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Almost had an "off" today

Guest Nogbad

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Guest Nogbad

Exploring some "lesser used" routes today I came upon a ford in the road, about 6" (150mm) of fast flowing water over a 25 yard (22m) flat concrete pan.


Well I thought, that looks slippy, so attempted it at a slow speed. I am told now this probably was a mistake. If I had used a better pace and second gear it would probably have been ok. But I digress. As soon as the rear enters the water the tyre spins up on the brown algal pondweed "anti-friction" coating. The back comes round, then hooks up, almost highsides me and snaps round the other way, then does it again leaving me coming out of there heading up the muddy verge of the road the other side. Anyway, I kept control and eventually guided the bike back to the road after a bit more fishtailing.


Fortunately with all the training I have done this year, I stayed off the brakes, kept the throttle position constant and didn't seize up on the bars. Still, that was almost the end of a 28 year unbroken record of not falling off.


Went back to look and nearly fell over when I trod in the water. Should have looked on foot before and not after.

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Guest ratchethack

Nicely handled, Nog. I've gone down more than once (years ago, various dirt bikes) on seemingly identical circumstances, and have successfully avoided many many more since. Algae covered concrete is invariably as slick as glare ice. Your training served you well here, since the natural reflexes here are all wrong and would've had you in the drink thrashing with a 550 lb., steaming boat anchor with some new bash-marks on it -- no question. You kept on the throttle and didn't hit the brakes. Well done. ;)


As you've noted, speed would've improved your probabilities here but this is something that can't often be known except in retrospect. The old ISDT/Enduro rider's motto has actually saved me own butt many a time: "When in doubt, hit the gas!" :thumbsup:

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