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Simple Wiring Schematic


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Hi Guys,

I have been helped out a lot by some of you recently so i thought i might be able to add the benefit of 40+ years electrical troubleshooting.

To this end I took the schematic for my V11 and tried to show in semi ladder diagram fashion how the main wiring is arranged.

Note: I completely ignored non-essential wiring, lights flashers etc and the complex wiring around the ECU. Those can be identified in different drawings, I just wanted to show the wiring I think most of the problems occur in.

Please take a look and offer any comments, preferably in a marked up drawing scanned and sent back.




Many thanks to Raz, Docc, Gstallons and any others who supplied valuable feedback from here or by PM


Ok, i have the right files now April 27 2010


Sorry Guys :unsure: I just noticed that my ECU Test Points dwg was out of date Please replace with this one May 12 2010



May 16th Update

I recently discovered how important the headlight wiring is, without it the Tacho won't work and the charging stops so I updated the wiring as well showing

how the regulator needs 12 volts.

I changed the relay style so that it's consistent with the other drawings and arranged the same as in reality.

The starter motor solenoid now shows the 2 coil arrangement.


BTW, see Raz's headlight relay schematic about 16 posts down, I implemented this, works great.


Regards :oldgit:



Test Point Layout May 10 2010.pdf

ECU Test Points May 12 2010.pdf

Guzzy_Wiring May 16 2010.pdf

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Excellent, Roy, really! Thank you.


One question: I never understood how this diode after Relais 4 should work? Personally I would place it somewhere else and especially the other way round.


I forgot to mention: I'd draw the neutral light in the same de-energised state as the rest of the wiring. Maybe this would make the function clearer.



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Re: relay #4. Sometimes relays have a diode in parallel with the coil to cause the voltage spike to go to ground instead of back to the device that triggers the solenoid. This voltage spike can be as high as 5x the voltage applied. This voltage spike occurs when the device is turned off (or cycled) and the field is collapsed in the coil.

The diode as drawn I am not sure what purpose it serves.

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Excellent, Roy, really! Thank you.


One question: I never understood how this diode after Relais 4 should work? Personally I would place it somewhere else and especially the other way round.


I forgot to mention: I'd draw the neutral light in the same de-energised state as the rest of the wiring. Maybe this would make the function clearer.



My thoughts on it were to protect the ECU if someone were to inadvertently connect the battery backwards


Your thoughts on the neutral light are noted


It's almost impossible to get a schematic right first time through




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I've seen plenty of examples of batteries hooked up backwards.

There is no one component that fails every time a battery is hooked up backwards.

I commend your first time wiring diagram.

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Excellent, Roy! Carl Allison's schematics are very good too but harder to use for fault finding. And they wont fit on the computer screen without information loss.

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You missed the point. You don't need CA's schematics as long as you have an owners manual.




I don't know about V11's but the Sporti schematics from Guzzi are almost unreadable. They are downsized beyond the point of losing information so enlarging it doesn't help. Carl's are larger, better and with colours that helps tracking.

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Ok Guys,

Heres my latest.

I am not getting as much response as I thought. :(




Please give your comments, good, bad or ugly


Attachment removed, see first post in the string for latest - Roy May 18





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I am not getting as much response as I thought. :(


Please give your comments, good, bad or ugly



Freaking AWESOME?

Exactly what I imagined myself doing, but was too bloody lazy?

A good deed that will in all probability not go unpunished?

Deserving of at least a few pints?

Not as good as it could be, since I will need to print and laminate it myself?



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I am not getting as much response as I thought. :(




Please give your comments, good, bad or ugly



OK, this is well worth commenting on:

Most times when I have had an el-problem on one of my Guzzis, I draw a simplified diagram, -thus I have many spread around in my work shop. But NONE of them is as simple to follow as this one, and none so instructive and informative as yours. Thanks a lot, Roy! If the distance between Canada and Norway was smaller, I'd send my wife over to give you a hug... :bier:

By the way; initiatives like this is among the things that makes this forum so genious! :sun:

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OldButNotDead, Bjor,

I have quite a bit more detail to add yet like wire colours, relay base and a couple of errors to fix.

Later on I will tackle the lights and ECU wiring but as a seperate drawing. Can't promise a Norwegan version though.


Glad you like it.


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Thank you Roy, kindly draw up a stand alone headlight relay with ground line bypassing the steering head bearings. Maybe as an option page or some such. This has been done before, but your level of diagram is most appreciated. Dont worry about lack of response, electrical issues are someone elses until... then the light comes on. :ninja:

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Thank you Roy, kindly draw up a stand alone headlight relay

Yes, that's a project I want to do, I don't like the way headlight goes thru sooooo many contacts.

I would also like to have it so the headlight doesn't come on as soon as you turn on the ignition.

I saw somewhere someone suggesting two relays for High / Low beam.

I will post how I added LEDs to the relay bases when I get time.

I will be trying out an idea for offsetting the TPSensor shortly, that may be of interest also.




Refer to the drawing from Raz 16-April-2010 under "Headlight Losses" topic, thats what I will be doing.

His scheme gives the lamp 2 possible supplies, if the main fuse blows the diode will conduct and supply the lamp at a slightly reduced voltage.

With this simple fix you could get up to 30% more light.


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