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Quiz 20th Feb 2007*

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What has this guy just done (precisely, please - you will know what I mean when you find out) when did he do it and what were the numbers?

Which guy in particular are you refering to? If you mean Pinnochio on the right side, he has just told a fib. When did he do it? Well, as you say, he has just done it.

What were the numbers?

During the second season of Lost it was revealed that the Numbers are the code that must be entered into the computer located inside the Swan every 108 minutes (4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 42 = 108). Entering the Numbers resets the countdown timer to 108 minutes.

If an individual does not push the button in time, the Numbers flip to a series of glyphs. While the numeric sequence is flipping into these icons, an individual can still finish typing in the Numbers, press execute, and return the counter to 108 minutes. The crew in the Swan were supposed to be replaced every 540 days (108 x 5), which means that each crew will enter the Numbers at least 7200 times.

It has been revealed in The Lost Experience that these six numbers are the core values of the Valenzetti Equation, a mathematical formula designed to predict the end of humanity. The purpose of the DHARMA Initiative is to change the factors leading to humanity's demise, which will be indicated by an alteration in at least one of these numbers.

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If the answer, the number, is indeed 42, then the implication is quite stupendous. The implication is that MIKE WILSON has discovered what the question is – and has posed it here! If so, he surpasses the achievement of Deep Thought itself.


"Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl. "Is that all you've got to show for seven and a half million years' work?"

"I checked it very thoroughly, it's 42," said the computer, "and that quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."


Deep Thought informs the researchers that it would design a second and greater computer, incorporating living beings as part of its computational matrix, to tell them what the question is....


COULD MIKE WILSON BE ----------------- that second and greater computer!?!?


It's possible, I suppose.


In that case, can you finally tell me one thing???


What's the time?

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:2c: he's just crossed the the united states from west coast to east in 42 days on his 3.5 hp whatsigigger. the year is 1908. he went on after this momment of glory to survive a savage dog attack to die an old man in his humble dwelling in boston many years later , on his own as he had never married or fathered children as he had destroyed his testicles on his arduous journey of adventure. he predeceased his faithfull dog josh.
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If the answer, the number, is indeed 42, then the implication is quite stupendous. The implication is that MIKE WILSON has discovered what the question is – and has posed it here! If so, he surpasses the achievement of Deep Thought itself.


"Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl. "Is that all you've got to show for seven and a half million years' work?"

"I checked it very thoroughly, it's 42," said the computer, "and that quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."


Deep Thought informs the researchers that it would design a second and greater computer, incorporating living beings as part of its computational matrix, to tell them what the question is....


COULD MIKE WILSON BE ----------------- that second and greater computer!?!?


It's possible, I suppose.


In that case, can you finally tell me one thing???


What's the time?


Sorry, no white mice in my cranium. I'm a weather predicting computer.


Sumer is ecumen in.



:2c: he's just crossed the the united states from west coast to east in 42 days on his 3.5 hp whatsigigger. the year is 1908. he went on after this momment of glory to survive a savage dog attack to die an old man in his humble dwelling in boston many years later , on his own as he had never married or fathered children as he had destroyed his testicles on his arduous journey of adventure. he predeceased his faithfull dog josh.


So very nearly right that I'm almost....


But no.



A clue. It is an NSU. Not as in the venereal disease.

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There doesn't seem to be a list of transcontinental records online anywhere.


Unless _you_ know differently....



I can help.


You're talking boy bands here. Yes? Louis Pearlman.

In a money-grubbing moment of inspirational opportunism, he switched from chartering aeroplanes (Transcontinental Airlines) to supermoguling teeney singers (Trans Continental Records).

The list woud include the likes of New Kids on the Block, the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, O-Town, Lyte Funky Ones (LFO), Take 5, Natural and US5..phew!.. Aaron Carter, Jordan Knight, Sean van der Wilt, C Note, and Smilez & Southstar.


He's also listed here: Naughty Boy List

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