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IIRC the first year for the full fairing Lemans was 2002. Same for the Scura. In 2001 you could get the Rosso Mandello with that fairing (limited to 300), but definitely not the greenies. At least here in Canada I'm not aware of any 2001 Lemans other than RM. Was the RM also a short frame or the later 2002 frame/body?


Welcome aboard Nanc! Hope you are enjoying that mean greenie! We tend to drive the women away fairly quickly here... I'll wait 6 mos before I hit on you ;)



I am totally CRAZY about the "Bella Verde"... B)


I took a 3-day trip to a small rally in Prescott, AZ. Backroads all the way, simply amazing...handles the curves so well. In addition, I have a daily commute through the Sonoran desert, so I'm truly experiencing so many different levels of enjoyment with the bike. Wherever I arrive, I'm always grinning from ear to ear.... :wub:


I have to admit that the VFR is collecting dust, although I do start her up once a week. I'm keeping her for now, unsure about the future with her though???


And yes, she is a 2001 V11 Sport....here's a photo...


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ok, and one more....Bagdad in a day.... :P


incredible backroad outta Prescott, windy, curvy, great views, virtually no traffic. A good great day. :bike:



Hmm I remember running some ah-sum roads around Prescott when I went X -country a couple of years ago.Don't remember the Rt #'s,but always thought AZ was up there in the states with the best stuff :thumbsup:

Been riding the VFR the last couple of weeks as the Scura's down with blown rear wheel bearings at 14 k :homer:" Stupid Luigi" ,and almost forgot how sweet a ride she is.Not to bad a looking gal either! :wub:



Hmm I remember running some ah-sum roads around Prescott when I went X -country a couple of years ago.Don't remember the Rt #'s,but always thought AZ was up there in the states with the best stuff :thumbsup:

Been riding the VFR the last couple of weeks as the Scura's down with blown rear wheel bearings at 14 k :homer:" Stupid Luigi" ,and almost forgot how sweet a ride she is.Not to bad a looking gal either! :wub:



Lucky you....I'm hoping for a similar type of trip down the road...(literally..... :P ) And yes, AZ is blessed with incredible roads and diverse scenery.


Here are a couple pics of a ride I did in the fall in Northern AZ...went to the petrified forest and painted desert. Not a single highway....stayed in a yurt in Lyman Lake State park...one of my most memorable getaways....finding the espresso stand along the way and meeting the owner (quite a character), was fun....far beyond anything Starbucks brews... :nerd:


Always liked the VFR in red...what year?



appears that I am a space hog....here is the espresso stand, shop, booth, building...outhouse...whatever....love da color!


The Rosso Mandello came with a carbon fiber Scura type windscreen from the factory. The Rosso was a short frame bike just like the green ones. You're probably thinking of the 2002 Lemans with the RM color fairing up front, but with a greyish colored tank. IMO that is the best looking color combo for the Lemans.


Thanks Richard! That's exactly what I was thinking. I'd ha' known better if that helicopterjim guy'd have me over to play with his toys. It's almost like he knows me or something. :huh2:


Beautiful bike Nan! Glad to hear you're enjoying Guzzidom.




Hi Nan welcome,seems you went through the same process i went through when i saw mine on Craiges list and knew i just had to have it,can you say love at first site,and i already have two other bikes.


i'm new to this site to,got my 92 V11 LeMans in Feb from Vancouver up here in the Great white North,looking at your pictures thats what i call biking weather,christ i'm still wearing my electric vest up here 500miles north of Vancouver,Grin and bear.


You've got all the mechanical expertise'from everybody allready so no need to go there,i'm not that way inclined any way,oil change ,spark plugs,blah blah,thought your come back was quite good when nobody welcomed you to the Forum,i also did'nt get to many bites,though i did post on the Polforum"Idiot",maybe i should have changed my gender.


Anyway enjoy,i'm loving mine,they are right about one thing this bike has oodle's of char'acter even if i'm freezing my Kulyackaki's off.



PS tire size,mines got a 180/55.17 on the rear is this normal?anyone!


That is the factory recommended tire size?


Hi Nanc,

She's an 02.I liked the black wheeled models,02-03.The black and silver models are sweet too.If you think your gonna do trips,keep and eye on the classified section here as a MG accessory item was soft side bags with a metal bracket,which wont scratch your side panels.Hepco and Becker made a hard bag set for the V11,and a trunk but are expensive and getting harder to find.I tried the soft bags for years on my 95 VFR ,but found no matter how careful I was, they always marred or scratched the plastic.I have a set of 5 stars mounts with Krauser bags on the VTEC and the mounts come off in about 5 mins,leaving the bike looking like the picture.That's another pet peeve of mine of the stock and most other hard-bag set-ups as they leave all the ugly hardware exposed.Been thinking about how I could fabricate a quick release mount for the V11,....

70 degrees and perfect sun today,gonna go squeeze into the leathers and :race: whohoo,...!

Don't sell the VFR yet as days like this you'll be looking at how beautiful the Guzzi is as she sits in the garage while yer waiting on parts,...


