Martin Barrett
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I've just created a new thread promoting my wife's web site on one of our children shameless plug Now there is very limited Guzzi content on this , one picture of the lad in question sat on his Dad's bike. I just wanted to share this with you, my friends. It could have easily gone into the introduction thread. Or it could fall foul of a no guzzi no post rule. But I belived that its worthy of bringing into the open. I hope that none of you have had to experiance anything close to this, but I'm sure some of you will have done so or known someone in a similar position. I have no guilt in creating this thread , it's there should you you want to refer to it after dipping in or it can be ignored. It's your choice. I don't think it will cause offence. But one could argue its relevenace on a Guzzi site for if you put the right words into a search engine you might find it never the less. Without the off topic threads this site will stagnate. the V11 has been around for 5 years and most of the topics have been aired allready and can be dealt with in a search of old threads. They show what affects, intrests or makes up a Guzzi owner I'm sorry I've started to ramble but that whats happens when you been at the G&T. i've only had two , but I find pints convieniant, don't have to get up to fix another so often. But hope you can pick our what I mean.
Over the last 18 months the wife has become a Moto Guzzi widow. with me sneaking on to V11lemans.com for a quick look at the most recent post. or if I'm really lucky popping out on the bike. She has gotten her own back and has been creating her website on the trials and tribulations concerning one of our 4 children. Michael, who was born prematurely. at 24 weeks gestation. Now this doesn't quite fit in with the rough tough biker image, so I post the link so that you can bring it to the attention of your more sensitive significant other or anyone else that you know may be in a similar situation. One of the things we found was the lack of information on what to expect. Michaels website hint read it without the sound on if you don't have a box of kleenex to hand And just to add some Guzzi content here's a picture of him on "daddy bike" Please feel free to sign her guest book NB also has a Babel fish link if you need a translation
Pic is nearly 3.2 mb , needs resizing and compressing , then edit original posts also what is the "orifice" for?
Cant get my BKS leathers on, shrunk in the wardrobe. That why I now wear textile(couldn't bring myself to buy more leathers) 18 months on they still don't fit must try harder
Sure sounds like mine gone to OnYerBike Not so good Please put link to this This customer has one less thing to abuse now to get his kicks
Some nice looking bikes there. Noticed a Kawazaki two stroke triple in the back ground, don't see those often. I liked the red and silver guzzi (21). A road test on a preproduction 1100 sport in a simular colour scheme brought Moto Guzzi back to my conscious. I still would fancy an 1100 sport. Thank you for rejigging the link to take us into your pictures. The original link only took to host so without your user name or cookies, couldn't progress further.
...town took its name from the British explorer Captain George Vancouver, who spent all of a single day on the site in 1792. Van --- before at front cou ---- french for neck ( on free translation . com ) er --- some one who does so therefore someone who does before a neck - we're not being rude are we?
Yes. I think we were talking at breakfast. I remember the mention of time away at sea. Jumping to conclusions from your avtar. Is this you, closest, with back turned to camera talking to the chap who had the modified scura on the Saturday ride outduring the return leg from TLM to Vasseveld No not yet , Looking forward to having her back soon, PLEASE . want to go to the UK V11 and Buel Highland Fling and the GMG. Not quite the same turning up in a Ford Mondeo. Thats two - How many single plate clutches disintergrated? One swallow doesn't make a Spring - Two cracked Suspension eyes doesn't make an endemic problem. It helps that it sits there quietly and doesn't rattle like a can of nails shouting "Am I going to fail or is this normal"
Breaks down in to four parts, wheels and axels come off. Takes up very little space in the back of his van. Best bit was as you roll up the ramp at the back it see saws down, but still is attatched to tow hitch.
I was hoping to replace my rear tyre when it went back for its new headers, I was going to ask them to go around with the grease at same time. It seems it would have been too late. still waiting for one header since mid November when the correct ones were ordered.
