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Anyone have leads on an 03 V11 Shift Lever? I hear Pete with www.rebootguzzispares.com had made some, but he’s in France and didn’t respond to my initial email.


Any other outlets?




Seeing as you are in El Lay, I would just call up Mark Ethridge at Moto Guzzi Classics (www.motoguzziclassics.com).

Failing that, Harpers Moto Guzzi (www.harpermotoguzzi.com) has aftermarket pieces advertised on their home page, and importantly, one of our forum sponsers, MPH cycles (www.mphcycles.com) also sells some very nice aftermarket pieces.


  Zuit said:
Anyone have leads on an 03 V11 Shift Lever? I hear Pete with www.rebootguzzispares.com had made some, but he’s in France and didn’t respond to my initial email.


Any other outlets?




Not being stupid but what happened to your lever ?

  gstallons said:
Not being stupid but what happened to your lever ?






Hmmmmmmm........ did you win?

Do you know a good (heli-arc) welder? I looked at the prices.Yeow!


I had an aw sh*t in my garage a couple of years ago that munched the shifter. I had the shifter bits welded back together by a competent welder. A good bead, a little grinding, and it looks and works fine (and probably stronger than the original). It is still in use, even though I have sinced sourced a new one that I keep in reserve.


I did cut my shiftpeg in 2 pieces on purpose. Actually in 3 pieces and welded the 2 outer pieces back together, 2 cm shorter. I do have a much better feeling with the peg now, and no false gear changes anymore.


Mine seems to be fouling the porkchop when adjusted to where I like it... Do any of these provide more clearance in this area?



Best price I found on the shift lever was at harpers. I paid $189.00 for the lever and $19.36 for freight. Total: $208.36 and it seems like alot to spend on a simple lever, but it came with the toe stump and toe peg rubber already on it and it feels lightweight and good quality and I really like harpers.


I'm getting a set of pazzo shift levers for my v11 sport, from a really awesome guy in NY at moto world online http://www.motoworldonline.com I'll let you guys know how they worked, I see alot of riders here have them and love em. I also got the most ridiclous price ever on an AGV Stealth helmet. $193.00 from http://www.mawonline.com/google/P01012326.HTM I bought a LG and XL, and the XL is perfect, they run real small.


Whiskey bent and hell bound,





Yeah, I'm embarrassed that I got in the fight I could have avoided with my throttle, but I didn’t start it. Two monkey's on harley's tried to show me they had the bigger chrome penis and run me off the road. Some words were exchanged on the road and then one tried to kick me. With my liquid courage, I let him come close to try to kick me again, and then I hit his engine kill switch, which made him drop his Jay-Z playing trash can in the middle of the sunset strip at 40Mph. I should have left then, but I drove slowly with the brothers in purist and finally pulled over to play, took my helmet off, and started smashing them with it. Since they initiated it and tagged teamed me, I felt it was appropriate to take the keys to their bikes when I left them bleeding. (and they owe me the helmet I had to use to beat them with.)


Next time, I'll remember to avoid confrontation and, if all else fails, put my kickstand down when dismounting quickly for a fight.


You sound like Mickey Rourke and Don Johnson rolled into one !!!!!!!!!! Did you put this on youtube?

  BrianG said:
Mine seems to be fouling the porkchop when adjusted to where I like it... Do any of these provide more clearance in this area?


For something completely different, check this out: www.motratech.com


OK I cant stand it. Only a fool or a someone in dream land watching way to much speed racer would come up with a story like this. And to take a helmit off in a fight, BEEN IN A FEW, helmet on would never come off in a actual FIGHT. Its OK if you backed over the bike with the wifes minie van and need a part.

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