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Guest ratchethack
  belfastguzzi said:

Um, BFG. Dubious greetings to you also??


Seems your fertile imagination turns its attention to flagrant flirting with our Forum Probation today. . . :o


Should I be flattered by such attention as you seem increasingly apt to offer in my direction lately? :huh:


Tell me, please. Wot new, odd (even for you!), strangely provocative, and -- yea, verily -- dangerous muse today sits upon your shoulder, prodding you with barbed trident, praytell? :unsure:


Not long ago I was placed on trial by popularity poll (without charge) immediately after a "provocative" thread was shut down. This wasn't a thread I started, though I'd become quite "involved". I'm sure you recall. It was hard to miss. Was that not enough of an opportunity for you to. . . err, do wotever it is you seem inclined to. . . um, do here?


Is it now your intention to re-open yet another popularity poll here under a different format? :huh2:


Enquiring minds. . . (well, you know)


Well now, Ratchet, YOU are the very one who created that little picture (at 02.12pm)!


I only observe what I observe. :nerd:


Maybe you shouldn't be poking about in threads like that! :lol:

Guest ratchethack

Now this gets curiouser and curiouser. . . :whistle:


I don't know wot "little picture" you attempted to post above, BFG, but here's wot I see:




Now this might just be me, being a mere colonial barbarian rube and all, but I find this just a mite crypic. . . :huh2:


For the life of me, I don't b'lieve I posted a-tall at 2:12 PM today?? Do you know wot time it is, BFG?! :P


Are you now presuming to advise me wot threads in which I should and should not be poking about??!! <_<


Let me try again: By wot possible inclination, motivation, or trident-prod of BFG muse du jour, am I to be thankful for finding a thread started by you and dedicated to myself today??!! :wacko:


Please do help me understand your point here, won't you? I find this all quite intriguing. . . but also, well, so befuddling. . . :huh2:


Must I call upon the services of cousin Hercule Poirot Hatchracket, Esq., Private Investigator, to get to the bottom of things?! ;)

  ratchethack said:
For the life of me, I don't b'lieve I posted a-tall at 2:12 PM today?? Do you know wot time it is, BFG?! :P


Presumably you are set to local time so you will see your posting time as 02.12 minus the difference. :nerd:

OK Your turn again.


~ Where's D.L.? I thought that he'd be here by now? Maybe he's gone to make a... purchase??? ~


Ahh, the power of auto-suggestion

Guest ratchethack

Uh-oh. Now you've swerved this uh, conspicuously unusual thread (even by BFG standards!) into a shade of innuendo, the likes of which I dare not participate under the terms of Forum Probation. :o


Do you now call for the backup assistance of my Frequent Forum Foil, BFG? Though this particular wavelength of folly has quickly gone light years past my range of interest, encumbered as I am by earthbound rules of engagement, there seem to be certain dangerous spectra of foolishness and folderol to which even Dave will afford a wide berth, BFG. . . :lol::whistle:


Vaya con Dios, mi compadre. ^_^




But by all means, please do. . . err, carry on without me. :huh2:


-- Cdr. Hatchracket, Earthling

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