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gallery_328_223_1983469.jpegI'm not sure if the sign is an advertisement or a protest, but we rallied to it! :mg:

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I thought it was a convergence of v11s following their phone apps to this Mecca of Non-Ethonal



  On 10/31/2016 at 12:17 AM, czakky said:

Damn near a rally!

If only JRD would have made it . . . ;)


Word has it, it was so cold in the North Georgia mountains that when he stuck his tongue to the frosty clip-ons, he couldn't reach the shifter to get into gear and head our way . . . :huh:


OOOOHHHH KKKKaaaayyyyy!!!!  Very funny!  When I woke up at 06:00 this morning the thermometer on the front porch showed 43 degrees F.  Hmmmm Not THAT bad, weather reports say its supposed to warm up into the mid 80's.  After all, I was born and raised near Buffalo, NY.  I KNOW COLD.  Put the insulated liner in my jacket, slipped on my heavy riding jeans, tee shirt, long sleeve jersey, heavy socks, & boots and gloves. Im ready to roll.  Leave the house  at 07:00 in pitch dark and before I make it one mile to the highway my face shield is streaked with water droplets, WTF?  Ok I ll Leave the shield open a bit so I can see where Im going.  Damnnn its cold out here today.  Make it seven miles from the house and pull over, put on the neck/chin warmer along with the glove liners to block out some of the cold air.  Close the air intake vents on the top of my full face helmet and back on the road I go west on Ga. Hwy76. As it undulates up and down along Lake Chautaug I notice the damp fog hanging in the low lying areas  And water coming off the fairing and windshield as if Im going thru a rain shower!  As I turn north on Ga Hwy 17 into North Carolina, then West onto US Hwy 64 I realize I am starting to feel REALLY COLD!  About half way between Hayesville and Murphy, NC my knees are starting to ache and my fingers are going numb!  Stop the train, GPS shows I still have over two and one half hours to go before can meet the guys.  Maybe if I can find a restaurant I can grab a cup and warm up.  Wrong, its Sunday morning and nothing is open yet.  At that point I made the decision to turn around and head for home with my tail between my frozen legs.  I wanted so bad to go for one last fall ride and meet everyone. I have been cold before but I cant ever recall being this cold.  Lesson learned- If you have an insulated full riding suit, wear it, its easier to open the vents and cool off than it is to try and warm up when your man marbles are frozen!


And looking at the crew in that photo two thoughts come to mind-

Do I really want to ride 175 miles to go for breakfast and be seen in public with THOSE GUYS????!!!!!!!


Did the women grab their kids and run for cover while the clerk locked and bolted the doors?


Looks like you guys had a great time, really wish I could have made it. 


That's noble, man! :thumbsup:


i thought I had your alibi covered .  ..


  On 10/31/2016 at 2:31 AM, JRD said:

And looking at the crew in that photo two thoughts come to mind-

Do I really want to ride 175 miles to go for breakfast and be seen in public with THOSE GUYS????!!!!!!!


Did the women grab their kids and run for cover while the clerk locked and bolted the doors?


Looks like you guys had a great time, really wish I could have made it. 

Haha - some guy screeched his truck to a stop and hollered at us (yeah, they do that up here), "I've heard of motorcycle gangs, but I've never seen a Moto Guzzi Gang!"


He got out of his truck and hung out with us for a while. Honestly, it was quite surprising how much (good) attention that many Moto Guzzi attract. :mg:


Probably a welcome sight after seeing nothing but Hardleys.  And you probably smelled better too HHHHaaaaaa


Nice gaggle!  :grin:

Here's my cold story..

Great friend, Rolf, the Kid and I were riding in Nova Scotia. We'd had a steady rain for the last two days, and all our gear was dripping wet. Boarded the ferry for the trip back to Bar Harbor, Maine, near Rolf's place. Part of that weather system was still laying in between N.S. and Maine, and they had to divert the ferry south to Portland. (!) It was midnight and in the 30s when we arrived, about half seasick. (Not Rolf, he's a lobsterman.)

If common sense had prevailed, we would found a motel right there and then, but since when do people that ride motorcycles show common sense? :oldgit:

Wet and cold don't mix. That was the coldest I've ever been on a bike.

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Like I said, I cant ever recall being that cold.  Just before I arrived back home I noticed how cold my chest and upper torso was getting and I was actually starting to shiver.  Thats the closest I have come to hypothermia.  After I got home and peeled all my clothes off I was amazed how damp everything was.  All because I took my hard luggage racks and bags off and thought my two piece suit would be too hot and no where to store it on the ride home.  Lesson learned. 

  On 10/31/2016 at 4:53 PM, JRD said:

Like I said, I cant ever recall being that cold.  Just before I arrived back home I noticed how cold my chest and upper torso was getting and I was actually starting to shiver.  Thats the closest I have come to hypothermia.  After I got home and peeled all my clothes off I was amazed how damp everything was.  All because I took my hard luggage racks and bags off and thought my two piece suit would be too hot and no where to store it on the ride home.  Lesson learned. 

We need to work a lobsterman into your story, buddy. B)


Here's a panoramic shot to provide a better perspective. Except for that moving car.



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