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On 7/7/2022 at 12:42 AM, footgoose said:

probably something on my end. affecting not just forum emails, though several recently have gone to spam. probably time to move away from google

I don't think there is any good unsurveilled email service. We were forced by regulation to use Microsoft Outlook for government business, and an attempt to forward an email through Gmail resulted in failure and notice that the data was protected; furthermore, a notification had been sent to the concerned party that an 'unsecured' communication had been attempted. It's game over guys, if you want secure comms, send a letter in invisible ink.

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4 hours ago, Pressureangle said:

I don't think there is any good unsurveilled email service

agreed. Algorithms have apparently chosen the website (V11.COM) as where I get the highest amount of my emails from. Virtually all of @docc email notifications in the past week have been tagged with the warning. (what are you up to Docc?:ph34r:) My first instinct was Microsoft trying to scare me into changing my settings. They've tried to "herd" me toward one of their browsers before with poor Firefox (mine) performance followed by a convenient invitation to one of their "superior" browsers.

Wouldn't you know, this morning I get an email from google for a browser security settings check. Seems I don't have their "safe browsing service" turned on. A "service" that identifies and blocks, or warns of potential bad actors. After almost 10 years of notification subscription, V11LM is a security risk. yeah right. So, I did not turn on that personal feature and allow them permission to further channel my web choices and enhance tracking. Firefox does use google safe search on their end (as do most browsers) so I still get the occasional red screen warning when I land on something ominous. I'm good with that.

So, coincidence or confirmation? I'll keep watching.



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I've been using Dissenter as my primary browser for near 2 years now, and I'm very happy with it. Dissenter is a version of Chrome, which is not owned by Google, rather Google has it's version of Chrome; Dissenter by default has pretty much everything turned off. If I want to research sensitive topics, I use TOR with a VPN.


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Curiouser, indeed. Since the emails your are getting are notifications from V11LM, not from me directly, I share your suspicion abut being "herded." Sort of a digital protection racket. "Hey, there's a problem with your security [that we created], but good news: WE have the fix for you !"

Stand by, footgoose, for a direct email from me to see what happens . . .

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1 minute ago, docc said:

Curiouser, indeed. Since the emails your are getting are notifications from V11LM, not from me directly, I share your suspicion abut being "herded." Sort of a digital protection racket. "Hey, there's a problem with your security [that we created], but good news: WE have the fix for you !"

Stand by, footgoose, for a direct email from me to see what happens . . .

so this particular notification had no warning attached. I have checked the "not spam" box on the previous ones. Will watch for the dm

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