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"Seems to be the same mistake as folk make when not differentiating between Tenni guys

and Scura Men."....BFG


Hey Belfast! :ninja:

l thought you'd given up trying to :sun: Tenni :wub: bash some time ago,...sigh

How many times do you have to be reminded to be good....really

This nonsense about minced vs mincing,

Minced IS how we Tennisti leave the twisties, and the roads we travel on, while Mincing is the way that l've heard you ride.. :D l mean after all, wearing all that girly gear that you got busted trying to lift must make you squirm as you ride, the lace must tickle and God knows what the bustier and thong do to your riding style such as it is.. :grin:

by the by, what the blazes you doing in a country as civilized as Belguim?

l mean there's great beer there,

not trying to get cultered are we??




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l mean after all, wearing all that girly gear that you got busted trying to lift must make you squirm as you ride, the lace must tickle and God knows what the bustier and thong do to your riding style such as it is.. :grin:

by the by, what the blazes you doing in a country as civilized as Belguim?

Hey – it wasn't me, it was the elf!

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More of a living fossil.

The older boys on here, claim that Redline Heavy is some sort of cure-all.

Have you considered fitting a Power Commander?


In the circumstances, the way things are going, a sloppage tray would be a useful investment.

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The older boys on here, claim that Redline Heavy is some sort of cure-all.

Have you considered fitting a Power Commander?


In the circumstances, the way things are going, a sloppage tray would be a useful investment.



Funny you should mention that, as I collected two from a very PRoper gent at the weekend. Never thought to get one for myself.


The last thing I need is anything heavy. I was thinking that a gel battery and some LEDs should give me more duration.

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  • 8 months later...
When out eating, I was tempted to have horse, but out of consideration for the vegaterian sitting beside me, I went for something smaller, a bunny rabbit, hoping that she wouldn't notice. I could have inadvertantly ended up with vegatarian, mind you, as I think that I requested La Pain instead of Lapin. Thankfully, the eatery seemed to understand that I didn't have bread in mind.


What else do they eat there? Oh yeah... eels.


Yesterday I had a good serving of raw minced beef.



Just remembered this, as I'm off to Brussels for a few days. Someone said before that we should meet up. I'd pm my phone number if I could remember for sure who it was. Must have been Jihem / Jim? – Was it?

Where's Jean-Marc – France?

I'll be at Rue de la Casererne 37 1000 during the day Thurs & Fri and prob around town on Sat (Grand Place etc)

Unless I get stuck in France with the strikes and disruption. Flying to Paris, due to a complicated reason.

If anyone's around, send me a message as I'll be home until Wednesday afternoon.


Must go for the horse meat this time.



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"Seems to be the same mistake as folk make when not differentiating between Tenni guys

and Scura Men."....BFG


Hey Belfast! :ninja:

l thought you'd given up trying to :sun: Tenni :wub: bash some time ago,...sigh

How many times do you have to be reminded to be good....really

This nonsense about minced vs mincing,

Minced IS how we Tennisti leave the twisties, and the roads we travel on, while Mincing is the way that l've heard you ride.. :D l mean after all, wearing all that girly gear that you got busted trying to lift must make you squirm as you ride, the lace must tickle and God knows what the bustier and thong do to your riding style such as it is.. :grin:

by the by, what the blazes you doing in a country as civilized as Belguim?

l mean there's great beer there,

not trying to get cultered are we??




In addition to twisty roads, the Tennisti have the class to mince words, while the Scuristi are crass louts.

I too, may be a crass lout, but I do not give in to the dark side. :sun:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Two living fossils

talk moto fozzils

in Bruzzels



hey, it was fun to meet you, your wife and your friend! Next time, bring also the bike :)

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