Hey Nan...


Glad your diggin' the Guzzi.

Those photo's are very enticing. Corners you can see around.

I love that. Here in New England it's pretty much a keep your fingers

crossed and give the yellow line lots of respect.

I'm busy getting the boat ready for the season and was just thinking...

we get June July and Aug and it's time to start thinking about the "off season"

again. Could you loan me a couple of months?

Could you loan me a couple of months?


So True - That's why we moved to Tampa 3 years ago from Norwood MA and never looked back. Kind of miss the hills but 60 degrees is a cold day! :>



Hey Nan...


Glad your diggin' the Guzzi.

Those photo's are very enticing. Corners you can see around.

I love that. Here in New England it's pretty much a keep your fingers

crossed and give the yellow line lots of respect.

I'm busy getting the boat ready for the season and was just thinking...

we get June July and Aug and it's time to start thinking about the "off season"

again. Could you loan me a couple of months?


I'll loan you a couple months....hmmm.....I would be loved and adored if I could rid Tucson of say....July and August. Oh wait, we do have the monsoon season in July...so how about August and September... :lol: 110 gets old real quick!


Love yer backyard though...I've always wanted to ride in your area of the country....a fall trip to Vermont for the leaves...New England quaintness....regional food and beverages. What months will you trade ME for?


And yeah, many of the roads here are real sweepers...big fun. Since we all love photos so much, here's an incredible view of Northern AZ, near Springerville. Usually at that time of year (early fall) the meadows and hills are dried grasses....so much rain brought an incredible New Zealandesque appeal to the landscape.


BTW, have you ridden "the dragon" on the Guzzi?


Hi Nanc,

She's an 02.I liked the black wheeled models,02-03.The black and silver models are sweet too.If you think your gonna do trips,keep and eye on the classified section here as a MG accessory item was soft side bags with a metal bracket,which wont scratch your side panels.Hepco and Becker made a hard bag set for the V11,and a trunk but are expensive and getting harder to find.I tried the soft bags for years on my 95 VFR ,but found no matter how careful I was, they always marred or scratched the plastic.I have a set of 5 stars mounts with Krauser bags on the VTEC and the mounts come off in about 5 mins,leaving the bike looking like the picture.That's another pet peeve of mine of the stock and most other hard-bag set-ups as they leave all the ugly hardware exposed.Been thinking about how I could fabricate a quick release mount for the V11,....

70 degrees and perfect sun today,gonna go squeeze into the leathers and :race: whohoo,...!

Don't sell the VFR yet as days like this you'll be looking at how beautiful the Guzzi is as she sits in the garage while yer waiting on parts,...


Yeah, I will probably keep her...she is purty and incredibly reliable... :thumbsup:


My Guzzi came with hardbags and the brackets..all attached. I removed everything as I wanted the bike "clean" for awhile. Don't know if I will end up putting them back on? For both bikes, I have found the Cortech system to work flawlessly and perfectly. Once I figured out where to strap them down on the VFR, they didn't move. I wrap soft cloths around any exposed tiedown that sits on a surface...no scratches yet on either bike. Not into paying over $1,000 bucks for hardbags!

Hi Nan welcome,seems you went through the same process i went through when i saw mine on Craiges list and knew i just had to have it,can you say love at first site,and i already have two other bikes.


i'm new to this site to,got my 92 V11 LeMans in Feb from Vancouver up here in the Great white North,looking at your pictures thats what i call biking weather,christ i'm still wearing my electric vest up here 500miles north of Vancouver,Grin and bear.


You've got all the mechanical expertise'from everybody allready so no need to go there,i'm not that way inclined any way,oil change ,spark plugs,blah blah,thought your come back was quite good when nobody welcomed you to the Forum,i also did'nt get to many bites,though i did post on the Polforum"Idiot",maybe i should have changed my gender.


Anyway enjoy,i'm loving mine,they are right about one thing this bike has oodle's of char'acter even if i'm freezing my Kulyackaki's off.



PS tire size,mines got a 180/55.17 on the rear is this normal?anyone!


Hey Stu,

Glad you are lovin your new bike...what other bikes are collecting dust in your garage..? :o


Here's an official warm welcome to V11lemans...a great site for sure, learned a lot and can be entertaining at times. And yeah, you could pose as a shemale for awhile..that might get their attention... :P


I'll trade ya Dec and Jan for March and Nov.

You get a nice New England Christmas and lots of skiing and

I get 2 more months to ride. :)


NO I haven't done Deals Gap on a Guzzi and wouldn't wan to really.

The BRP and Skyline yes but the Dragon it self is more 250cc country.

Been there twice but like it down by the river better. The law has come down

hard on Deals Gap also. Something to keep in mind. The best open country,

wonderful Guzzi roads I've been on are in Nova Scotia. Cape Breton.

Wide beautiful roads, sparsely settled, cliffs over rocky coasts, zero traffic.

There and anywhere near there is just incredible. About 2 days with the spurs on

from here. About the same for DG.

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