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running like a hunted shit house?


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Hey all, further to my thread on the miss at 2800rpm...


Well... things have deterated, the bikes at the shop now and the as it it very hard to start, shitty idle or no idle missing at all revs below 3000... the following has been checked and ok'd:

TB ballance

TPS checked

valve clearances reset

nill faults on ECU

new plugs (existing were very sooty)


any ideas why this thing is being a shit head

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Cold we just continue this on the original thread? All the history would be there . . .
yeah sorry docc... thought that thread had wondered of topic a bit, and that was more about the mag drop at 2800rpm... this issue is more it now running like a bag a shit.



Did you check the rubber throttle body intake sleeves? Those are prone to cracking & letting in extra air, thus ruining your day.
checked and all seem ok thanks.
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Ok, done through my radar detector (8500 escort) so might not be the most accurate.

1) 11.2

2) 11.5

3) 12.9


that mean anything?

If those figures are correct you have a charging problem. Measured at the battery terminals they should be like >12.5, >13, >14. This problem should not cause the other but maybe it does.

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If those figures are correct you have a charging problem. Measured at the battery terminals they should be like >12.5, >13, >14. This problem should not cause the other but maybe it does.

Agreed regarding the correct voltages. How old/what model is your battery?


I found my poor running problems to improve immensely by freshening the charging system. The ECU does not operate well at these low voltages.

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If those figures are correct you have a charging problem. Measured at the battery terminals they should be like >12.5, >13, >14. This problem should not cause the other but maybe it does.

done at terminals:

1) 12.8

2) 13.2

3) 14.0

this tells me alls ok?


Agreed regarding the correct voltages. How old/what model is your battery?
Battery is std 04 Lemans my batt tender shows it strong and with 14v



So to day I:

checked all sencors, all seem good

checked air filter, new and clean

cleaned TB and linkages

found a bit of movment when wrigling the shaft with linkages and springs on them under the right TB... that ok?

checked rubber inlets, all good as new.

changed the oil, now this was done not so long ago but was blacker than a black thing... what ya think due to running rich?

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Well correct me if I'm wrong, but if all trouble seems to be happening under 3000, could it be something wrong with ignition timing? At least with old big blocks you get full advance right about there and the engine wasn't so fussy about few degrees here and there when at 3000 or over, but below that it's a different thing alltogether.

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