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My new fully charged battery went dead after a couple of weeks sitting.

I put a meeter on and found voltage @ F1 with the key off.

Whats up wit dat?


Oh yea...

Hi guys.


What motorcycle are we referring to ? F1 I assume is fuse #1 ?


Not sure what you are talking about but it is normal to have voltage at fuses with the key off. As I recall, on the V11 at least three or four fuses get their power straight from the battery including fuses 1 and two (I believe). Obviously if the fuse gets its power straight from the battery then there is voltage there all the time. But since fuses do not consume voltage that is typically not a problem. The power is switched after the fuse in that case, not before, typically using relays.


Woah,stop the presses Ouiji is back!Did you bring your ole girl to HI or back on the east coast,either way welcome back :thumbsup:

With you and Ratch outa the loop,a turn of a phrase or biting wit is far and few between. :drink:


Hey Ouiji Veck! :bier: Good to see you back.


Dunno re battery, just wanted to welcome you back ... but some obvious to show willing: bad battery? was battery really fully charged? alarm or other current drain? Guess it's just consult wiring diagram & check what's drawing current from battery when ign off. Good luck.


KB :sun:


Sorry, not much help to you here, but...Man, been a long time since ya been round, good to see ya home! Hope your change in scenery has been a great experience, too. Later, S.H. :notworthy::mg::wub:

Also, we have some newish blood around here who are particularily adept at electrical mysterys, so,

"Paging Dr. Kiwi Roy, Dr. you're urgently needed in triage, STAT!!!"


Welcome back Ouiji! :bier: I don't know what's up with your bike but it's good to know that you're still out there. I hope things worked out well for you in Hawaii.


Hi Ouiji,

From the other comments it sounds like the board may liven up a notch!


I'm fairly new here, my simple drawing of a 2001 V11 Sport, it applies to other models also


Guzzi Wiring - Simple.pdf


You can see that Fuse 1 supplies Voltage to ECU terminal 17 even with the key off.

I doubt it draws very much current but you can remove Fuse 1 and connect your multimeter across it's socket

to measure the mA


A more detailed drawing of the ECU wiring

ECU Test Points.pdf







Holy crap !!!!!


I just typed 8 paragraphs describing my wild a wooly adventures since Hawaii (horrible) and back

and my new life living on my sail boat and thanks and apologies for being MIA...then it all disappeared.


Much shortened version:


Thanks Kiwi. I'm going to fuss with it in the morning. It's running and charging fine so I'm

going for a ride and pull F1 when I'm done. I've been dying for ride in this gorgeous winter weather.

SH was right. Your a gem. Even I could understand your drawings.


Everyone else:

Thanks for the warm welcome home. I've been from living in a tree house to now living on a 30

foot sloop since we last talked. My second winter aboard here in RI. It's awesome.

I neglected the Guzzi all last year for sailing and she's retaliating. All I wanted for Christmas was to take a long sweet ride and get away from boat chores for a day. All I got was a bunch of "stuff". .

pffffffft. Not even tires, or even a speedo cable and 60 deg. gear drive.

(anyone got a good deal on one of them?)

Just useless "stuff" ...ahhh Christmas.

Of course I spent enough money on "stuff" other people didn't want or need to buy my own

damn tires etc.



I'm looking forward to a good riding season this year to make up for last.

Do some serious maintenance in the spring and maybe do a Nova Scotia or Blue Ridge ride.

It was weird to not ride for a year after 40 odd years of avid riding.

I spent a couple of weeks sailing Penobscot Bay on a friends boat ...next thing you know I'm living

on a 30 foot sloop. Long story with lots of inner reflection, meaning of it all and

Irish whiskey.


Well you'll have to wait for another time to hear the hilarious details of the last 2 years.


It's so good to see you all.

Ratchet is MIA ?? OMG .. who will save us from ourselves?


I've been dying for ride in this gorgeous winter weather.

You should have a goodn' today


I've been from living in a tree house to now living on a 30

foot sloop since we last talked.

I gotta hear this


I'm looking forward to a good riding season this year to make up for last.

Do some serious maintenance in the spring and maybe do a Nova Scotia or Blue Ridge ride.

Did Cape Breton about a 10 years ago,really beautiful,about a dozen BR rides,fantasize about takin the Scura down there one day if brave enough


Long story with lots of inner reflection, meaning of it all and

Irish whiskey.

Blogs can be therapeutic


Ratchet is MIA ?? OMG .. who will save us from ourselves?




You do know that the national rally is in the heart of the Blue Ridge this year, right? :race: One of my dreams when I was a kid was to build a concrete sail boat and sail around the world. Life got in the way... :oldgit:


Well I discovered my voltage leak was through my brand new electrosport reg/rec.

12 volts running through it with the key off.. ???

Works fine other than that! DOH!


Looks like winter is going to finally arrive so I'll have some time to sort it out.



NO!! I didn't know the National Rally is in the Blue Ridge this year. Hmmm yea... that works.

I'll have to look into it.

Who's going?


I'm real out of touch with limited/sketchy internet access. I'm about 100 yrds from the boat house router.


Gotta get out and see if the 55mph winds did any damage last night.

What a racket!!!


If you see a young girl with a Cairn Terrier let us know !


My new fully charged battery went dead after a couple of weeks sitting.

I put a meeter on and found voltage @ F1 with the key off.

Whats up wit dat?


Oh yea...

Hi guys.

Hi Ouiji


There was a big thread about this issue in the past, find it here.

This is not uncommon and not every ECU suffers of this. But some....

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