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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. I thought we'd gone back to the Bag Balm thread
  2. 109 inches or 278cm if you prefer Do I keep it or put it on Ebay? Wasn't to bad. I tried to keep it on a trailing throttle and less than 4000RPM only a short distance and only at one point did I come to a stop. Wasn't quite as loud as when the balance pipe fell off. Wasn't delivered today, but the way the chap said "be in the post tomorrow" I took as I will dispatch it tomorrow. As long as they remember it should turn up tomorrow. I've ordered stuff three(?) times now and once it seemed to have been overlooked and had to chase up but it tends to arrive the next day if ordered in the morning.
  3. One infidel has his bike pointing the wrong way. He might try to say it was forward planning being able to ride in and ride out. But don’t believe the faithless one’s lies. nb He's the one not praying
  4. In previous posts I’ve mentioned that one of my exhaust cans has a bit of a wobble and that this has been pointed out a couple of occasions on ride outs and we’ve subsequently tightened up the clamps to no avail. Well today on the way home from work the bracket that attaches the silencer can to the pillion footrest hanger snapped across the mounting point to the hanger. It did this, or rather I think it did it as I braked at the end of the exit slip to come off the motorway. I limped around the roundabout into a lay-by. The exhaust was swung out. I pulled it of the collector box and then pondered what to do. I’m only a couple of miles from home across town. Do I: Sling it in the bushes and ride home coming back for it in the car; Stuff it down my jacket and ride home; Ring the wife to bring the car; Ring the recovery company or Limp to the motorcycle workshop that I use and have him weld it up. a- Some bugger might nick it b- Too big and hot c- Too many kids and don’t fancy the verbal abuse d- Don’t want to wait for “45” minutes e- A bit late in the day Then I spy tied around the frame of the smashed Telephone Kiosk in the lay-by a handy piece of string. So utilising this I tie the silencer to my tank bag mounting clips and make my way home. Straight on to the phone to order another bracket. GB Spares have one in stock, apparently they snap if you drop the bike. I wonder if it got weakened why I dropped the bike on the ferry to Ireland. £33 GBP and in the post tomorrow. Just hope they don’t send me the footrest hanger by mistake.
  5. From one of Todd's answers Dave Laing's pdf recall notice 111929 - 114435 (couldn't cut and paste fron the pdf)
  6. I think you watched them on the radio and got these two mixed up. I think he gets the nice hat he aspires to. She has a hat from Holland I'm given to believe
  7. Is it a transponder thingy for either toll roads/bridges/tunnels; auto garage opening or a tracking device installed covertly by the "fun" Police
  8. I used one on my FJ top piece of kit. Made sure my panniers ( Krausers K2 white with red doors) allways were splatted in lube, they never rusted. I could fit it to the Lemans to replace the slow loss of engine oil.
  9. My lasting memory of Jaap's International V11 meeting was that of the line of 20 odd V11s snakeing across across the top of the dike roads. I think that there was 24 (inc Pauls Daytona and the Voxan) of us on the ride out. Not every one went, I know Chris and Jane went elsewhere, and in the photo below a stop in Nijmegen on the return leg. Richard "Warsaw" on his Rosso Mandello and his Monster riding friend Malcolm had allready diverted off to catch an early ferry back to get to the ACE Cafe. There where so many it was difficult to get them all in a photograph.
  10. I initaly thought you'd posted one of these I could under stand Life insurance being refused if you where going to comute with it*. *It's a corgi, civilian version of the Paratroopers bike. Comute - jump out of aeroplane ride the bike - mental picture akin to Slim Pickens at the end of Dr Strangelove.
  11. Yes! We are all individuals.
  12. I thought I recognised the hat. Just Poped out for a ride.
  13. Erin - I hope so. Poped - glad you picked me up on that. I thought it would have been about getting it out and trying harder. But the Pope is German so it's on thread anyway.
  14. That being electrotherapy
  15. I've poped over and posted that I would go. Chris I used http://www.freetranslation.com/ I have no German. I hope it's about right.I was so ashamed by my lingustic ablities following Jaap's International V11 Meeting I went and got a learn German CD. I managed to learn to count to ten. I will be getting it out and trying harder. (that was a fatal sentance just wait till it gets miss quoted ) Debs said I can go and she didn't have a problem with the ERIN as well, even if it was adjacent weekends Just need work to confirm my leave.
  16. As a result of your post I've just put a leave request in for that weekend. I'm not sure if it will clash with the Erin next year assuming it wll happen. Hope it doesn't. If they coincide I would go to Ireland. If they are consecutive weekends I would get it in the neck at home but would still try and do both. Will you be thinking of arranging a V11 one in the UK this year? I see Jaap's name is on the list allready so there would be two sets of friendly faces at least
  17. Ah, but which fool. there is a choice of three. A fool can refer to: A court jester or clown. A fruit fool, a recipe made with cooked fruit such as gooseberries or bilberries. The Fool, the only numberless major arcana card of the tarot JRT is a scientist and doesn't frequent courts - that must be Bill (a lawyer). I wouldn't suggest JRT is a fruit, depite his knowledge of Bag Balm. That must leave the the Tarot card and checking the link and it starts "With light step, as if earth and its trammels had little power to restrain him, a young man in gorgeous vestments pauses at the brink of a precipice among the great heights of the world; he surveys the blue distance before him-its expanse of sky rather than the prospect below." Having seen the picture of him resplendent in his bananna yelow aerostitch in the snow it surely fits.
  18. It would seem that you’re destined for the far corner of the room. The view isn't very good. Pick me up as you go past the group W bench.
  19. The stronger trousers or the special bike?
  20. http://www.luggagelocker.com/luggage-tank-locker.htm was posted on this site a while back has a simular method. For what it's worth I still like my Baglux despite the kill switch incident (not the right post talk about asking for it - one month later )
  21. What Keith is far too polite to say is that "the rest is because he's a fat (250lb plus gear) git and exceded the Youngs modulus of his spring and squashed it" The difference is quiet noticable and the bikes look quite different. It should also make it turn in quicker etc with more weight over the front. I don't know if there's any difference in the height of the yokes on the forks?
  22. Aren't our tanks plastic?
  23. Standard with the 03 long tank with internal pump
  24. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=61916
  25. Martin Barrett

    V11 Quota

    If they are they're on backwards. The Guzzi ones go fat end to the front
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