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Martin Barrett

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Everything posted by Martin Barrett

  1. I give a delightful little anecdote about knives (in keeping with the thread) and in order to keep your attention I interject a little misplaced humour, and that gets picked up on and Dave takes me to task. Meanwhile the Canadian double act, initially suggest dealing with the irk some neighbour by clubbing him in his sleep and then escalate by introducing firearms so can be done from afar. Knowing the Texans(et all) were waiting in the wings. Can't you see what they're doing. Ryan has fixed his V11 and they're just waiting for the snow to clear. They're bored, just poking us with a stick to get a reaction. And now setting me up as the fall guy. You've not been taken to task about the shillelagh, because the assumption has been made that it's made from wood from a sustainable forest. Little do they realise that it's principle usage is seal clubbing Don't be taken in by his avatar - he is that evil clown and yes I did take the bait
  2. psst I'll let you into a trade secret - we just make it all up, and rely on presentation and "good character" works a treat in the magistrates court but not so good in front of a jury of doubting Thomas. CCTV, camera phones etc are really having an adverse effect on this method of "evidence" gathering
  3. That's not shrinking, thats been eaten by a star goat
  4. Mine arrived begining of last week I'd ordered in June. I'm due new tyres shortly, so the big question is to fit it or leave the bodge washer in as the bearings seem to be holding up fine
  5. Quite right solo configuration. Just to clarify twin bag bagster tank bag set up and riders own long range hump. I am the shitp of of the desert
  6. It's on california models and post 03's * emmision contol gubbins. based on fact thatr it's not fitted to mine So probably not fitted to yours
  7. Arrgh Moderating hat called for and I've had too many tonight. Hope this comes out as I intend. Alex has outlined a set of circumstances, and how he has felt about that. You have to make some allowances as English isn't probably his first language and we have difficulty some time putting down succinctly and clearly what we exactly mean. But he has introduced the compatibility of irk some neighbours and his interest in knives. Now we are all individuals, and our positions on any subject are made up of our upbringing and our exposure to events that directly effect that. Your truth may be different to mine but we must respect each others as a valid point of view. As a UK resident involved in law enforcement in "middle England" I have an abhorrence against the prospect of citizens arming them selves even in self defence. Unfortunately I don't know enough about Greek culture to know how relevant my experience and views are to Alex's circumstances. So therefore I've contributed give my experience and feelings about knives but haven't tried to be judgemental. The topic has as usual run slightly wide of line, and were now dealing with firearms and grenades. Again the possession and usage is out side of my culture and experience, despite having some cadet and military experience. I have some first hand experience of violent and traumatic death, I've had one person die on me, and I'm still not sure that my efforts to save him may have actually killed him. Apart from a brief spell in the RAF my professional life has included the principle role "protection of life" I have some qualms about celebrating something that's principle aim is the taking of life and even more so something that is indiscriminate. Ferg has expressed good counter points, and his views should be respected. One of the good things of this board is that it brings together a whole range of people who have one common interest. I enjoy this diversity and really enjoy your road trip experiences and pictures, and it is interesting on seeing individual views on topics. I have the advantage of meeting Ferg at the Erin back in 05 and he seems a really good guy. So even if you dislike the prospect of being told what to do. Perhaps if you view it as doing a Guzzi brother a favour and move this topic back on topic to deal with anti social neighbours and perhaps the advisability of self defense esp with knives. I'd hate to have to break out the moderating bat for I believe we can learn a lot by listening to each other, but we need to respect each other and understand that others views may not be the same as ours, and not do do anything to offend. We could always open up a separate thread for the " blood thirsty and insensitive" to deal with these issues so that sensitive souls can avoid them* but I'm not sure that's the answer - comments please ( I'll open a new thread) Play nice. * that's everyone offended, so that's okay. EDIT _ Thank you Alex - you've got your reply in whilst I was typing this out
  8. Guy, you're a git. I saw this earlier. and having taken the lad out to football training I was tempted to have a quick spin and catch a picture of the V11 and the full moon. but was put off by the fact I'd have to collect him shortly and the moon was rising fast and shrinking. Had nothing to do with the fact it's was near freezing and had passed 3 gritter lorries on the way to footy training (2 miles) I'll have to settle for the fact that I won't have to lift share to work next week and can take the Guzzi. Though the A1M isn't quite the same as the Yorkshire moors. Glad you were able to make the most of a nice day, I was sleeping off my last night shift. and have commitments with the TV and the six nations rugby over the weekend
  9. I have been accused of over packing But I'm with Ratchet those bags do seem an allfull long way back. Luckily I come supplied with a natural counter weight that places a large amount of weight just forward of the seat I see the bike as a GT rather than a sports. That's GT in trans continental, not Winnebago
  10. That's what the Flight Sergeant said when I was doing my RAF weapons training - 9mm Browning SLP at 15yds. "Wait to you see the whites of their eyes and throw it at them" Explains the shoot outs on the telly on the "cops" type programmes. I've seen some live round demonstrations at police training school. Most impressed with the solid rifled slug though things probably have moved on since then with sabots etc
  11. Sorry I'd have to take the hit on that. I suppose rather akin how I find " special needs child running", can see where the humour is coming from but it doesn't hit the spot for me (too close to home) I think I phrased that poorly it would have been better - The problem whilst I say it tongue in cheek - there are those officers who take it literally On a daily basis we are faced with the stereo type of racist; violent; bigoted and donut munching. I'd admit to the donut munching There are some classic comedy moments based on these stereotypes. Unfortunately some of these traits manifest in excesses like Dave pointed out and the subsequent investigation sometimes can appear like a whitewash. These acts do us no favours at all. Perhaps I've just been lucky but have never seen excesses like that, perhaps it better selection and different environments? What I do see (cctv), daily is officers facing utmost provocation and acting appropriately and proportionately, with out resorting to excessive force. But a few rotten apples spoil it for the whole barrel, and these days it knows no borders.
