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Good lord! The spammers have gone beserk!

pete roper

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Gosh there's a lot of tripe here this morning! Is it always like this and we just have some good axemen doing the *moderating* or have they just suddenly gone barmy! If the former? I dipds me lid to you, it must take half a lifetime deleting the crap!



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I am kind of surprised it is not worse of a problem than it is.

They typically get an account and post one post, almost always in "Wanted"

You think that once they got their account they would have a free for all.

Perhaps even these slimey bastards have some sense of mercy. :huh2:

I was thinking if we change "Wanted" to something like "Guzzi Stuff Wanted", it might break their script, and then if they rewrite it, we can keep changining it.

Thank Goodness they don't spam our more sacred forums, like the Banter forum or the Hooters thread!!!

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Guest Nogbad

A lot of sites have a registration process that includes typing in a distorted code that is supposed to confound bot registrations. Maybe Jaap could use something similar.

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I just tested, there is a code people have to typeover, and they have to give an email and get there the registration validation, and use that to have a usefull account. So that's not the problem for them. So or they realy register, and wait for the email, or they have found a way to register and post without the validation.


I checked they all come from a different ipaddress. The way it's done is allways the same.

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