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No worries DGI.

Mate we can only dream of that sort of attitude to speed here in Victoria....it really is ridiculous. A couple of kays over and it's a 2 or $300 donation to the Policemans ball and 2 or more points off your licence.If you really let er rip you can end up in jail and lose your bike too. Sooo glad I gave it heaps back in the day as tolerance is long gone.

Tassie (Tasmania) has a much better attitude and some brilliant roads and riding but I believe the roads like everywhere else here in Oz are going downhill too. It's a bit of an effort/cost in getting your bike down there too. It was a riders paradise back in 87 on my GPZ900. My native NZ has great roads too but a similar attitude to speed as here in Victoria.....arghhh.

Just gotta make the best of what we've got I guess and be ever watchful for Mr Plod. Actually, that's where the Guzzi is handy in that you can still enjoy yourself without going over the top.I don't know how you could run a modern litre bike or even a smaller sport bike and keep your licence for any length of time.

I've got a Hyperpro shock on the rear and have 15mm of preload* on it now and 28 of 50 clicks rebound ( Both comp and reb are set together on a fixed ratio on these emulsion shocks) and forks sorted resprung/valved and adjusted for me. She's still firm but worth it for the way she handles. Mate the best thing you can do on the red frame V11 is sort the compression leg ie block those holes so oil goes thru valving and not everything damping wise in the last 25mm of travel and hydraulic lock! Then correct springs for your weight and adjust accordingly. I may add 5mm to the shock down the track to put a bit more weight on the front.

Mate, I look at some of the photos of the roads in the States and the condition of them, and think wow they' be fun especially with that tolerance so you can enjoy them. Anyway's we can still have some fun and enjoy ourselves down here all the same.

Ha ha enjoy mate and keep that Oz licence handy as it seems to be doing the trick eh!   


* up from 10mm.  


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