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Guest ratchethack
  Kevin H said:

I will disregard & never read another post by Ratchethack.

Why thank you, Kevin. You're really too kind. -_-


This is a wonderful gift, most sincerely appreciated! :P


I'm gonna hold you to it. ;)


Now I'm sure you're a man of your word, but by all means, PLEASE don't EVER get caught in a lie on this one. :grin:

  ratchethack said:

Why thank you, Kevin. You're really too kind. -_-


This is a wonderful gift, most sincerely appreciated! :P


I'm gonna hold you to it. ;)


Now I'm sure you're a man of your word, but by all means, PLEASE don't EVER get caught in a lie on this one. :grin:

Twisting reality as usual...

  badmotogoozer said:

No it wasn't. No hard irrefutable evidence was presented by either side. That is why the debate went on for over a year.



No, there were in fact pages of hard evidence presented that mankind has in fact raised the temperature of the Earth higher than it would be without man's existence.

The evidence was ignored and or not accepted at merit.

I won't argue it, but here is a great starting point



I must apologize for being off topic ...

as for Race's usual verbose and completely speculative comments on my political affinities and racial origins they are unfortunately WRONG. You have absolutely no idea who I am or what I believe in so please stop making rash and offensive assumptions , and limit your postings to the subject concerned by this forum : motorcycles and namely V11's .

For your info I have read the thread allude to and was absolutely gobb-smacked at the the selfishness and stupidity expressed by those who denie any human input into global warming.I did not post as the thread has NOTHING to do with the forum's subject.

Our own political views are personal and should remaine so . That is why democracy operates from a secret ballot box.If we really have to express our views then there are many much more suitable places on the net to discuss them . Polluting this board with irrelevant and contentious comments is disrespecting the vast majority of the posters.Your sort of behavior has seen the demise of other boards as posters got fed up being insulted and trawling through lot's of unrelated bullshit.

Iinterestingly it seems that this off topic rants are usually started by people slagging off "the left ' whatever that means these days.

You have proven that you can contribute plenty of interesting if long winded info on bikes which is fine.Please keep it at that , grow up and get a life...

Guest ratchethack
  Kevin H said:

I will disregard & never read another post by Ratchethack.

Well, wot passes for character and conviction with some sure is a fleeting thing, ain't it? <_<


Seems your word is your bond -- at least for a few hours, if not a full day, eh, Kevin? [. . .sigh. . .] :homer:

  Kevin H said:

Ratchie: I will disregard your posts if they are as off topic, senseless, inane, unfounded as the ones on this thead. Otherwise, as they relate to V11's or mechanics/motorcycling in general, it's still a go. :thumbsup:

Kevin, are you aware, at the dimmest of levels of self-awareness, that by your own terms as you've defined them here, that you've contradicted yourself in your post by violating both your first promise and your second promise at the same time?! :homer:


So what is it about my posts that you found compelling enough to respond by way of violating your own promises -- twice?! :homer:

  Kevin H said:

I have personally read two dozen or more credible, peer reviewed scientific articles on the aspects of increasing global temperature caused by man. There have been no less than 1,000 published, peer reviewed studies on the topic, with overall unanimity on the link to anthropogenic causes. In fact, there is NO OTHER scientific topic with such overwhelming unanimity in the scientific community.

Now Kevin. As discussed repeatedly at length for over a year in the previously mentioned thread, you've clearly fallen for yet another trap that the Eco-Fraud Extortion Industry propagandists have used to great effect to exploit the great seething masses of the dimmest of wit -- that is, those without the slightest comprehension of science, or much of anything else that's going on around them. I'm referring to the sheeple, Kevin. You seem to fit the mold quite well. This trap is one of the primary ones used, snaring the most blind of the indoctrinated along with the rest of the Philistines, some of whom are actually bright enough not to fall for this one, having at least enough foresight not to drop through open manholes... It seems that of all the dumb herding animals, only wholly indoctrinated man can be conditioned to get caught by this one, since even livestock won't step into an open pit on their own volition... Please allow me to expose this fraudulent trickery for you to protect yourself from further embarassment and entrapment in the future:


Science DOES NOT, NEVER HAS, and NEVER WILL proceed by consensus.


Politics proceeds by consensus. Political consensus is the means by which The Sheeple trade freedom for false promises of security, thereby accepting history's perennial yoke of tyranny and slavery in the bargain.


