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Suspension Basics Update

Guest ratchethack

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Guest ratchethack

Many thanks to Dean Rose for submitting the link below at the WG Forum. :thumbsup:


It occurred to me that it'd probably get more mileage over here, since (astonishingly enough!) there actually seems to be more awareness over here of wot seems to be the best kept secret in all of motorcycling -- And of course that is: (as has been suggested oh so many times by others far more knowledgeable and experienced than myself :blush: ) -- Understanding how suspension works, and knowledge of how to simply set it up properly can contribute far more to performance and enjoyment of riding than how to make higher peaks on dyno charts. -_-


Very good illustrations, IMHO.


I found Norm Hossack's comments very enlightening.


Interestingly enough, it's always struck me, as it has the author of the site, Chris Longhurst, that what often appears to be "new" in the world of moto suspension is not new at all. Example: The rear suspension on V11's is essentially identical to that found on Vincent and other motorcycles using the Swiss Engineer, Egli's design over a half century ago. Likewise duolever forks, the basic concept of which was commonly used not only on the Vincent of the early '50's, it was the industry standard for probably hundreds of marques another half-century before that, even. :whistle:



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Haven't had a chance to read it yet but another good maxim to work on is 'If it feels better? Then it almost certainly is!' :grin:


I spend a LOT of time trying to convince customers that they DON'T want to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on *performance* work on their motors when they would be far better off spending a few hundred on the forks and shocks and (Usually.) going back to stock, or narrower in the case of later bikes, tyre profiles. Needless to say this arrouses deep suspicion in the sort of people who have their hair growing out of a pit in the top of their heads, who breathe exclusively through their mouths and whose lips move, very slowly, while reading the headlines in the tabloid press. The good thing is that these people, even though they are frequently well cashed up, (How is it that people who are as thick as pig dribble still seem to get obscenely rich? :huh2: ) invariably think I'm trying to *trick* them by not selling them an endless procession of extravagant engine bling so they sod off elsewhere to have their wallets emptied. Occasionally I see them again after their bikes have been 'Worked' by an 'Expert'. This is particularly good fun if I'm on my Convert and manage to round up someone on a *75HP* big-bore Lemans :grin: .


Suspension and brakes FIRST! Then gearbox. Then motor and FI. Only way to go. :thumbsup:



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Oh crap, now I have to go out and buy the latest BMW K bike!

Or maybe a Bimota?

Whoever thought of mounting pogo sticks to the front of a bicycle probably never thought it would still be the dominant motorcycle suspension of the 21st century.

Good article :bier:

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Guest ratchethack

. . . the sort of people who have their hair growing out of a pit in the top of their heads, who breathe exclusively through their mouths and whose lips move, very slowly, while reading the headlines in the tabloid press. The good thing is that these people, even though they are frequently well cashed up, (How is it that people who are as thick as pig dribble still seem to get obscenely rich? :huh2: )

Pete, one o' the reasons I enjoy your posts so much is not just because they're loaded with that unique Roper Combo of expertise, common sense, and wit. For the most part, I find the not-always-so-subtle social commentary woven throughout the Roper World View to be sharp as a tack and dead-nuts on the mark. :grin:


As humanity seems to continue to spin irreversibly downward toward the Oubliette Grande on it's Great Accelerating Backslide into "valueless values" <_< , we seem to (SURPRISE! :not: ) be rewarding self-limiting behavior to an alarming degree. Hence the proliferation of idiocy via widespread social acceptance -- NAY! -- make that via deliberate promotion!


De-evolution seems to've set upon the entire human race with a vengeance these days. . . :homer:


. . . [sigh] :whistle:

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'Valueless Values'? Only thing worse is 'Family Values'. WTF are 'Family Values'? They get trotted out at every election as some sort of apogee of social development and 'All Things Good' but I've never had it explained to me what the hell they are. Working from observation of the policies they are associated with they seem to symbolise small minded bigotry, cretinous small 'c' conservatism and a pathological hatred of sex! If that's all a family can aspire to there isn't a lot of hope really is there????? :bbblll::grin:



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Guest ratchethack

WTF are 'Family Values'? They get trotted out at every election as some sort of apogee of social development and 'All Things Good' but I've never had it explained to me what the hell they are. Working from observation of the policies they are associated with they seem to symbolise small minded bigotry, cretinous small 'c' conservatism and a pathological hatred of sex! If that's all a family can aspire to there isn't a lot of hope really is there????? :bbblll::grin:



'Family Values'


No one here in 'Merica knows wot it means either. This is exactly my point. The politicians who've had the "great insight" to use the term to get themselves elected haven't got the guts to define it, so it has no meaning. It's merely another example of another milestone down the Grand Escalator. Next year is a Presidential Election Year. Oh Joy. We'll have another raft o' new milestones. Are the lights getting dimmer? Is it getting a little WARM in here?? :lol::whistle:


You gotta laugh, Pete. Wot else 'r ya gonna do? :huh2:;)


OMG NO! I said "warm".


Now some humptydoofus is gonna start whining about AGW. . . See wot I mean? :homer:

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We're going to hell in a hand basket.

Well...actually I'm going to New Hampster first...then Va.

just to get a look @ this Dean Rose fellow and a couple of those

"other" guys.

(Perhaps someday to the west coast to get a look @ these ratchet , dlang types.)


Nice suspension article.

I will be forwarding it on to my Beemer pals.

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If it is warm out, how come I have a cold? :wacko:



Family values - rubbish, and, don't even say the words warm, cold, life or choice. This is a Motorcycle forum!

(unless of course your are speaking of cold idle quality or warm tires or riding is the passion in your life and it's your choice to ride instead of drive....)

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Family values - rubbish, and, don't even say the words warm, cold, life or choice. This is a Motorcycle forum!

(unless of course your are speaking of cold idle quality or warm tires or riding is the passion in your life and it's your choice to ride instead of drive....)


Especially because it is tedious and boring to argue about that crap when there is more fun stuff like why Ohlns suspension is da best, or whether or not one should should port the engine, or minimize squish or raise the compression with pistons, or raise it with pistons and re-miled heads, or turbo, or supercharge, or change to a multivalve, or a big bore multivalve or a water cooled big bore, or just tune the bloody thing right!

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Geeeezzzzz... do I have to explain Everything to you chuckleheads??? :rolleyes:


Family Values = what you can sell yer kids for.






That explains how you can afford more than one bike...and why you are single :P

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