Alex-Corsa Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Well things can happen fast and or sudden.To make the long story short , I was threatened to life from my neighbour (all good in my neighborhood except this a**hole) yesterday, he was swearing to cut my throat and bullsh*t like that. Unlike civilised societies like in Germany or UK,or so many other countries you guys are form, here in Greece there is no respect from people to another in vast majority.So one can constantlly crank up the music loud , any time he wants or have the loudest exhaust in the market and revup 1 o clock in the night , and if you complain aboout it then you can be threatened as well. Police does absolutelly nothing about it. Well,sooner or latter I am leaving this place so I had to take it cool till that time. Well most of these people are chickens they tend to threat when having in front witnesess of their friendly enviroment.You probably won't face such threats on a no witness enviroment.(well actually if that happens then things would be quite serious) But who did he threat? I am constantlly messing with knives for the last 4 years, and every day whether I'd practice my knife fighting, or sharpen something or think about knifes gennerally. The best way to win a fight is to avoid it, so that's what I did yesterday against a maniacly a$$hole throwing things at me and so on, I spoke with reason and tried cool things down. Here is a sample of my knife collection (not all but the best ones) all razor-shaving sharp 1.Starting from left to right we have the big 9"inch blade TrailMaster from Cold Steel One big blow with this can cut completly off a leg(anywhere) of a hand. Because of the steel it has and the convex type blade and edge and weight (17.5oz or 500gr.) 2. Tai Pan , aslo Cold Steel's with 7.5 inch twin edge blade this one can pierce through anything , even a scull.In cuts , it bites well too because unlike other dagger type knifes this one has a "leaf type" blade which allows for the blade to bite through when cutting. 3&4 Hehe these are the 4"Black Tallons inspired from nature, pierce and cut with one movement.(so nice I had to have them twice) 4. Screaming Eagle from TOPS knives, a nice piece on 154cm steel ,featuring a bone breaker at the back side, kan be taken to country for pick-nic or hunting and so on. 5&6 Boker a Jim Wagner design ,serrated and plain. Versatile knife designed from a well known special forces ,features a glass breaker at the back tip, & descrete clicp. 6&7 Nothing more to say than Benchmade M2 steel , on the 4.5" blade cuts materials through like butter. (M2 HS =High speed is used to make tools that can cut steel) Hope I never have to use these,but in a life threatening situation I will have to defend myself.
ferguzzi Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 The shitty thing is, if you do use one of those, the chances are you'll go down for a veeery long time. Plus, assholes always have friends with bigger knives/guns. Take care.
Alex-Corsa Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 ferguzzi said: The shitty thing is, if you do use one of those, the chances are you'll go down for a veeery long time. Plus, assholes always have friends with bigger knives/guns. Take care. Yep I know what you mean,that's why I DO take care.
Paul Minnaert Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 But a very little bit you do hope to use one for real? Whats the fascination else? To me it's like having a gun and no bullits with it.
Alex-Corsa Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 Paul Minnaert said: But a very little bit you do hope to use one for real? Whats the fascination else? To me it's like having a gun and no bullits with it. You're right on this Paul, perhaps one never use one for real life threatening situation, with a razor razor sharp (and tough) knife you can disable an opponent with a couple of cuts wthout being lethal at all. Most knifes that people threaten and use to kill other people are quite inneffective for doing what I described (dull in compartion)and are effective only for stabbing the abdiment area which can be leathal,so it's a kind of you know "a lost situation"... " a special tool doesn't have to do this to be effective.And unlike a gun in such occasion it can be quite presice(in experienced hands) in impact point and volume of damage as well. This it's not the base for having one, it is only one of the serving that a piece like this can do, and has to be used wiselly as well.I see them more as collectible items though but that doesn't mean I don't have to know how can they be used on any situation (cutting an orange or...) , and so on. Gennerally I am of the persons that I want to know what I use as best as it can be for me, whether is a bike , a PC, a paintbrush , or a special knife. The fascignation is something I can't explain ,I always liked such cutting tools (more or less), I collect them now. The cutting tool in gennerall,was mankinds best utility for survival, and even now can be use for many usefull purposes (that's big difference to a gun that has one purpose), it is something strange ,but not neceserilly so you have to have a special made knife to cut an apple for instance, but I preffer to do this with something "special" though you can cut stuff that you could need a special knife, i.e. carving a piece of wood and shape something out of it,ect.ect.. The feel , the ability , the presicion and the respect I will have to have from the sharp knife to do a job like this, is also fascignation to me. Sharp pieces like these needs to be used with respect, they just don't forgive mistakes one touch on flesh,and the red liquid goes out , I have cut my hands countless of times bacause I wasn't very very carefull, and that can't happen with other stuff of this kind., so thinking twice is usefull. i.e. you don't have to kill a mosquito with an elephant for insance.(though of cource some steel mash gloves will serve well sometime,but I am glad I have learned the hard way on being more carefull) There is a special art on making a good one so everything can curry it's own history and aura if you can see it. Right now I got some Böker(LEO damast serie)damascus steel ones that are made from the metal of a cannon of a German Leopard tank, hand worked steel, extremelly unique and very beautifull. And of generally it is then also importand to know the potencial of each piece and how it can be used.