The oil light failed to go out this morning. So I first went to check the level so put her on the shop stand. Was OK but dribbled a little more in for good measure. The light still wouldn’t go out. But was very feint at tick over. Now I suspected that it would probably be an electrical short around the switch. Only last week the side stand switch was playing up but was fine the next day, before it was WD40’d. So I hoped a squirt of WD40 would sort it out and it would be fine when I went back to it later. So a quick squirt on what I thought appears to be oil pressure switch. Then put her away and search on the board to check. Roll her off the stand. There’s a metallic tinkle and this half a donut shaped piece rolls out from under the bike. Initial thoughts are what have I knocked off with the stand? Picked it up thinking exhaust collar? As soon as it’s in my hand I suspect the rear shock mounting eye. Quick look reveals my fears to be right. Looking at the piece two thinks struck me 1- Rust around the inner face. I assume it was assembled dry without grease. 2- One fracture was clean and shinny the other had a dirty arch around a very small clean area. I came in and reached for the service book, checking to see if this was covered by PDI or a service item. I would have hoped greasing the suspension linkages would have been at least an annual service item. Called the dealer and then the recovery centre. The only upside of this storey was within an hour she was on the back of trailer being taken to the dealers, all covered by its warranty as only 18months old with less than 8,000 miles. I’m so glad that it failed under these circumstances not at speed on the road. Debs now has it in for the Guzzi big time. Given the number of little issues it has had and now this. but it's because she cares The moral of the story is when Pete and others say when you get your new Guzzi take it apart and reassemble it with grease they mean it.
:!: This thread is in serious need of intervention by a moderator. it needs a health warning. In the UK over the last few years we have been plagued with "reality" TV shows. Breaks down into two types: "I used to moderately famous, but have fallen on bad times and need to revive my career" "I can catapult my career by winning this popularity contest. A wacky persona or sympathy is all I need. a gimmick not ability" but really are the same "lets pretend that this is really important, sell lots of tabloid newspapers and magazines, and fund it all through telephone voting cheep TV" I feal sorry for the captive audiance, having payed good money to go and watch their team are subjected to this at half time. If these are the finalists in Polish Pop Idol they are surely no better off than the cold war days when a Soviet satellite (ops too political).
Fabulous, I had imagined something like 1930's pylon racing. But was totaly awestruck to find between the gates against the clock in a city centre location. I can't see the races being allowed to be held in the UK or anywhere in the EU. Health and safety and other nanny state legislation preventing it. At air shows you have a dead side of the runway, not possible down the river running through a major city. The air Navagation order prohibits flying within 500' of a build, vessal or structure so no flying under bridges here. Might just about squeeze under the millau viaduct I used to hold a PPL (private pilots licence) many years ago and the skill difference is like Rossi v lad on first go on a field bike
I did think it could have been a medival seige weapon, but then realised it was a ramp simular to that used by the V1 rocket. It is therefore a launch ramp for a V11 to cross the English Chanel but is fitted with the European Community approved safety device on the end. which curtailed Lugi's record breaking cross chanel attempt on !st April 2004
Guzzi Tim used to have Wallace and Gromit in the motorcycle combination as his avtar, over recent weeks it was a blank square and today it has become this. So the new year is faced with this quandery what is it?
How to impress your Inlaws on the Holidays. NGC.
