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Fuse Quality and Performance sure makes a difference

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In light of the many instances of fuses being a topic for discussion, I thought I'd post this.

I stumbled upon it tonight while having an emergency beer after work and thought it very very interesting.

A detailed investigation into fuse quality.

For our more electrically capable members, I am sure this isn't news, but for amateurs like myself I found it really enlightening.


I hope it's OK to post this here.


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An operating slogan in China: 可以的话作弊  (Cheat if you can).

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I bought a Bussman ATC-ID-SK fuse kit w/LED made into the fuse . When the fuse fails , the LED lights up indicating a blown fuse . 7 ea of 5a-30a fuses . These are the best thing I have ever seen . No need for guessing , no test light , no nothin' . this kit was about $64 so it is not for the cheapskates ! 

When the original fuse fails , install a conventional fuse to see if your problem remains . You don't need a handful of $$$ and still have a problem. 

 BTW , if anyone wants to post a pic of these fuses , go ahead !


[docc added image.]

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Thank you ! While swapping out the fuses on both bikes , I found the 30a fuse on Greenie starting to melt the plastic on the fuse .  SO , I start all over and bend the terminals on ALL connectors on ALL the fuse terminals and use a dab of NYE 750G  "goo" to help the contact surfaces . I put the old fuses in a baggie and stuck them up in the hole behind the seat . When I got back from my trip to town I found the package from MG Cycle. Now I can install the pump , air filter and fuel shutoff . The strange thing about this shutoff , it does not need a 12 in pie wrench to turn the fuel off/on !  One of these days both of these bikes will be in riding condition !

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Great suggestion on the lit fuse.... I'll get online and order some today.


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I looked on the display and they had all kinds of packages . I just got the two kits w/the ATC & ATM fuses. after the nitroglycerin pill they gave me 10 off . I didn't like it but I took it .  I can deduct all these irrational expenses , IDK about anyone else .

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