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Running Perfect,...till,....


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Hi Guys,

Took Scura out for a ride a few days ago,had been running perfectly ,several rides,last couple of weeks,no problems.

Went out a few days ago and about 20 mins into the ride,it started to sputter and back fire,surge and revs shot up to 3K when I came to a stop.FF's Sake!! :

I pulled over and the first thing I checked was the fast idle lever.I have not been able to move it since Ive owned it and was on my list of things to fix this spring and it was moving freely all of a sudden.I had checked it a few days ago and it was stuck then.

The rubber boot that meets right cylinder,(intake port?)was cracked and deformed like someone over tightened it at one time,it'll have to be replaced.definately passing unwanted air.

How do I adjust the idle,the only reference I could find to it in the shop manual and owner's manual is adjusting the small screws under the throttle bodies? with a vacumeter.Is this true?You cant just turn them till the idle is correct?What is the white knob on the left side down by the throttle linkage?

Any thoughts would be appreciated! :notworthy:

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The new intake boots should cure your sudden onset of ills.


A good tune up is required to set the idle properly. Just moving the stop screws won't do it. And the white knob balances ( or unbalances) the throttle bodies. It definately will benefit from a jam nut when you get it set where it belongs.


For a good tune up check out Jeff in Ohio's procedure on Guzzitech. You can skip the part about retorquing the heads.

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Hi docc,

The idle was perfect before this sudden problem .Someone put on the idle adjust screws and balance knob a yellow thread-lock type paint.I tried to adjust the idle screws and they were very tight,i assume this threadlock is doing the intended job.On the previous thread about a deteriorating boot,someone said it would make it idle high if the boot was compromised,anyone agree and explain in simple terms why this would affect idle?So since the bike was running perfectly before this,replacing the boot should cure my problem?Who in the states would be the best resource for them?


MZ :bier:

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Yeah, that yellow sealant is intended to deter unauthorized personnel ( owners) from mucking with the tune. I found it very useful for finding all the points of adjustment to bring into balance.


Check with the parts department at Moto International in Seattle, Washington. The manager is knowledgable and active on the forum. Who knows, he may even lend you his cracked up Eldorado if your parts aren't in. :whistle:

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Guest Mattress

I agree about replacing the boot. Also, sometimes these will pop of the throttle body under strong engine braking.


Apparently you don't want to clamp these boot too tight to the throttle body. Overtightening will cause splitting again. Also, it can be good apparently if the boot can pop off under strong engine braking because I guess you can bend the throttle plates up if the boot can't come off and release the pressure.

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I guess you can bend the throttle plates up if the boot can't come off and release the pressure.

That would be a nice pub story though. "I released the throttle and BAM she blew away the throttle plates. I found them embedded in the air filter, which probably saved my ass. It appeared to be a bit on the lean side after that." :grin:

I've read some sport Mercedes is programmed to make some popping when releasing throttle, on purpose. I played with the thought of doing the same with my ECU :P


Anyway, I wouldn't touch any of the screws before swapping the boot. You can't make it much better but you will ruin settings that may be perfectly good with a new boot.

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heyheyhey, dont forget the easy checks: like unscrewing the sparkplug covers, cutting 1/1 inch off the spark wire and screwing them back on. Bad connections here give the same symptoms. I've had this happen twice...

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