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My bike(s)

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  1. My bike tries to keep fighting me for some reason I hope my quantity of technical malfunction topics can go down a bit in the near future Here goes for the latest chapter: Since i got the bike I noticed the underside of the gearbox was always covered in mud and other sh*t. Never paid to much attention to it. During the building of a exhaust i cleaned the engine/gearbox. After a few testrides i noticed the RH side of the gearbox was ''oily'' again. First i suspected the mating surfaces of the gearbox itself, since the appear to be oiltight by means of liquid gaskets. So i cleaned the box again and powdered it with talcum/baby powder. This revealed the oil was coming from the output-shaft-seal. Here you see the output seal where the driveshaft connects to the box: And below the best picture i could take of the oil weeping down from the seal: I like wrenching a lot, but im not to happy with this. The timing sucks because spring is already here. I plan on taking the bike on long trips this summer I do want to fix it before I start my holidays. However, i cant imagine im the only one with this seal ''failing'' since the MG shop sells a improved version of this seal. Since im going to fix it anyways, I might as well share my ''adventure'' I do hope, there is light on the end of this tunnel
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