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Timeless or Ageless or Eternal

st. augustine

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In the last 3 weeks I have had 3 people come up to me and say 3 things out of the blue:


1) "Man, when I look at that bike my eyes blurr. That bike looks so fast just sitting there";

2) "I didn't know Guzzi's made such fast looking bikes, is this their new model?", and finally the kicker.....

3) "Man, I've been riding for years, but I don't think I'm young enough to ride THAT!"


Now tell me that the 2002 Scura is not timeless or ageless or will not be a prime example in the guggenheim in the year 2100.








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Guest ratchethack

Now don't take this as some kinda character assassination or put-down, Augie. This is sincerely not my intent. But I've always been curious about the number of evidently reasonable riders who become wot I consider quite overly concerned about comments they get on their Guzzi's (pro or con). Frankly, It's beyond me. -_-


Invariably, the people making the comments are entirely unknown to the rider. Sure Guzzis (and most other moto's BTW) attract the attention of people who haven't the faintest clue about wot they're looking at, or any interest in them wotsoever. After all, to anyone with enough knowledge of moto's to recognize that there's something that seems to be different about a Guzzi, it's kinda the nature of the beast to invite unsolicited comments. :huh2:


Being an ardent observer of human behavior, I've noticed that there are large numbers of zipper-heads of every stripe amongst the Philistines wandering the face of the planet, bumping into things and into each other. They seem to be widely distributed all across the landscape in every direction, and they might appear virtually anywhere, as if they spring out o' the woodwork. Some were evidently dropped on their heads as infants. Many actually look fairly normal, yet can't find large, round fuzzy objects attached to their backsides with both hands. Some fall into open manholes. Others believe, for example, with all their hearts and minds (because they're told so by people who make a very profitable living promoting propaganda) that the sky is falling, and that their government will protect them from natural climate cycles if they just give up a little more of their freedom and life-blood today in exchange for protection from that of which they haven't the silliest hint of comprehension. :huh2: But I digress. . . The point is that the stuff that comes out of the mouths of unknowns might be anything -- anything at all. NOTHING surprises me anymore.


I've also noticed that some riders seem to remember entirely thoughtless, over-the-shoulder parking-lot comments made about their motorcycles from such entirely unknown sources literally for decades. They seem to obsess on such comments, commit each word to memory, and repeat the exact words over and over.


Now over 40 years of riding, I'm absolutely certain that there've been dozens of the most commonly idiotic, as well as more scarce varying degrees of more sane -- as well as apparently (but who ever knows, and who can tell from a few words?!) very educated, well-informed, spot-on comments made to me about my moto's by people I've never seen before, and whom I will never see again. Truth be told, I can't recall a single one. . . :huh2:



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Being an ardent observer of human behavior, I've noticed that there are large numbers of zipper-heads of every stripe amongst the Philistines wandering the face of the planet, bumping into things and into each other. They seem to be widely distributed all across the landscape in every direction, and they might appear virtually anywhere, as if they spring out o' the woodwork. Some were evidently dropped on their heads as infants. Many actually look fairly normal, yet can't find large, round fuzzy objects attached to their backsides with both hands. Some fall into open manholes. Others believe, for example, with all their hearts and minds (because they're told so by people who make a very profitable living promoting propaganda) that the sky is falling, and that their government will protect them from natural climate cycles if they just give up a little more of their freedom and life-blood today in exchange for protection from that of which they haven't the silliest hint of comprehension. :huh2: But I digress. . . The point is that the stuff that comes out of the mouths of unknowns might be anything -- anything at all. NOTHING surprises me anymore.


I've also noticed that some riders seem to remember entirely thoughtless, over-the-shoulder parking-lot comments made about their motorcycles literally for decades. They seem to obsess on such comments, commit each word to memory, and repeat the exact words over and over.


All that notwithstanding, it's nice to hear such compliments from a public composed of Philistines who're predominantly blessed with utter obliviousness to both motorcycles in general and almost universally lacking in the refinement to discern design of lasting significance in particular. So when you do have one of the hoi polloi who're awake enough to break away from the herd, it's quite a singular event, perhaps worth committing to memory?




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Guest ratchethack

Perhaps. By all means, to each his own. We all have our own priorities WRT that which we consider important enough to direct our attention, let alone our memory, n'est-ce pas? :huh2:


I can only speak for meself, but with 2 moto's, I have enough trouble remembering correct spindle torques every time I change a tire. . . :blush:



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What? no comments on how things seem to happen in 3s...As Ratchet has found out, if they don't happen in 3s they just appear to be one-off random events, hence the inability to integrate learnings irrespective to time. But that is all not here nor there for the lonely few individuals that don't receive any comments on their motos, hence they jump from their own conclusion that their bikes must be a POS => to a twisted view that all bikes that aren't like theirs are a POS. The human mind is a MARVEL. To bad the mind is not ageless like the BLACK 2002 Scura destined for notoriety!


Oh, almost forgot....sometime the cowling comes off when someone asks to ride on the B-Seat. Here she comes saying "I'll be right there honey".DSC04811E.JPG

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