay for the Guzzi . I get two weekends off over 5 weeks. I commute on the Guzzi - 13 miles each way. The odd days for the Round Britain Rally were mid week. Rallies etc depends on how they fell on my pattern. Both the Erin and the Highland Fling fell on a weekend off, but I took additional days off to travel and do some RBR on route. Next years Erin and German Rally fall on working days so I've booked a fortnight off, I could have made it to work on the Tuesday between them. I managed 9,000 miles this year
  6. My Debbie Harry story - When she was stageing her come back a few years ago with "Maria" the eldest lad and his friend were watching her on the TV. I then pulled out my copy of Parrallel Lines on LP and waved it at them. To cries of "whats that" I had to explain it was the fore runner to CD Perhaps I should have got my copy of Plastic Letters on compact cassette out - they might have seen one of those before
  7. Yes it getting a bit much. I've just had to do additional online training on equal opportunities. Last spring everyone had to do a days training as well. The cynic in me suspects this is to absolve the Chief Constable of any responsibility for any of my actions that might offend anyone. With the burden of proof being reduced to "balance of probabilities - civil law standard" from "beyond all reasonable doubt - criminal law standard" for discipline matters. The expressions “sacrificial lamb" and scapegoat spring to mind. I anticipate once you've had a few brushes if you're lucky enough to still have a job you might end up concentrating your efforts at white middle class motorists. My wife was telling me of the Christmas panto "Snow White and the seven Gnomes" that is being put on somewhere, in order not to offend the sensibilities of dwarfs. FFS Not only do we first offend them by casting them as honest hard working chaps residing in a fraternal group naming them by characteristics of their personality etc. We then remove any chance of regular seasonal employment. Under equal opportunities legislation I have successfully auditioned for a role and will be appearing as "Lanky- the 6' Gnome" So watch out cos "he's behind you"
  8. I think the nonhomophobic terminology you're looking for is " curved following the shape of the tail, not very suitable for fastening flat luggage to."
  9. There are racks that sit on and over the tail unit, not dissimular to the luggage racks on old two seat roadsters Motomecca have one and Moto Guzzi have their own on web site accessori page Then there's the Ventura Bike-Pack system. But if you only want it for the rack probably a bit expensive. ( I might add this to my get up)
  10. 675 triple Last months BIKE has a special on it and supplement. They were very impressed saying the first biking icon of the new centuary. Some have said that there's nothing new there but a collection all the top bits put together. The cynic in me believes that the praise might be the price of the scoop. But it sure does look nice and I hope for Triumph that it's as good as they say, They've now got a 6 month lead on the Japanese hope they can sustain it, thinks back to the RSV which was "the bike" for a while and has now become an also ran in this fickle world of newer,lighter, faster,better.
  11. Great colours and banner, Setting a dangerous precedent, the Scura and Rosso Mandello will want their own sub forum. I can't remember the run numbers for each. Any Idea of how many of each varient was actualy made. Any Guzzi is quite exclusive.
  12. I've still got my RD200DX in silver in my mums garage. I don't know if it would run, I'd imagine that the crank seals are all perished. I also robbed a few bolts off it for my XJ550. Cracking little bike. Progressed to it after passing my test on a 100cc single. Though if I rode one now would think it wasn't.
  13. I used an On line Free translation service - www.freetranslation.com it gives a rough idea of whats going on. Friday 16 June 2006 to Sunday 18 June 2006 There is a link and you have to fill your details in. I'm not sure if thats intrested or firm attenders. Map of where it is There is accomodation at the Cafe (not sure if rooms left) or you can camp (like me) When Chris and I posted on their forum, we got replies in English. Very friendly people. If you are thinking of coming across theres the Erin Rally the UK owners club rally held in Ireland the weekend before (last years was the first one and it was great- see various threads here), this one in Germany Friday 16 - Sunday 18 June and the Boxmeer one in Holland(another big rally) the following weekend. So if thinking of shipping your bike might as well make it a grand tour.
  14. I used to hanker after the Sport 1100. and to my recollection one year at the NEC show it became apparent it had been dropped from the lineup. I didn't like the naked bike that had replaced it. I'm thinking that it was the Centauro that they had on display not the V11 (but I could be wrong ). I think the Centauro varies in its asthetic appeal dependant on its colour scheme and what fairing and belly pans are fitted. John O'sullivan's is a beauty. (looked for a picture of it - but only got the two allready shown in the Erin thread with either KB or the bride sat on it) Others vary between hideous and horrific
  15. Now you're talking
  16. Perhaps they might be in the corner on the Piaggio Stand? I'm going on Monday the 31st. Will of course advise if any can be found.
  17. By all means hit us with the finished article, but please then show and talk us through the WIP
  18. The right bracket arrived today. Thank you Brian of GB Spares (I've not had chance to fit it yet as been busy laying laminate flooring) So I won't be needing to take Guy up on his kind offer.
  19. I'm with Ryan on this. I purchased mine to ensure that the existing ones remain reusable. And I'm going to heed Dan's advice about the guards. I was lucky not to do any damage when she fell over. One of the chaps at the MGC GB branch was knocked/fell from his Sporti this last month, which led to a bit of a discussion re the guards, the problem with the standard ones are that the countersunk holes form a sheer line for it to bend about. So ws advised to look for some with a bit more meat there.
  20. The little BMW is a single - Has four valve head and twin pipes. The second can isn't a true can or a dummy but a first box in the exhaust system on the more recent models
  21. I used http://www.rac.co.uk/web/carbuying/vehicle_data_search so doesn't give the full record. You can apply to the DVLA for current keeper details. The fact that its still on the system indicates some activity on the record recently. They do void records and it does vary after what time scale. But with SORN - Satutory Off Road Notification have to advise each year that the vehicle is not being used on the road or Licence it, the number of inactive records should soon be zero. If I missappropriated the PNC I could tell current keeper details, engine /chassis numbers, insurance details, if MoT (test certificate) current, if it had ever been considered likly to be/or written off any police reports on the vehicle - lost/stolen/found/abandoned/information/removed etc I could find the vehicle through partial index searches with up to 2 letters/3 numbers missing or against the owners address. I can check all transactions against that record over the last 11 clear months. Others can do descriptive searches ie black guzzi. However they can be a "bit funny" about missuse of the PNC and DATA Protection so I use it appropriatly only. However it is in the public domain that you know who is on release to "care in the community" He is perfectly safe unless he mistakes you for a 6' tall balding but moustached ripening bannana with intrests in micro bacteria and chemical structure
  22. Thanks for this tip. Postie arrived today with my package containing the footrest hanger Rang them up. Identified the correct part. The only problem is that on the newer bikes it's not a seperate part comes as part of the silencer. However they have a damaged right can off a new bike which was swopped out on sale and they're going to ship me the bracket So looking for a happy ending tomorrow.
  23. Using a handy available vehicle data search provided by the DVLA through the RAC Manufacturer MOTO GUZZI Model Body type MOTORCYCLE Colour Fuel type PETROL Date manufactured 31 December 1990 Number of previous owners 3 Last owner change 10 June 1999 So it's still a live record so would appear to be still in use.
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