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Odometer/Trip Odometer malfunctioning...


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The last couple of tanks of fuel I've run through the Nero Corsa have had me worried...


The low-fuel light has been coming on at between 100 and 110 miles... I was real concerned about my supposed drop in fuel economy. The bike seems to be running fine, but I thought something was amiss.


Well yesterday I rode over to Tulsa to visit friends and the low fuel light "came on early" again. This morning on the return trip, I decided to compare my odometer and trip odometer to the mileposts along US-412.


The verdict ???


Both my odometer and are now running at about 1/3 speed compared to miles covered. They are showing .3 to .4 odometer miles to actual miles covered. Sometimes the trip odometer will quit spinning at all for a few miles...


Have any of you out there experienced similar problems with you V11 LeMans speedometers ???


I use the odometer/trip odometer a lot. I guess speedo replacement is in my future, huh ?

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Does your speedometer work correctly? If it does I'd be surprised if theres anything wrong with the cable. If its just the odometer I think its something in the speedo housing there. If your speedometer is also not working properly then it could also be the cable. Check where the speedometer cable enters the transmission, make sure the angle drive & cable are facing towards the transmission.

I had a devil of a time trying to figure out why my speedometer would quit working & then mysteriously start working again. If the angle drive is pulling away from the speedometer cable, the cable will disengage from the angle drive & voila! No speedometer action, or odometer for that matter.

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The speedometer itself is working just fine...


Strange for sure...

It sound like your odometer function is giving up, a similar thing happend to mine in the fall, then it quit all together. There is a thread here about it. Short version - prepare to buy a new speedo unit if you want that feature.

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