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Hi all, new forum member here. :D:D I do not yet own a Guzzi but have wanted one for many years. I find myself in the happy position of being able to purchase an '04 Ballabio with factory soft panniers and Staintune pipes at a great price from a friend who has decided that he doesn't love it and wants to return to a Harley (strange but true). It only has 8000 km (5000 miles) on it and has been thoroughly looked after.


My dilemna is this - having spent many hours perusing this site and many others I'm a bit concerned with the number of technical problems associated with the V11s. I'm no mechanic myself and will have to have most servicing except oil & filter changes, and plug changes done by the local Guzzi shop (Newell's)

I'm very interested to hear whether most of the issues with this model have been sorted by the '04 build date or if they are quite a reliable bike ??


I currently ride an absolutely reliable, thoroughly enjoyable but slightly bland SV650 Suzuki with a few custom alterations.


I've test ridden a Breva 1100, a Griso, and have spent time on a Cali special and I know I just love the marque but would like all of your opinions on the reliability of the '04 V11.


Thank you all in advance for your advice. Some of you may have seen this post on the MG-Griso site a month ago as I was having problems posting here until Jaap fixed my access. :D:D


Don't buy the Ballabio!!! Don't do it or you'll be sorry! I was on an '01 SV650S before going to the LM. Not only is my '03 every bit as reliable as the SV, its about a billion times more fun to ride :bike: My wife hates the bike :bbblll: and I have to find excuses to go ride because its so fun. Sometimes when I can't ride, I sit on it and make Guzzi-esque sounds and act like I'm leaning into a corner :race:


Seriously, if you get the bike, it will be the best bike you ever bought. Mine has been problem free and only has required the oil changes, standard maintenance :mg:

  wheelsucker said:

Seriously, if you get the bike, it will be the best bike you ever bought. Mine has been problem free and only has required the oil changes, standard maintenance :mg:



Coming from the so called "reliable" honda's, the Guz is simply superior. No problems and enjoyed every minute...


Off course, every bike can have a problem, and mostly when you have a problem, you post it here to share thoughts and seek for answers, the majority of the V11 riders do not have problems (and do not post that here...).


Go and ride it, you either love it or hate it. If you love it, then problems will be perceived as "character"... :grin:


99.9% of all posts to any internet board about bikes seem to concern *problems* and *issues*. The exception being Harley and BMY sites where they either talk about their arseless chaps or how reliable their bikes are on their weekly 20 minute jaunt to the local Cafe :grin::bbblll:


Being sensible Guzzis have sometimes had problems because of cost cutting at the factory but, (Crossed fingers!) these seem to have been pretty infrequent in the last few years and I've heard of NO endemic problems on post '03 models.


Ask the owners here about there experiences. I can only give mine as a service agent. Thing is that most of the problems I see have been the result of the bike being *serviced* by slack-jawed, gurning, oafs who are not fit to call themselves trades assistants, never mind mechanics!


Once a late model Guzzi is set up it should need VERY little attention beyond regular servicing. Just make sure you keep the servicing up to it. On a bike that produces 120BHP out of the crate you probably won't ever notice if it's out of tune and running like a Munter. With a wheezy old 80HP Guzzi you WILL notice and it WILL punish you if you treat it like an appliance.


Stop fannying around! You know you love it. Put yer hand in yer pocket. You won't regret it.


Oh, and Tommy knows his stuff if you do have problems.






And if it has done 5000 miles the chances are that any teething problems will have been sorted by now.


You know it has been looked after by your mate and it is cheap- what more do you want?!


Go for it! :race:


I'm a owner of a 04 Ballabio and a very happy and proud owner at that. The Moto Guzzi is a joy to ride and easy to work on.


Buy it and you will know the joy of the Moto Guzzi :race:




04 Ballabio


I was in exactly the same position as yourself. I decided to take the plunge and bought a 2002 Le Mans. This co-incided with my farther getting ill and numerour runs to home and back - I am in the forces. The first run was in torrential rain and I mean torrential. the bike never missed a beat, stood outside for 2 days and then rode home in torrential rain. again never missing a beat. All I can tell you is that my only regret is not getting a Guzzi earlier.


Try it and you will find that there is a difference between Italian and Jap bikes and its not reliability its SOUL

Guest wadham
  svmagoo said:

Hi all, new forum member here. :D:D I do not yet own a Guzzi but have wanted one for many years. I find myself in the happy position of being able to purchase an '04 Ballabio with factory soft panniers and Staintune pipes at a great price from a friend who has decided that he doesn't love it and wants to return to a Harley (strange but true). It only has 8000 km (5000 miles) on it and has been thoroughly looked after.


