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Hey 2-D air pilots,

I watch E BAY and classifieds for Guzzi's alot. It satisfies some primodial urge of some sort, even though I won't, I cant aquire them. I mean..,if I made the money..,and if I had the space..,and if I had the time.., why they'd all be mine!!! As we all know sometimes reality sucks. (As does gravity and G's) Any-who, where the heck are all the T-3s? Never see 'em. Are they all gone? Do they, have they, all gone to T-3 Heaven? I realize this is aV-11 forum, but I thought that someone out there might know out of all the many Guzzi,s I see for sale, (some very rare and old) I don't see T-3,s for sale. Are all the owner,s holding on to them? Are they maybe the "best Guzzi made"? What the heck is going on? But really, I never see 'em for sale. Any answers?



  Qman da hue man said:

I see for sale, (some very rare and old) I don't see T-3,s for sale. Are all the owner,s holding on to them?


I don't know about the rare and old ones but I can see why they hold onto the young ones!




I do know there are a few T 3's here in british columbia but I rarely see them.

  Baldini said:

All been made into LM1's!


Yup. Which is a crying shame. Not to knock LeMans's which are a splendid thing but the T3 was actually a better bike.



  Baldini said:

How so?


KB :sun:


More comfortable it actually has a seat rather than a sort of rubber date-saw, it had an air filter, the smaller valves give the heads a much easier time, the heavier flywheel makes it easier to plonk around on, you don't have to be built like a gibbon to ride one, some of them came with wire wheels, most of the guards and stuff were made of steel and were less prone to breakage/dropping off and performance was only down by a fraction compared to the LeMans.


I don't disagree that the LeMans is a styling tour-de-force, (Although I prefer the S3 meself.) but IMHO the T3 was and remains a better bike.



  pete roper said:

More comfortable it actually has a seat rather than a sort of rubber date-saw, it had an air filter, the smaller valves give the heads a much easier time, the heavier flywheel makes it easier to plonk around on, you don't have to be built like a gibbon to ride one, some of them came with wire wheels, most of the guards and stuff were made of steel and were less prone to breakage/dropping off and performance was only down by a fraction compared to the LeMans.


I don't disagree that the LeMans is a styling tour-de-force, (Although I prefer the S3 meself.) but IMHO the T3 was and remains a better bike.




Aye, I would agree with you on the S3 bit...I had one through the eighties and early nineties. I missed it so much I painted my V11 with the chevrons. :thumbsup:


Nige. B)

  pete roper said:

More comfortable it actually has a seat...




I think you meant to say "couch". The T, T3, G5 (which is really the best of the bunch) all were rolling couches. Ah, the times me and my gal had on that couch..... :wub:


Guess it's horses for courses...


I loved my T3, loved the comfort, the ride, capability, durability & looks. great for touring & general use. It didn't need much fiddling to stay rideable. But it had none of the topend of the LM nor the guts of the 950.


Apart from cramped legs I found the LM11 comfortable (after replacing the hardened rubber plank that came for a seat), esp at speed with stock fairing (worked great). You could easier get your weight over the front & it was more than a fraction quicker than the T3 (well it's hard to know I guess - it certainly felt quicker to ride). It also needed much more fettling of carbs & timing to keep it running right & was prone to detonation when not.


They now morphed into one bike & I guess to me that's the beauty of the Tontis - you can mix & match to get to wherever you choose.


I can never see why so many people rave about the the V7sport or S3. unless it's cos it's the original of the species? Never ridden V7Sport, but S3 felt slow compared to LM & neither V7Sport or S3 can match looks of LM1/11 or T3 IMO..... I nearly bought one once cos you can race them in classic (family, common sense, resources & a weak will meant it remains just a dream). You can use all later internals & up against Nortons & triumphs of the time I figure they'd be a safe bet!


Horses for courses I guess. Love all the Tontis meself....welll I think they went a bit astray after early 80's... bulky great over bodied things & christmas tree Calis....In my eyes, non of the Calis (inc the new retro version) look as good as the first T3 Cali... but then I guess we all have our own way of lookin at the world: A LM1 now will fetch 2 to 3 times what a T3 will go for... :huh2:


Well - whatever, it's another sunny day, I'm going out for a blat around: Tontis forever!!!! :bike: ....


KB :sun:


Bob Dickman, a local So Cal hooligan still rides his 78, bought new 180,000 miles ago, still goes like stink in the twisties. Occasionally one will show up on fleabay, but they seem to go fast. I'd like a barn fresh one myself


Tonti_ride_April_07_002.jpgStill riding mine (77). No idea how many miles - 2 rebuilds in 21 years I've had it. Goes real well!


KB :sun:



Thank you Heliojim for the most attractive of replies. And to Mr. Baldini, (are you a famous magician?)

Sorry, bad humor. I agree with your description of the T3's carcteristics. I rode one (78) way back when I was young(er?) and had much bigger Kahoonies thanI do now. Boy did I shred on that thing! My first Guzzi, the girls, what memories. I should write a book. I'm envious that your still enjoying yours! Are you still getting girls? And in response to Jon (just to make these blogs stranger) I know of two 78's in a barn!!! A T3 and a T3FB. One with appx. 169k, and one with appx. 6k, both rough. My secret! Again, it's back to the saying about time and money. What's a guy to do?

Happy Spring to All

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