dlaing Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 I'll try to leave more spam for you to take your rage out on. A few weeks ago I was riding with some buddies and two of them moved into the fast lane to do a slow pass. Given the consistency of our pace, the pass could have been made faster. A car (fancy mitsubishi lancer or similar) that was apparently trying to keep up with our pace, zoomed up behind them about 5 seconds after they had moved to the passing lane and dangerously put the brakes on close to their tails, and then when given the opportunity to pass, got ahead of them and then slammed on the brakes in homicidal fashion. We all stayed way clear of the nut. In a later discussion it was suggested to out run the car. While I think that is possible to out run a Mitsubishi Lancer, it is not my strategy of choice as you don't know what they have under the hood or how desperate they are to keep up with you. And they can certainly take you out if they don't mind marring their bumper/spoiler. I just drop back and let them flip their birds, wave their fists, and move on. Sometimes that is not enough, and they endanger you by weaving back and forth slamming their brakes on bringing high speed traffic to a near halt, with you only hoping the traffic coming up behind you does not hit you as you are focused ahead on dodging the maniac. As a matter of survival, I have to be better at avoiding conflict on the road than I am at avoiding conflict on this forum Keep it safe, Alex! You spared us the details, but from what you said, his threats were dog piss at your feet, and it won't be a dog fight unless you want it to be.
Alex-Corsa Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 dlaing said: I'll try to leave more spam for you to take your rage out on. Yep , though, I have no rage, though I was disturbed and a bit upset for sure.Rage and stuff allike blurr the mind and you don't want to have that in any situation, staying in a wiser state of mind is the most usefull. dlaing said: A few weeks ago I was riding with some buddies and two of them moved into the fast lane to do a slow pass. Given the consistency of our pace, the pass could have been made faster. A car (fancy mitsubishi lancer or similar) that was apparently trying to keep up with our pace, zoomed up behind them about 5 seconds after they had moved to the passing lane and dangerously put the brakes on close to their tails, and then when given the opportunity to pass, got ahead of them and then slammed on the brakes in homicidal fashion. We all stayed way clear of the nut. In a later discussion it was suggested to out run the car. While I think that is possible to out run a Mitsubishi Lancer, it is not my strategy of choice as you don't know what they have under the hood or how desperate they are to keep up with you. And they can certainly take you out if they don't mind marring their bumper/spoiler. I just drop back and let them flip their birds, wave their fists, and move on. Sometimes that is not enough, and they endanger you by weaving back and forth slamming their brakes on bringing high speed traffic to a near halt, with you only hoping the traffic coming up behind you does not hit you as you are focused ahead on dodging the maniac. As a matter of survival, I have to be better at avoiding conflict on the road than I am at avoiding conflict on this forum Keep it safe, Alex! Yep there are quite a lot of ego-garbage-complex of underestimation people out there, showing off,being dangerous and being blatantly stupid.There's no better thing to astay on the safe side as much as possible. dlaing said: You spared us the details, but from what you said, his threats were dog piss at your feet, and it won't be a dog fight unless you want it to be. That's quite the meaning and for bringing it out. edit. There is a rhyme saying: "Dog that barks, doesn't bite", y'know what I mean.
Skeeve Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 I like knives well enough, and have carried one daily since I was about 6 years old. Of course, if I was a kid in school nowadays I'd be setting off the metal detectors & getting expelled & all. But a simple 2.5" blade pocket folder is all I need: no "fantasy" blades for me! Kitchen knives I leave in the kitchen, machetes are gardening tools & live in the garage w/ the saws & shovels. Sorry you had to deal w/ an @sshat like that, but unless he pulls a knife or other weapon on you first, you'd be in big legal trouble to even brandish one of yours in response to his threats [at least, that's how it works in our completely screwed up legal atmosphere here in the PRK... ] Nonetheless, I'm less likely to go outside in my underwear than I am to step out the door w/o my universal tool in my pocket. Good luck w/ your neighbor.