Martin Barrett replied to callison's topic in 24/7 V11
Can you actualy buy that? Do you need to be licenced? Is there any limits RPG, SAM, wired guided anti tank missiles? Currious re cultrual difference -
With freedom comes responsiblity and the obligation to use it such. Here in the UK there has been a bit of an uproar over a play which features a rape and murder set in Sikh temple. It was being performed in Birmingham which has a large Sikh community. Obviously the author, who I understand is also a Skih, has achieved her 15 minutes of fame. The production was pulled after it was stormed by actavists. If it is run elsewhere is guarenteed an audiance out of morbid curiosity. This raises issues of should the author have been prohibited from using this setting. Where the activist right in storming the production, causing damage and injury. I would say no to both accounts. The play should run, the Skih community should say that it is unrepresenative, some people would go to see the play, apparently it's nothing special and it probably have a short run. And most people wouldn't care particularly one way or another. Here in the modern afluent western world generaly we pay lip service to our particular creeds. there are areas were sectarisum is rife and opions polarised. If these extreme opions are allowed out into the open where they can be subject of debate and challenged and hopeful exposed for what they are. and society will take a moderate line. However I enjoy this forum because we don't have to debate these extremes, there are no personal attacks on the members, aside from a little gentle ribbing. which is delivered without vitriol (I hope). Our membership is multinational and whilst predominately would seem to be white middle aged and reasonably affluent, its not exclusivly so. we are here because of a common intrest in the V11 series Moto Guzzi. I wouldn't ban off topic threads. Even the ones that are a bit close to the mark can be viewed several ways. It is difficult sometimes to know how any comment was intended even with useage of smilies. The are you Gay thread for example I felt was challenging homophobic behaviour through hummor and was posted in living up to the internet persona of a bigot. There are those who would see as stirring up hatered and even worse people whose opion whould be swayed. On seeing it it did cause the suck through the teeth and I wasn't supprised to see it pulled. And I support Jaap that he felt it had crossed the line of his forum and he did what he deemed nessecary I support your right to have your different opions to me and to voice them, I might not agree with them, but would ask that you air them in an appropriate manner in an appropriate place
This is the 2005 UK V11
Following floating the idea a couple of months back. Chris opted to direct his efforts at the combined Buell and Moto Guzzi V11 meting. Partly as Baldini and I both indicated that we couldn't do two seperate meetings close together. Thats 1/3 of the participants who stayed both nights at Dodford. So the forthcoming UK V11 meeting will be shared with Buell, if we get a good turn out it might be worth doing a sole brand for 2006. Last year 6 camped for both nights and a couple more turned up for the second but there was another 1/2 dozen day tripers. So its difficult for Chris to organise as the turn out is relativly small, and people can't allways commit early. Obviously with the venue at Spean Bridge due to being a bit more remote, its likely to attract less day trippers Details on V11 & Buell Weekend July 2005, A Highland Fling Hope to see you all there.
Here is a scene from last years UKV11 meet at Dodford. The Palm pilot confirms that it is more comfortable to ride with the seat on. It was a new toy at that time perhaps its functionality has been fully discovered now, and you will get the feedback you seek.
Antonio, will post it Monday. I believe you are PAL in the Netherlands, We are are pals here in moto guzzi land
Antonio, PM me your postal details and I'll put one in the post. Probably arrive between christmas and new year.
missed that first time through Seriously, well worth a look. There is more than Moto Guzzi and porn on the net. Oh! perhaps not this falls under the first catagory. Must widen my horizons. I like reading your travelogues. Once the constraints of a young family are loosened I look forward to spreading my wings a bit more. I might be able to take in some of the roads that are featured. Two tours planned for next year V11 & Buell weekend, and a week around the GMG. So will bore you with mine. Meanwhile visit this site and perhaps add a word of encouragement. Everyone likes their efforts to be appreciated. My wife has a site and is encouraged greatly by the hit counter going up. When someone signs her guest book it makes her day. Keep him blogging
Sorry. It was not I . KENR put it on to a server. I can just make copies PAL or NTSC without region codeing and send them snail mail - willing to do so - so far only sent 3 copies out - Finland , USA and Australia so some pennies left in the piggy bank to do some more, But will not probably arrive till next year (in the spirit of Moto Guzzi parts). So the choices are there depending on how urgently you wish to see these old duffers talking about the good old times, whilst us young bucks post about our ultra moden machines
Throtle Position Sensor - I hope - My understanding is that its is a variable reostat and indicates to the ECU a variable value, and depending on the resistance level that you set as a base figure . The Gods of Electrickery will accept the sacrifice of Ron 95 with the sound of thunder and allow you forward motion. I can understand , jets, needles and slides - for anything else I can subscribe to a omnipotent being