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Calling Greg Field.....

enzo temko

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I am hoping you come to this site or that someone will notify you. A couple years ago I tossed my Mac email app and forgot to transfer all my email addresses. I lost them all. I've lost Roadslayer's, Vance's and yours. I'm sure Slayer has wondered why I stopped talking with him or why his email to me is returned. I'd like to renew contact and get back on the road. The V11 'Raptor' is about to hit the mean streets. It is my greatest creation to date. It will, once again, make waves in Guzzi Nation. I suppose at some point it may need your further tender ministrations.


I'd also like to communicate with Squatch. Strangely enough, I saw him at the Maui Airport in a wheel chair and really didn't know what to say to him or how I would be received. As far as I can remember, we are still friends.


I'd like to communicate with you personally before I do anything else. Please PM me through this site. I - once again - tried to register to Ill Gloomy, this time with my actual name, but it seems I cannot get onto that site. I don't have any interest in talking politics over there, but I simply wanted to get on to reach some folks. So, this seems to be my only outlet.


I was over at Moto I. a couple weeks ago, but I guess you have no connection with the place these days.


I will give you my personal email, and if you don't mind, I'd like you to send it to these guys with this note.


Hope you are doing well and having fun on the Anti-gravity Pod.


Enzo :thumbsup:

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Capt Nemo, we missed you!!!!



Thanks, Steve. It's been a long time since I was around. All I remember here is that one of the guys is the quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers.


A couple years ago I took my Guzzi apart to have it painted. Meanwhile, I still had my Honda RC51 running and I was taking it to track days. Going there to the track all day long several times cured me of wanting to go fast. I was there able to go as fast as I could stand and I got it all out of my system. Really, it cured me of all my bad street habits. I sort of lost interest in motorcycles and got two scooters for myself and wifey. That was a 250 auto and very fun around town. Then I even lost interest in that.


For some reason, the bike bug has hit again and I started putting the Guzzi back together. This afternoon I will finish and go for a short ride. I have to renew my license tags this morning for it. I never thought I would ever see it running again. I'm excited.

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For some reason, the bike bug has hit again and I started putting the Guzzi back together.

Premature senility would explain it.

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