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Sudden change of Tune

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Last weekend, the Ballabio was running great. Great acceleration, smooth etc.


Monday morning I noticed the bike had less acceleration, seemed to stumble in the the 1000-2000 rpm range if being held steady, and appears to have a bit of power loss. It smooths out a bit after 3000 rpm, but there is still a noticeable difference in feel. Letting off the throttle now brings a more abrupt lurch now as well. To be honest, the bike feels like it's running on 1 1/2 cylinders if you know what I mean. I would guess it's power to be about 85% of what it had this weekend.


The bike idles pretty well, although I notice it is idling a bit higher than usual by 1-200 rpm.


This all started to happen it seems after being caught in a fairly hard rain storm on Saturday night. I'm not sure if that is just a coincidence or not, but I wonder if anyone has had any issues with any plugs or wiring connections getting wet. I would have thought that if there was something wet, it would have dried after the ride to and from work.


I have pulled the spark plugs to check the gap and to see what if any deposits are on it. They looked pretty clean with just a hint of of buildup around the electrode. I cleaned it off, checked gap and reinstalled. I'm pretty sure that these are original plugs and the bike now has 13,000 miles on it. What is the lifespan of plugs on the V11? Is there any chance the timing chain could have jumped a tooth? I have not noticed any new noises or odd rattles, so I would assume the timing chain is fine. I have not checked the valve adjustment as of yet, but it's only been about 6000 since they were done, and I also don't notice any unusual valve train noise, or an increase in tappet noise.


Any ideas as to what could have changed, or things that I should look for to figure this out?




Also, I just received my Mistral crossover (which is a beautiful piece), however there is a gaping threaded hole on one side that I assume is for an oxygen sensor or the like. I don't have a corresponding threaded bolt/cap to put on it from my stock crossover. Does anyone know what size that hole is so that I can source a short bolt/cap for it?


As always, thanks for any input.




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Doug I would run through the usual suspects first with a low speed stunbling problem.


Replace the plugs

Check your air filter (I pulled mine Sunday after our ride....It holds a lot of acorns!)

What fuel did you last use? I have noticed that 10% ethenol mix doesn't perform well.

Check your spigots on the intake and make sure there is no vacuum leaks


Eliminate the easy stuff first, that ususlly does the trick.




Also just take the crosover to the local hardware store and buy the correct bolt in stainless steel, some place Aubuchon Hardware has a lot of metric stainless fasteners.

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:2c: Doug,


I'd bet you've got water someplace it shouldn't be. Either a connection or critical component somewhere.


If the weather is cooperating now, pull your seat and let the bike sit in the sun a bit. You can check connections and apply WD40 at critical junctures (ignition switch, relays, etc. you're on your own here). Might have some corrosion someplace too and the water just aggravated the situation.


Good luck :mg:

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The increase in idle speed could indicate an air leak on the injector body rubbers either because of a split or 1 of the injector bodies could be falling out of the rubbers ,even if it isn't leaking air yet any movement here will also throw the linkage between the 2 sides out causing the throttles to go out of balance.


good look :bier:

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The increase in idle speed could indicate an air leak on the injector body rubbers either because of a split or 1 of the injector bodies could be falling out of the rubbers ,even if it isn't leaking air yet any movement here will also throw the linkage between the 2 sides out causing the throttles to go out of balance.


good look :bier:


I think Pasotibbs is on the right track here. This sounds like one of the boots jumped track or possibly split. Have a look between each head and the throttle body to see if one has slid back. To check for cracks you can spray the intake boot with a solvent like contact cleaner or WD40 while idling and listen for a change in the idle. A couple wraps of electrical tape make a pretty good fix while waiting for the boots if you need them.


Plugs should be changed at the 6000 mile service interval. Sounds like you're due for all that as well and will have a much happier and smoother V11! :mg:

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Guest NotRight

I posed this question at a rally. But most guys were on Cali's.


I can see that the gasket around my gas cap is not seated correctly. the one between the outer ring and the tank.


Some one was absolutely convinced that any water entering there drains out. I didn't follow one hundred percent.


Oddly, my guzzi is running a bit rough at idle. It was fine on a short jaunt a few months ago. It does still have stabilizer in the fuel. Nothing was messed with though. It was parked. In a garage as it has been all winter.

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I have noticed a big difference when running certain fuel types, some gas runs better at a lower octane then i'll get a higher octane at another staion and it pings like mad. I may not be able to just blame an ethanol blend but possibly water or bad fuel. Also another V11 sport owner found the insulation under his gas tank would flop down covering his Feracci air box cover, it took him a while to figure out (it ran like crap) but all is well now.

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Guest NotRight

I'm careful to avoid ethanol blended fuel. Problem is it must not be mandatory to cleary badge it in Illinois. Sometimes no indication of ethanol. But the price makes me suspect some is in there.


I'm glad I don't have to buy California gas. I think something about it causes a lot of ping problems.


I've never had an instance in 3000 miles of pinging or knock.


The tank only holds 4 gallons. Buying the best gas possible isn't going to break me. Then again, I"m not very responsible with money.

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