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Midle Age Warrior

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Midle Age Warrior last won the day on February 24 2017

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About Midle Age Warrior

  • Birthday 07/19/1963

Profile Information

  • Location
    Caracas, Venezuela
  • My bike(s)
    2001 Guzzi V11 Sport, 2000 Yamaha TDM 850, 2000 Yamaha Majesty 125, 1999 BMW R1100GS

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  1. This will be next
  2. Guys I did it I did put the shaft in a vise and tried to undo the nut using a 5 feet lever I lift the work bench and the nut remains in place The workshop manual said the torque for that nut is around 200 Nm so it should be tight but man mine is tight tight. I guess I read someone let the Bevel Box in the bike and use the bevel box and brakes to hold the pice and then with a lever undo the nut. Any Ideas beside using the special tool I do not have, I can not borrow or I will not buy for sure. Talking about the tower nut I did a tool myself to undo this one As usual thanks for your help and thogths
  3. Hi Guys This nut drive me crazy, how do you take it out #13 in the pic Thanks
  4. 20% of water help free the flavors I was told during a visit to a destilerie in Skie few years back
  5. Denis I know you wrote this about four years ago but this Talisker bottle of yours ys faulty for sure a friend of mine bring one to home last month and it did not make the whole night, the evapotration rate was like five hours or so. Peated, salty, smoked or medium bodie I guess the scotch is like the womens to many to taste them all and every one has her own style but at the end I like them all
  6. Congratulations Scud for the lastet adition to your stable as I always do before start to work in my V11 I check the forum for ispiration and I just finish the whole thread, impossile to find a better way to start congratulatios again. I was wodering since you already have some miles on the V11 could you enlight me about the differences between them
  7. Thanks for the responses I did not know the main seal is directional specific, that is a reason to choose the OEM instead of the one I found.Suggestion where can I get it in USA? Thanks Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  8. Hello guys a quick question about the size of the rear main oil seal of a 2001 Greeny V11 Sport here. I found locally a seal 68 53 8 (quick and cheap) but per the manual the seal size should be 68 53 10. My question is if the less taller seal will fit and what I must expect of it. Thanks in advance
  9. Nice to hear that you and the Greeny made it with out problems, by know you have a big tale to the grand kids when times comes, Good pictures by the way I always said to my self "why you did not took more pics" because at the end they are a great memory support . Congratulation for the new addition to your stable
  10. Congratulations swooshdave Mine does not look bad but yours looks awesome. Enjoy the ride and in any case you can ask to the forum wisdom and a solution will appear. I got my Greeny with lead in a wind that lead me to a race to bring her to the road and the forum help made it much more easy. Since that I have been enjoyed having her in my stable, yes she worries me a lot but to be fair I spent most time thinking in a possible problem than faced them. I wish to be in your position right now I planned to drive from L.A to Seattle once but could not make it but I least I drove a nothing special Honda Civic through the HW1 untill San Francisco and was a great experience I could not imagine how nice could be in the Greeny of course with good weather, I rode 120 miles yesterday under a poring rain and was not funny all the time. And if you need some advice of doing split lanes on sixth speed just PM here in Caracas Venezuela is kind national sport Good look and upload more pics of the adventure
  11. Hi guys I have been very busy working on a few things at the same time, V11, GS, wife car and some surgical procedure to my daughter beside regular things, that is why my V11 progress is so slow. The welder could not made the job this weekend but that give me more time to prepare the piece to be weld. LowRyter you said What do you meant with bake, if I can do to mine in order to have a better result I wold like to try it and if you finally fab the reinforcement to hold the gearbox wold you share the schematics of the piece in order to be reproduce it here in Venezuela. As the time goes by and seeing the your bike disassembled I think I must speedy up mine since I relay on my memory to put her together again I will keep you updated of my progress when I have any
  12. Hi guys I had a talk with the welder and he said it is doable and considering my situation I will try this option first, more now that I found a crack in the fork brace of my BMW GS . LowRyter I am so sorry to hear about your leak because it sound exact like mine, it is no easy to find the source because of the lot of things over the gearbox, my advice is to take the airbox and snorkels off grab a can of carburetor cleaner a give a deep clean to the area were it meet chassis look at up the pics of thread and I hope you do not find anything like my mines.
  13. Thank guys for your comments, when I found the origin of the leak I said to me "finally I already now were the oil comes from and the complete disassembled of the bike is now justify" I was a little exited and did not realized at the moment the proportions of the damage due to the structural implications, the first time I saw the crack I thought welding was the last choice because of the need of the complete tear down and the possible warpage of the matting surfaces like the side cover, but now after read what you post I take a deeper look of the gearbox and have to admit how bad it is. I will look for a capable welder and evaluate the possibilities TIG or new case. Now the question is why this happened and how avoid to occur again vibration, over torque of the holding bolt, bad design? Thanks guys the saga continues, will back to you after my meeting with the welder and then we will see if I need a new case. Roberto
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