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Good things from the sixties

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But then....



40 years later

40 years later? That's 2009! You sure did a fine job of fettling your computer valves. Now you get next year's internet. Excellent. P.S. she looks like Dot Cotton.

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"We recommend a newer browser"

Once again, I need to point out...

I don't think that it was the computer the message was aimed at


BTW, just to reassure you, they're not dark and grainy because of your worn-out eyesight. It was night-time.

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Plus, you're an artist.


How kind of you to say so.

You may care to browse among some more old tat? Equipment permitting, of course.






Le Mans lll



Must organise that stuff properly some day.

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EL 34's what a valve should we start a vintage hi-fi thread


Hi- fi threads are very much like tyres thread, it really is all down to the listener and the type of audio feedback he likes.

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