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Just a quick question and I'm sure the answer could be one of a thousand things but..


with the new Mistral x-over and FBF carbon pipes it is creating a lot of heat. I had a full tune done and had a K&N put in adn the bike will run fine for about 20 minutes then starts to sputter and wants to die. I was stuck at the gas station yesterday because the bike would not restart and finally did after about 20mins. When I got it going again it would not really go above 4k RPM and sputtered starting at 4k RPM. I'm using the stock ECU map.


Does this sound like the heat from the motor is causing fuel flow problems or my bike is not getting enough air?? I'm looking for a best guess because I'm getting to the point where I'm going to throw the stock stuff back on and possibly trading it in (for a better two up bike).


It seems odd the bike failed to start, that almost sounds like some kind of vapor lock. When it wouldn't fire up did you check open the fuel cap to see if there was any pressure? Other than that you could be seeing a fuel filter problem. How do the plugs look? Are they very light in color or more black? Light in color would indicate a lean condition maybe from an plugged fuel filter. The plugs will tell you a lot, if you need more or less air etc.


Good luck!



#1 how long have you owned the bike?

#2 howlong has this bike acted like this?

#3 did it do this after the mods(pipes,csns)?

#4did you hear the fuel pump energize when you were stalled?

#5 is the fuel pump mounted in the tank or on the frame rail ? I assume you were refueling and then the bike would not start. This rules out "tank suck".

  gstallons said:
#1 how long have you owned the bike?

#2 howlong has this bike acted like this?

#3 did it do this after the mods(pipes,csns)?

#4did you hear the fuel pump energize when you were stalled?

#5 is the fuel pump mounted in the tank or on the frame rail ? I assume you were refueling and then the bike would not start. This rules out "tank suck".


1. about 2 years

2. since I added the full exhaust this winter

3. yep

4. don't know what that means but when I turn on the ignition I can hear the hum presumably the fuel pump starting

5. Not sure on the 2003 models. I pulled into the gas station to refuel because I was getting low and the bike began to sputter.


The plugs are a silverish color (I'm slightly colorblind) they aren't black(rich) and they aren't white (lean) so the bike appears to be getting the right mixture up to 4k rpm


I thin you need neew mapping for you ecu. I have 2 bos exhaust and it also sputters, but only till 3000 rpm. Above 3000 rpm the bike is great. Need a mapping too, because the previous dealer didn't tune the bike.

Power Commander or flash the ecu. I am going for the frist option.


You can trade it,...and make someone happy...you have increased the quantity of air both in (KN filter),

...and out (crossover, slip ons),

but since you use the stock Ecu fuel mixture is...lean at low range...that explains the heat.

Color of plugs may seem right, because you don't drive all time below 3000rpm,...mostly above that

even stock ecu delivers more fuel above that..so it may be OK but to the lean side.

If the bike is 2003 fuel pump is inside the tank,.. when a v11 overheats it makes all kind of tricks

You can try...put back the stock filter at least and check how it behaves, maybe KN is tooo...open

Tune the trim of the ecu if you have software to add fuel, or take it to a service shop and get CO at 4%+-


If no result, a power commander with a custom map is a good solution, because you create a fuel map

for the specific set up(mistral,KN,Fbf)


Is it possible the valves were set too tight with the tune up?

All of your mods will require a different map for proper fueling but won't create the stalling symptom you describe. Tight valves will, fuel starvation (tank suck as gstallons suggested) also will.


It sounds like a heat related fuel vapour lock to me. At least eliminate this as a possibility, as some of the other sugestions will cost you money. You will have to be carefull draining off the pressure right at the petcock, if done while the engine is hot. But this is probably it. It will have to be done maybe once a yr.


  Steve G. said:
It sounds like a heat related fuel vapour lock to me. At least eliminate this as a possibility, as some of the other sugestions will cost you money. You will have to be carefull draining off the pressure right at the petcock, if done while the engine is hot. But this is probably it. It will have to be done maybe once a yr.



So how do I relieve the vapor lock if that's what it is? I also didn't think that the 2003 models were prone to vapor lock because the fuel pump is in the tank but I thought that it would be something related to the increased heat from new full exhaust because the bike runs like a monster for about the first 30 mins before the sputtering stops. I did a search on vapor lock but it seems that people just pull the fuel hose or use and insulated fuel hose. Is there an easy way to fix this problem?


Is the stock airbox still in place or did you install pod filters? I had a similar problem after changing to K&N pods, in that the air temp sensor that was protected and fed cooler air via the airbox was now getting hotter air right off the motor. Once I moved it away from the engine's direct heat, all was well again. You can also test this sensor with hot water and a voltmeter set up to check resistance. Good luck and don't get frustrated! :bier:

  felix42o said:
Is the stock airbox still in place or did you install pod filters? I had a similar problem after changing to K&N pods, in that the air temp sensor that was protected and fed cooler air via the airbox was now getting hotter air right off the motor. Once I moved it away from the engine's direct heat, all was well again. You can also test this sensor with hot water and a voltmeter set up to check resistance. Good luck and don't get frustrated! :bier:


The stock airbox is still in place, just has a high flow K&N filter in it now. I don't have the open airbox either but was contemplating getting it if I think it will help. Where is the sensor? or do I not need to worry about it since I have the stocker.


I'm going to change to the stock x-over this weekend and see if that changes anything.

  wheelsucker said:
The stock airbox is still in place, just has a high flow K&N filter in it now. I don't have the open airbox either but was contemplating getting it if I think it will help. Where is the sensor? or do I not need to worry about it since I have the stocker.


I'm going to change to the stock x-over this weekend and see if that changes anything.


I doubt this will have much of an effect.


I think you got some good suggestions here - in particular valves and vapor lock. The easiest thing to do is call whoever gave it a tuneup and ask what valve clearances they set. In my experience, if they are not at least 0.15mm/0.2 mm, you WILL have these types of problems.


Well, I said screw it today and loaded the map I got from GuzziTech when I ordered the PCIII. Low and behold, there was no sputtering or anything for the 45 minute ride. Going to take it out on a hotter day for a long ride but as someone suggested, the bike may have been getting hot from the lean condition of the stock map. Only time will tell.


oh yeah, the bike runs like a beast and pulls all the way to redline.

  wheelsucker said:
Just a quick question and I'm sure the answer could be one of a thousand things but..


with the new Mistral x-over and FBF carbon pipes it is creating a lot of heat. I had a full tune done and had a K&N put in adn the bike will run fine for about 20 minutes then starts to sputter and wants to die. I was stuck at the gas station yesterday because the bike would not restart and finally did after about 20mins. When I got it going again it would not really go above 4k RPM and sputtered starting at 4k RPM. I'm using the stock ECU map.


Does this sound like the heat from the motor is causing fuel flow problems or my bike is not getting enough air?? I'm looking for a best guess because I'm getting to the point where I'm going to throw the stock stuff back on and possibly trading it in (for a better two up bike).

I looked back at your original post and didn't see any mention of the Power Commander. :huh2:

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