This concept was opened up and explored in depth at the very beginning of the aforementioned thread. Copernicus and Galileo are the classic examples that were repeatedly referred to. Please go find out what role "consensus" played in opposition (to the point of putting their very lives at serious risk) to the work of these, as well as what role "consensus" played with regard to the work of many of the rest of the most brilliant scientific minds in all of human history. [. . .sigh. . .] :homer:


When you have THOUSANDS of unqualified idiot "government grant researchers" who are paid for ONE RESULT, and ONE RESULT ONLY, and who cannot get jobs in the entire field of Cimatology WITHOUT demonstrating a track record supporting an entirely non-scientific, propaganda-driven bias UP FRONT as a result of the market for their jobs and associated grants created by and controlled by a burgeoning $6B USD annual cash flow cottage industry of junk science fraud (soon to become $20B), the frickin' results are as predictable as the government agencies (check the fraud output of the UN-funded junk-science propaganda mills) expect them to be!! Science flies out the window never to return when politicians take over control of the cash flow, Kevin. Science has NOTHING to do with politically controlled Junk Science!! :homer:


The "Peer reviewed" non-science provided by politically controlled agencies of global Socialism such as the IPCC (resoundingly exposed as fraudulent for publishing over 30 years of junk science with countless examples with backup evidence by Yours Truly) have repeatedly and extensively been shown to use lists upon lists of names affixed to their junk science belonging to students and journalists without any scientific credentials wotsoever to build false numbers, because they know that idiots will fall for "consensus" -- as blatantly repetitive a tactic as this kind of thing has always been down throughout history to the advancement of tyranny. But of course, when you ALSO (by careful design) have a sufficiently dumbed-down and indoctrinated populace, the Socialist agencies know that you'll suck up the finest carefully fabricated designer propaganda money can buy (it's YOUR money, Kevin!) as if it were nectar -- Just like you have. :homer:


But now Jaap will be grumpy, we've covered all of this in spades before, I tire of dealing with fools, and I gotta go now. ;)


OK, Jaap, my apologies. I won't respond to nitwits on this topic again.


Kevin. You've demonstrated wot your word is worth. But by all means, watch me very closely, despite the er, strength of your, er, convictions, continue to read every one of my posts very carefully, and hold me to MY promise. Please. I'm begging you. ;)


"I tire of dealing with fools"

Well then don't bother ,stay on topic, leave out the bulls--t comments and stop behaving like a gobs---e !!!!!

you will be doing us all agrat favour :P:P:P:P:P :

  g.forrest said:










How does a technical forum drift from sidestand switches to a political science debate?

  dlaing said:

No, there were in fact pages of hard evidence presented that mankind has in fact raised the temperature of the Earth higher than it would be without man's existence.


And d@mn glad of it, I am! We're supposed to be in the middle of another glacial period: crank up the thermostat anuther couple degrees, while you're at it!




I'm a sunny skies & beach goin' sort myself. Don't need any sabretooth cats or wooly mammoths knockin' at my front door, no sirree!



And lest we forget, the next time some Sierra Clubbin' tree hugger accosts you outside the supermarket to sign their latest bit of anti-human legislation, remember the correct answer is "Pave the Planet! My motorcycle needs more roads!.."




Imagine I am IN FRONT of YOU ALL, And WE are on Motorcycles,(please)


...We Slow...



--->--->turn signal--->---> to "Silly banter,..."...See you there, part of this thread has now, sort of, chosen to follow me, if it's not "Sidestand..." related. Thanks, S.H.


P.S. I kept the switch, because I don't want to Eff up, it would be my #ss, and my FAULT. Did it once on my '78 lowrider, innarestin' experience. Just clean it, then lube it with the properly compatible electrically specific product from the shelf at toolland.

Guest Mattress

Good Lord!


O.K. I got nothing out of this really. don't remove the switch... remove the switch... WD40... not WD40... and a whole lot of uptight humanity polluting my peace search.


I AM interested in this, I'm going on a trip.


So, Somewhere between Green Bay and Iron River my switch takes a dump and I'm stranded unless I do something.


Do I pull out and connect the wires together (like complete path?) or do I not (open circuit?) ??????


I challenge anyone to tell me in less than four words and go on to other posts in the forum.

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