My dilemna is this - having spent many hours perusing this site and many others I'm a bit concerned with the number of technical problems associated with the V11s. I'm no mechanic myself and will have to have most servicing except oil & filter changes, and plug changes done by the local Guzzi shop (Newell's)

I'm very interested to hear whether most of the issues with this model have been sorted by the '04 build date or if they are quite a reliable bike ??


I currently ride an absolutely reliable, thoroughly enjoyable but slightly bland SV650 Suzuki with a few custom alterations.


I've test ridden a Breva 1100, a Griso, and have spent time on a Cali special and I know I just love the marque but would like all of your opinions on the reliability of the '04 V11.


Thank you all in advance for your advice. Some of you may have seen this post on the MG-Griso site a month ago as I was having problems posting here until Jaap fixed my access. :D:D


This is my second post here. Buy the Ballabio.


I have bought an 03 model which has the Aprillia switchgear and the latest 180 rear wheel etc. It was at the dealer for 3 years and I took pity on it. It was delivered to me and on my first ride when I filled it up with petrol it spewed fuel all over the garage forecourt (defective overflow pipe in tank). Then the front fork seals leaked at 350 miles (maybe cause sat in dealer for three yrs.) . Then the fuel tank paint flaked (crap paint).


Ok, all that has either been repaired or is going to be by my dealer. My feeling is that once the silly build quality issues have been dealt with the bike is going to last you a long while. It makes me smile when I ride it, it is lumpy and a V twin and I love my first Guzzi.


Guzzi are appalling with their spares though. It took 4 weeks to deliver fork seals, so far 4 months for a new tank under warranty and not here yet.


You pays yer money and takes the risk.


Guest Britcheflee

No problems with my billybob so far - sadly I dont get to ride it enough but when I do it is a great pleasure.

I have modified a few things on the bike for comfort - changed out the footpegs and had the seat re-done as it was very uncomfortable on longer rides - it is a pleasure to ride, handles great, has incredible braking and is beautiful to look at. I get an annoying buzzing rattle from the mini fairing where it rubs against the headlamp which I have been unable to get rid of. The adjustable steering damper device is a bit of a pain as if you go from street to freeway riding and back again as I do then you have to remember to adjust this on and off. I found that my hands went numb on longer rides as it does have a buzzy vibration at certain speeds but gel grips and gloves improved that - really moves and just flies around bends and up hills. It does not have a huge tank capacity and so keep it topped up on longer rides. I wish it had a center stand as you have to get some kind of stand/support when working on it, checking the oil and so on.

Other than that I love the bike and highly recommend it.




As Pete noted, folks post when they have problems. I've got a few guzzi's, one is 35 years old and well over 150,000 miles, as well as newer cali and lemans. I have owned many jap and brit bikes as well, the guzzi's once a few small possiblities are dealt with are easily as reliable as any bike I've owned. Pete bought an old convert sight unseen, then proceeded to take a many thousand mile cross USA trip on it, only to ship it to Oz to continue the abuse. These are simple, reliable bikes that run forever, and any intitial problems are known and easy to resolve. buy it, ride it and dont look back


Just the answers I was hoping for. I certainly will buy this bike if I can sell my SV. Pete I'll be in the market for one of your Roper Sloppers too. Also, does anyone know if the custom crossover pipes that are on another thread hereabouts are still available ? They sound like a good investment. Last thing, if anyone knows someone in Oz looking for a great low-mileage SV650 with K&N filter, stainless exhaust and custom stainless ventura-type rack please ask them to check out my bike or email me at svmagoo hotmail com


Thanks again to all for your advice - hope to on a V11 soon :):)



Well, I have an '02 so it may not have much to do with an '04...


I have about 44,000 km on mine.


problems I've had:


a oil leak on the timing chain cover.


a misting tachometer.


2 sets of rear wheel bearings. Both failed with about 17,000 km.


In city traffic, it can run hot and sputter & cough. All the more reason not to ride in city traffic. The Guzzi was intended for the open road :bike:


all in all, I'm a happy camper :mg:

Guest Nogbad

I also moved from an SV to a V11, and the Guzzi has been MORE reliable than the Suzuki.

Guest oldtoolie

Pretty reliable -- I bought mine 3 years old off eBay. In 3 years ownership, I've changed the relays and replaced the rectifier.


It is surely easier to do your own maintainance on the Goose. Sparkplugs at hand, no radiator or chain. It's just getting to all of the shaft grease points that is hard.


It won't be any faster than the SV tho. There was one just in front of me at a track day and I could not take him on the straight and I was too chicken to try it on the curves.

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