  12. The problem whilst I say it tongue in cheek - there are those who take it literally In my examples above the head shot with the Asp could be justifiable, the "beating the crap out" wouldn't, and having thrown his scalpel away, he became compliant and was cuffed without any "roughing up" I remember the first time I was disbelieved at Crown Court. I took it personally as an attack on my integrity. But these people don't know me. And why not as a LEO. This role should be undertaken by persons of the highest moral integrity* & courage. It has to be done properly, whats the satisfaction in seeing a guilty person walk because you've been caught massaging the evidence and may even get a payout. * open road speed limits are my downfall
  13. In the UK, basically illegal and quite likely to end up in serious bother.* Knives give me the willies. These days if I came across some one (not likely in the radio room - except for buttering my toast) and they didn't drop it PDQ. It would be a face full of PAVA (pepper) and a good chance of a head shot with the ASP (extendable baton) if still not dropped it by the time the PAVA's away and the baton out. A small kitchen knife can do so much damage let alone one of Alex's purpose built things. A long time ago I attended a call in the mental health unit where a chap had barricaded himself in his room and armed him self with a scalpel, as a protest about being discharged. I donned the turtle shell chest armour out the boot of the car and my leather gloves. The plan was to force our way in to the room I'd rush him take control of the knife hand if necessary pulling it into the shell, and my trainee would beat the crap out of him (sorry that should read secure and cuff him). He hadn't thrown the bolts that secured the half door to the floor so the door and half door could give enough to get to his barricade and having cleared it enough to burst in. We did so. Up to that point If you'd asked me who was most scared I would have said me, not sure how good a plan it really was. But seeing the look of terror on his face and the speed he dropped the scalpel I'd quickly say it was him He was discharged into my care. These days we'd have a team of negotiators, a PSU (riot squad with long shields) and the firearms car with Taser option. Other than that they've either been discarded prior to arrival, or on request. Take care in the kitchen. Having said that I carried at work (not needed in radio room) a pocket knife on my utility belt, has a large key ring threaded through one end and my handcuff key is on that hangs from a clip on the belt. * Criminal law sentencing
  14. I found a drawing of santa on her V11 over on Pexi's was a Breva but now a Norge blog
  15. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=103690 ( and this one might not have been the very first) but thank you for bring it back in to the spotlight
  16. A celebration of national identity and an excuse for the rest of us to join in - party party There's no way with four fussy children could have haggis for dinner, though have partaken previously. Now they've gone to bed I'll partake with a little tipple, though it will be a blend. Have a little V11 content - here's a picture from 2005 RBR, the landmark at Annan, a memorial to commemorate Burn's period of time he was stationed there as a customs watchman.
  17. I need a translation for most hip hop and rap But the videos tend to feature busty women in skimpy out fits so fit in the artistic category. It just happened that the next video when I had my camera in hand featured "the bee girl" The other question is why do they only offer this service in the middle of the night - the signing not the busty women - on the music channels, there are plenty of busty women on some of the others at this time also. At least the BBC put signing on the news channel when the normal channel is also a news programme, ie in the mornings
  18. I use a nice coating of road grime to mask any paint imperfections
  19. I was just about to post this in response to Ben's Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. This link has a whole load of different language versions. It took me a couple of goes to get what Ferg was getting at
  20. Just given some thought to this Perhaps it allows interpretation of the video, which is principally a visual medium Jason, would it help with the jello city?
  21. Late at night when browsing the Internet I tend to have the TV on as well , behind me with one of the music channels playing. I just looked around to see in the bottom corner as person "signing" This just struck me as rather surreal. I know there will be people who aren't totally deaf who sign, who perhaps can't fully hear the lyrics. I wonder if this is part of some PC accessibility requirement? Here's a screen shot of Blind Melon's No Rain being signed The lyric - produced hear for those deaf amongst us The video on Google video - without the signer in my still the signer is indicating the laughing audience at the start
  22. O leiaf gwnaech mo archa i mewn Cymraeg
  23. The new Triumph Tiger 1050 is in a similar mode (not really ment to go off road)
  24. It's my understanding thet these days "The Crown" no longer means the private estate of the monarch, but the general central government. But I'm sure a QC (top lawyer) some where will argue the toss funded by legal aid, and provide exceptions. As a police officer I'm " a citizen locally appointed but having authority under the crown......" As a former commissioned officer in the RAF I swore my allegiance to the Queen, her heirs and successors and then some guff about doing as I was told to do by those appointed over me. So to my mind you're correct. but I do think they serve a purpose and I'd be loathed to replace them with an elected head of state.
  25. No pounds as in sterling (£) like what several dollars worth. It's good to see that some one else's government id f...ing up their economy even worse than than your own. (our mortgage rate are at a 10 year high - just basing on exchange rates) I don't earn enough - any one want to buy a kidney?
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