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Came home yesterday, deployed the side stand, leaned the bike over and she pinned me to the garage wall. I tried to attach attach a photo of what looks to be either a bent/broken side stand, or one that is missing pieces. I have looked at an exploded parts diagram in an effort to figure out what my situation is, but it wasn't much help. Any advice or a pic of a functioning, fully bolted together side stand would be appreciated. 

Thanks much!

MG stand-min1.zip



you are missing the bottom mounting bolt or it broke off.

There is a thread about this repair somewhere on this board....Docc may

chime in and give further directions ... he's the pro 



Same thing happened to me and it looks like you bent your bracket too just like me..


BE VERY CAREFUL WITH WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.... It's simple.. but can go VERY wrong if you are not careful..


1. Look at your picture.  You can clearly see where the lower bolt is just in the bracket, but should be going into the engine block as well.  The head is just stuck there, the rest is still in the block.  You can also see, that for that bolt to reach, that bracket needs to be bent back into shape.  


2. Remove the Kickstand.   It's just that one bit bolt now.  DO NOT use the kickstand for leverage...  Removing the stand from the bracket.   If you have access to a table vice, you can bend this bracket back to a 90 degree angle.  Do it slowly.  Use a square to check for.... squareness..   If it breaks, it breaks and you're no worse off...  but it should bend, it's kinda designed to.  ( I should mention a disclaimer here I guess... MINE didn't break, I was able to bend it just fine).  If you have a metal shop around and they can make it true again for a few bucks...  do it.)


3.  CAREFULLY remove the rest of the lower bolt that is still screwed into the block.  There are lots of methods... my tact was to drill a tiny pilot hole into the bolt just large enough for my smallest Easy-Out to get in a grab it.


4.   You don't want to damage the threads as there is not a lot to work with to re-tap it or heli-coil it... so you want to avoid that if possible.


5.   Once the old bolt remnants are removed, hand fit your bracket back on making sure you bent it back into perfect shape so it sets flush on the engine and DO NOT FORGET THE LOWER SPACER.  There is a spacer on the lower section between the bracket and the engine.  As yours is missing, you'll have to measure and replace.  You might use the bolts and adjust them finger tight to ensure perfect fit. I guess this is the point where I mention... you need to buy a new lower bolt.   I forget what size it is, but you'll have the old one to take to the hardware store once you get it out... and you'll need that spacer too..


6.  Put it all back together.


FWIW...    A Sport Chock is a great thing to have.  Just drive the bike on it, and it's upright.   I only use my kickstand when I'm away from home, my bike it always in the chock.  Kinda fun to just drive in and hop off.   :)

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It looked like that bracket was bent, but it is cast aluminum with a big (ish) stiffening rib cast into it, so I wasn't sure. The bolt holes don't align up any longer but I am lucky in the fact that the sump threads appear to be OK and the remnants of the bolt backed out with very little effort at all. So, thinking some bracket straightening or finding a used one is in my future. 



It is VERY tempting to try and lever on that bent bracket with the kickstand! I will heed your advice.

Thank you so much!


Don't bend the bracket all the way to the sump. Need to get you a picture. There Is a spacer that goes between the 

back of the kickstand and the sump. Somewhere along the lines of 5mm ? I used steel washers.

I see that you are in Nashville. Let me know if I can help 

  • Like 1

Same thing happened to me and it looks like you bent your bracket too just like me..


BE VERY CAREFUL WITH WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.... It's simple.. but can go VERY wrong if you are not careful..


1. Look at your picture.  You can clearly see where the lower bolt is just in the bracket, but should be going into the engine block as well.  The head is just stuck there, the rest is still in the block.  You can also see, that for that bolt to reach, that bracket needs to be bent back into shape.  


2. Remove the Kickstand.   It's just that one bit bolt now.  DO NOT use the kickstand for leverage...  Removing the stand from the bracket.   If you have access to a table vice, you can bend this bracket back into shape.  Do it slowly.  If it breaks, it breaks and you're no worse off...  but it should bend, it's kinda designed to.  ( I should mention a disclaimer here I guess... MINE didn't break, I was able to bend it just fine).  If you have a metal shop around and they can make it true again for a few bucks...  do it.)


3.  CAREFULLY remove the rest of the lower bolt that is still screwed into the block.  There are lots of methods... my tact was to drill a tiny pilot hole into the bolt just large enough for my smallest Easy-Out to get in a grab it.


4.   You don't want to damage the threads as there is not a lot to work with to re-tap it or heli-coil it... so you want to avoid that if possible.


5.   Once the old bolt remnants are removed, hand fit your bracket back on making sure you bent it back into perfect shape so it sets flush on the engine.  You might use the bolts and adjust them finger tight to ensure perfect fit.

I guess this is the point where I mention... you need to buy a new lower bolt.   I forget what size it is, but you'll have the old one to take to the hardware store once you get it out.


6.  Put it all back together.


FWIW...    A Sport Chock is a great thing to have.  Just drive the bike on it, and it's upright.   I only use my kickstand when I'm away from home, my bike it always in the chock.  Kinda fun to just drive in and hop off.   :)


  • Like 1




Oh geez... forgot about the spacer !!!!  I just updated the original instructions I posted up top... but YES..... There is a spacer !!!!   whew...


  :notworthy:   Andy York - The Perfessor-His-Own-Self.


Thanks for all the help so far. Doesn't look like I had much luck heating with MAP gas and bending. Maybe give it one more try before heading to the metal shop or looking for a new one. 

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