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Does my V11 Sport have Swine Flu?


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My '00 has suddenly started to sputter and choke on my ride home today. Nothing horrible. It did this a bit last year and then it went away. This was the first hot day I had it out this year but I dont know if heat has anything to do with it. It hiccups around 4k and 3k RPM on decelleration. Any suggestions?



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Well, they do say these bikes are kind of pigs???


Um, my guess would be running a bit lean. Have you set your TPS lately? I've let mine sit for 4-5 months and it ran ok, so I don't know if I would attribute it to just bad gas, but you could run some seafoam through it?


Other thought- it could be vapor lock. Did it do this shortly after starting it hot?

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Guest ratchethack

Without knowing anything more -- coupla thoughts & Q's, Jim


How many miles on fuel filter? Air filter?

(Per JRT): Last TPS setting? (Per BT): Old gas? Last valve adjustment?

Does it only happen after well warmed up and/or after idling at traffic lights, or more or less all the time?

What engine intake/exhaust mod's, if any?

PC III? Map?

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