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clutch gasket blows all the time


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You need to be certain that it really is engine oil that is getting onto the clutch plates, and not gearbox oil. You need to smell the oil that is on the clutch plates once the clutch is out, not just the oil dripping out of the bottom of the bell housing. I had a similar problem with a T3, and it turned out that gearbox oil was managing to work its way along the splines fastening the clutch hub to the gearbox input shaft. This meant that gearbox oil was being deposited neatly into the centre of the clutch, where it could do most damage. You say your bike has the 5 speed box. This is the same as my T3, so it could be the same problem. I took me ages, and several ruined clutch plates to figure out what the problem was, as my main bearing oil seal also leaked constantly (despite replacing it twice), so I naturally assumed this was causing the clutch problem. But it wasn't. Once I realised what the problem was, it was easy enough to cure - I just used silicon sealant on the splines - and never had problems with the clutch again. The main bearing oil seal continued to leak, leaving embarassing little puddles of oil wherever I parked it, but this didn't create any problems for the clutch, as the oil was getting thrown outwards off the flywheel, and not finding its way onto the plates. So whoever you get to put your new clutch in, make sure they check that no oil is finding it way into the clutch from the gearbox, as well as checking/replacing the main bearing oil seal.

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Moto international (Greg Field's workplace) sells a nifty set of o-rings that will damn well eliminate any oil migration along the clutch pushrod. It is cheap and effective.

One other possibility (13? 14?) is the oil return tube could be leaking. OK, that's pretty remote- call it 13.5.

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mant thanx for all these, i'll pass all the suggestions to the mechanic.

A good news already is that he's taking charge of the repair.

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