Alex-Corsa Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 Skeeve said: Sorry you had to deal w/ an @sshat like that, but unless he pulls a knife or other weapon on you first, But of cource,I know, that's the thing I could only wait for -expect(in any such case), and had my vid camera ready to start as well, but even if I have the advantage in such situation, I avoid it as much as possible,that's my moto, there's nothing better than to stay cool.Most of the blades stay in the collection drawer all the time,and better be so,but I believe I have the courage or the skill to use them proper in an emergency. Use multitools with locking machanism.
todd haven Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Alex, Is it legal to carry such a weapon with you in public? On a bike? In a car? A knife can be a highly effective self-defense weapon. It's value as such while locked in a display case is somewhat reduced. There are restrictions here based on blade length, folding vs fixed blade, etc. I won't say a word about guns, or Jaap will send me to time-out
Alex-Corsa Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 todd haven said: Alex, Is it legal to carry such a weapon with you in public? Which ones do you mean ?(from photo?).Generally the law prohibits as illegal all the twin edges and other above 9cm blade or so(I think) that can be concidered as leathal weapons ,I think ,so yes some can be concidered as illeagal depending on jugement, I know that video is part from demo company's DVD Curring a weapon small or big is dangerous because one has to control will (at "strange" situations)of when and if using it and gennerally getting out of the state of mind "look, now that I probably have an advantage I can start a fight and stick it anywhere and win",that's plain stupid . Or gennerally avoiding the temtation to think of it as a "first resort" it has to be always the "last resort" and that's difficult to do if one doesn't knows the "hows" and the "whens" and the "what afters" of using or not. Evil is in the hearts of some people , not in the knives and being legal that doesn't mean that you don't have a right and learn to defend your life, to be protected from evil. P.S. your open mindness (all till now) is inspiring.
DeBenGuzzi Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 ya know, I hear weapons are worth a lot more money if they were used to kill someone. just a note
Alex-Corsa Posted January 29, 2007 Author Posted January 29, 2007 DeBenGuzzi said: ya know, I hear weapons are worth a lot more money if they were used to kill someone. just a note That was a good one.
Martin Barrett Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 In the UK, basically illegal and quite likely to end up in serious bother.* Knives give me the willies. These days if I came across some one (not likely in the radio room - except for buttering my toast) and they didn't drop it PDQ. It would be a face full of PAVA (pepper) and a good chance of a head shot with the ASP (extendable baton) if still not dropped it by the time the PAVA's away and the baton out. A small kitchen knife can do so much damage let alone one of Alex's purpose built things. A long time ago I attended a call in the mental health unit where a chap had barricaded himself in his room and armed him self with a scalpel, as a protest about being discharged. I donned the turtle shell chest armour out the boot of the car and my leather gloves. The plan was to force our way in to the room I'd rush him take control of the knife hand if necessary pulling it into the shell, and my trainee would beat the crap out of him (sorry that should read secure and cuff him). He hadn't thrown the bolts that secured the half door to the floor so the door and half door could give enough to get to his barricade and having cleared it enough to burst in. We did so. Up to that point If you'd asked me who was most scared I would have said me, not sure how good a plan it really was. But seeing the look of terror on his face and the speed he dropped the scalpel I'd quickly say it was him He was discharged into my care. These days we'd have a team of negotiators, a PSU (riot squad with long shields) and the firearms car with Taser option. Other than that they've either been discarded prior to arrival, or on request. Take care in the kitchen. Having said that I carried at work (not needed in radio room) a pocket knife on my utility belt, has a large key ring threaded through one end and my handcuff key is on that hangs from a clip on the belt. * Criminal law sentencing
Keith Foster Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 Alex-Corsa said: That was a good one. Sorry to hi-jack the thread Alex, but I too have always appreciated a good knife, mainly folding pocket knives. When I traveled to Minneapolis I would visit the Mall of America and there used to be a good knife store there, alas it closed several years ago. One thing I have always been interested in is a good sharpening method/knowledge. So what tips or techniques do you use? I am partial to water stones. Are the various guides/jigs sold useful?
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