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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. You seem to have caught her by suprise, lying on the floor with your camera. Luckily there was the Ambo there otherwise she would have fallen right over and possibly sustained an injury. "Moto Guzzi a major contribution to workshop safety"
  2. Camber of road is another variable to take in to account. The rotation of the crank in a clockwise direction viewed longatudialy promotes a turn to the right. Not as significant as the old rotary engined fighter planes eg Sopwith Camel, but the same principles. The right hand cylinder is forward of the left, this enduces a clockwise turning moment about the centre of the machine. And what about the effect of the earth spining, there is a gyroscopic effect the same that causes winds to spin anti clockwise about a low pressure. I take the bike was new to you and not been dropped etc. Have you checked for wheel alinement. How new are the tyres, could the wear due to road camber etc be exagerating the effect As you probably guessed I haven't a clue. Sorry to have wasted your time if you've got this far. But some it sounded good didn't it? edit, I type slow this should have been the first reply
  3. Antonio, I was not at your height. but the way you had expressed it. You had converted it from the metric 1.74m and expressing it in imperial feet but left it with 5.7086614. Us ludites and Yanks who still use imperial would never dream of expressing as such but as feet and inches. It's only when they reach for the feeler gauges to do the tappets would they use a decimal system of 1000ths but would still call it n/1000ths of am inch rather than 0.00n. I thought that you had left it so, as a comment on the archaic method of measurement hence I didn't want to be perceved as laughing at the shorter person . Which is why I edited my quote to just the number. I'm sorry that you thought I was laughing at you. I only laugh with my friends and not at them. Please allow me to get the beers in the next time we meet 1.74m = 5' 8 1/2 " (which is an above average height in the UK) Why is that short people are so touchy about it? (bugger gone and done it again )
  4. Chris, are you back yet? Pics and report wanted!
  5. I had hoped to sneak out today, and pop along. But I have unselfishly let Debs go out for the day instead. So far this morning I've baked chocolate muffins with my two smallest children. The weather looks good and the slightly cooler day should make for good power Hope you have a great time and be sure to post some pictures etc.
  6. The photos went of burnt onto a CD. had a confirmation Email saying " Photos arrived, all marked okay" Arrgh what does that mean? Was he able to mark all the photos; was I right that I'd drop marks for wrong landmark right location or did I'll actually get the right landmarks? The suspence is killing me I'll just have to wait till the results are published. Now during the Welsh Waltz Gary let on that he had been doing the RBR. and over on the RBR Forum there was a post by "Rich" Rich are you here? Who else has been doing it? and where are your comments or threads?
  7. Tx get her to sit on you, and Rita ain't gonna budge ya. Seriously -take care and good luck
  8. Heal well, Heal quick. Is it clean break, or a green stick. My three year old had a green stick where she fell off a climbing frame. Didn't slow her down too much. Was able to keep the sling on her for a week only because it was too tight to take off. when we went back for an adjustable one she refused to wear it. Was funny when she tried to convince us that her arm was better and when asked to raise her arm she could only get her hand to shoulder hight, but she wouldn't have it that she needed tp wear her sling It's always difficult where you don't know what exactly went wrong
  9. Ryan, 1- are you running open bell mouths? 2- Whats the little bottle?
  10. I really like the Thruxton and I could have ended up with one instead of the Guzzi if they were about when I was looking. As it was it was a choice between the Sprint RS and the V11 Lemans. The one thing that puts me off ( and you can berate me for being a squid) Is the published comparative top speeds. I was coming of an FJ1200 (150) considering Sprint (155) or V11 (135). Didn't what to loose all that reserve. I do find that I tend to ride the V11 faster everywhere than the FJ. I don't know if thats just because you have to work it that little bit harder so it becomes natural and she likes it. Folow this logic and would I run a Thruxton flat out all the time? I like those Goldie style pipes
  11. Speaking from a position of complete ignorance as will become apparent if you read on. I think there is a strength of feeling to dropping the pan. Apparently the gasket normally doesn't split if you have a spare. Give oportunity to clear wire filter etc. I went this way for my first filter change*, but ran into difficulty when one of the bolts was a bit reluctant. So in then end I went for a oil change only, have read on wildguzzi than some go for a filter change every third change, and I wanted to use the bike the next day so didn't want to make a bigger job than nessecary. With my new Allen keys the bolt has undone no problem, just have to decide if to get a clean oil tray so I can reuse the oil I just put in, or do a few miles before going for another complete oil change With pan off I think any strap/chain wrench should suffice. I don't know if there are internals that protrude that would prevent the screwdriver through the case trick. I never got my new filter out the box, so can't say even if it's a true spin on type or mounts over a spigot/pipe thingy ma jig. * I had counted the numerous topping ups as the equivilent of an oil change
  12. So thats the ointment that you and BFG keep mentioning I'd hate to think what your "friends" would do to Pete with his soft and moist bag. But I'm sure a man who seeks solace in the company of a rubber chicken whilst in the outback would be able to look after his own bag. nb It says on the tin for "small injuries" not small bags
  13. and the yellow high viz bib
  14. Congratulations. I couldn't find a picture of a "Gwerble" but here's a Gerbil to add to your signature to mark this monumentous occasion
  15. Reminds me of this, when they get a bit crossed up.
  16. Very basic and tempoary - either in off the http://www.wildguzzi.com/ home page or http://www.wildguzzi.com/Forum/disc2_frm.htm Hope he can get it sorted on to a stable platform.
  17. Foul play is afoot. (or cue BFG fowl play - the orange smoked lens stealing chicken)
  18. Bringing this uptodate for those who haven't seen it. The Griso, both views covered. Guzzi and porn both usages of the internet rolled in to one I still don't have a print myself.
  19. I got caught putting my hemet on in an attempt to mask out the wind noise on the microphone, and see if it effected the tonal balance of the Griso. Didn't do much except convince the wife I'm slightly nuts
  20. Ah, corporate coloured uniform as well. Orange and pink.
  21. Nicely put, should clarify it perfectly for those for which English isn't their first language (rather like my spelling)
  22. Seems like the wind will be picking up this week
  23. Just click on the picture and takes you in. Bill looks great. I enjoyed your accounts on Wildguzzi of the trials and tribulations. Was just to far for me to go. and Don impressive distances, hope it wasn't just slab work, that becomes tedious. See people it is worth getting up in the middle of the night to set off you can get in an easy 150 miles before breakfast.
  24. Harvey is that you?
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