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You CAN be taught difference between kill switch & dimmer switch

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For ALL non-American riders or if you come to ride in the US; ride as though you have(ignorantly) been having an affair with a woman who has a very angry husband. He also is very p****d about what has happened. He knows you have been doing IT in HIS BED.

Angry husband works in law enforcement so he has special dispensation. He knows what you look like and what you ride.You don't know what he drives but he is out to "get" you. He has the rest of his life to take care of this payback so don't be in any hurry to expect immediate results.

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For ALL non-American riders or if you come to ride in the US; ride as though you have(ignorantly) been having an affair with a woman who has a very angry husband. He also is very p****d about what has happened. He knows you have been doing IT in HIS BED.

Angry husband works in law enforcement so he has special dispensation. He knows what you look like and what you ride.You don't know what he drives but he is out to "get" you. He has the rest of his life to take care of this payback so don't be in any hurry to expect immediate results.

Some states are worse than others.

In NY I got pulled over 5 times in one month, and let go each time, because each time I was less than 5 MPH over the limit. Driving while young may have the suspected crime as I was 17, and they were looking for registration illegalities as it was that time of year.

In Northern CA I got two tickets in one weeked, both 65 in 55.

In Southern CA I have ridden nearly 50,000 miles without getting pulled over. (knock on wood)

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Driving while young may have been the suspected crime

I like the sound of that. How should I go about committing this crime?

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