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The motorcyclists of the French "Garde Républicaine" - The blue angels -

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When I was in the army, I was given the opportunity to apply to become one. Initially, it would have been riding horses, but with the objective to evolve to motorcycles. I was already riding both in my hay days...

Those guys are military, not police. The video is in French but there are a lot of photos that you can scrub through.

You will note they initially started to ride British before evolving to be BMW fanatics.

I never learned to ride a horse the distinguished way, I did not even purchase the equipment. Sneakers and jeans, that's all it took. It took countless falls before I understood how to jump with a horse. I never thought it could be dangerous to take a tumble. Something you would not be able to do today. At this club, we were let loose in the forest without any supervision. If you fell, the horse would go back to the stables, and you would have to walk back. Lol!


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