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Belstaff, like Guzzi, is moving with the times

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... There, fixed it for you! :grin: ....


Skeeve, please edit your post and quote me correctly or don't quote me at all. It's no good style what you do here, regardless of the quote's content or what you want to say.






Sure thing Luhbo, I'll put you down my list of the humour-impaired. No worries! :thumbsup:

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... but the race ended badly for the actor when a "spectator" rode into his path causing a crash and wrecking the bike.



There, fixed it for you! :grin: You know how the communists hated to lose to the West, & particularly the U.S.A, & weren't above ordering the f!ckup of the day on K.P. duty to put on civvies & "go take one for the team"... Or did you really buy that that all happened "accidentally?" ;)

I remember reading about the Czech ISDT team having mechanics hidden in the forest along the way :whistle:

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