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mandello clutch


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are the clutches in v11's always this noisy or just my mandello. pull the lever in the noise goes, I've had bikes with dry clutches before but this seems loud. bike has 3000k's

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are the clutches in v11's always this noisy or just my mandello. pull the lever in the noise goes, I've had bikes with dry clutches before but this seems loud. bike has 3000k's


Yes, they make a noise like cats screwing in a tumble drier. The twin plater used in most of the range makes a noise like someone band-sawing gerbils, but only when the clutch is in. It's all to do with the uneven firing interval. Set your idle to 1200RPM, ballance the TB's carefully and that's a s good as it will get.



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I have a Rosso Mandello too & that is just what its supposed to sound like. Like Pete said, set your idle at about 1200 & the sound is a little less maybe. Its a loud bike that sounds like a coffee can full of nuts & bolts in a paint mixer at idle :rolleyes: you either learn to like it or you'll be selling it because theres nothing you can do to "fix" it.

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My Scura's the same. Quiet when new, but by about 2,000 miles had developed a loud "clack clack" at tickover, which disappears when you pull the clutch in. I had my clutch apart (replaced it with a genuine RAM), and it appears that the noise is a result of wear on the splines of the clutch plate. I put a bit of BMW clutch spline grease on the splines of new clutch - we'll see if this slows down the wear rate. (Guzzi assemble them dry; BMW, with a similar design of clutch, use grease - who knows who is right)

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Mine makes all it's noise with the lever pulled in. It sounds like a release bearing 10 seconds before destruction.

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Mine makes all it's noise with the lever pulled in. It sounds like a release bearing 10 seconds before destruction.

ah, perectly normal :lol:

really tho guzzi's sound to the liking if you were on any other bike it would be ready to blowup and die, only ducati's dry clutch comes close but then all the other noises of the valves and push rods it really is like someone chopped off 2 cyl off a old school V8 small block ^_^

I love the quirks just make sure your oil is topped off and the oil light NEVER comes on, m ine did a few times under acceleration when new and found out it was eating the old pretty good back then, its leveled off and only sips the oil with no problems in the last 15k mi

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Terrifies loud piped HDs at the stoplight...soccer mom's move their kids to the other side of the mini-van, away from the supposed shrapnel zone. You can't beat it. k

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