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spark plugs are rich and sooty


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I think it should not say 32 degrees. The resistance of the functional layer should go up if its thickness goes down, so the TPS should show lower opening angles in the same position. Also I'd expect a slower, a degrading process, not a thing like "it pulled like a champ and suddenly the TPS went nuts". But hey, just hook up a volt meter, an analog one preferably, and check it. Measure voltage, not resistance, important!



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2or4strokes, was it ever 39 degrees or did you mean 3.9 degrees and accidently left out a dot in post #8? I get the feeling there was a tiny loss in communications that is now escalating :wacko:


Also, when you had the diag tool connected, did you see both temperature readings was OK? And maybe even the pressure sensor? If so please tell us, so we can avoid unneccessary guessing.

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Hi Guys


The data tool initially show a fault on injector 1 and 2 . the dealer e rased these faults and then checked the tps which shows a reading of 38 or 39 degrees. Thereafter we readjusted the tps back to 3.2 degrees but found the reading inconsistent(varying between 2.6 and 3.2). Furhtermore the tps appears to be extremely sensitive. Anyway ater this adjustment the bike started but idle is not satisfactory. Please note that before this tps problem we had already tune the bike based on the procedure recommended in our forum and best of all it actually idle very well and ran strongly . Only after 30 kms the bike went into misfiring mode and hence we discovered this problem. temp sensor has been checked and even changed , fuel pump has been changed to the old one as well and I can comfirm that it is not the problem although it is running higher psi(45 I believed).


For those members who recommended a harley TPS , can you tell me which harley is it for and year since the dealer here will only sell it to a harley owner which I am not at present.

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Ok Guys


Here is the final chapter to my problem. (I hope) . Have substituted a california tps and the bike now runs . Everything seems normal now.. Comfirmed TPS screwed....



Thanks for all the feedback and help. :P:P:D

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