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I just checked out Cliff Jefferies' site and see that Carl is working with him to come up with a My15M ECU - this is awesome! I'll have to keep an eye on that, as the thought of running a My15M - in closed loop mode - on my bike really gets me... um... excited!


OK... not *really* that excited, but you know what I mean! :thumbsup:



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Good news... the V11 bottom end is finally apart and will soon be sent off for balancing with the Carillo rods! ;-) And it seems my re-finished head should be back (again) within the next week or so. I may be finally making progress!



  • 2 weeks later...



last weekend finally :blink: picked up my now twin sparked and timing advanced and recalled 2000 v11 sport at TLM! Had a small test ride and i am a happy biker! Don't know about performance but it feels a lot better absolutely no pinging revving up smoother, a lott better!


As sone as i get a chance i'll make some pic's and post them here...



O yeah I have a almost brand new power commander III USB for sale.. contact me for details?





  • 3 weeks later...

Well, jap, I live in Holland too and am about to deliver my V11 sport 2000 to TLM for maintanance and recall.( The whether has to brighten up in my opinion). I am very curius about how the twin spark thing works out for you. Maybey its something for me too!

Keep us informed and perhaps we can talk over the phone about it.




My ECU(well Dave Gross's donor ECU - thanks Dave ^_^ ) is currently at TLM in Holland getting it's stock ignition map modified.


I'll be very interested to see how well it works out once I get it back in a couple weeks :D




Whoo hoo... TLM received my ECU today(took a week to get there) and they are sending it back to me tomorrow with the new ignition curve for the dual-plugged heads :bike:



So since the engine case rebuild kit still isn't here from MGNA, I guess I can still get a pre and post ignition curve dyno run for everyone that will showcase any advantages(if any) the dual-plugging offers in regards to performance. I still have my old ECU with the stock ignition curve, so we can swap them back and forth for comparison.


Stay tuned.... in a few weeks hopefully B)



  • 2 weeks later...

.... whoo hoo, I received the remapped ECU today!


I'll install it tomorrow, get the tank hooked up, and try to get an appointment at Hare Racing for a custom PCIII map ASAP(prolly early next week).


So the "close-out" of this thread/project is nigh.... so close I can taste it :D





Close a 12 page thread? You wouldn't . . . :nerd:


Well, I'm still along way off on my project (which started this thread), so I'd say this thread will be haning around for a bit longer... :grin:


Jason, please start a new thread: "Yes, I actually dual-plugged a V11". :D

I'm serious; I'm told these long threads are dbase-killers.


OK, well I had my PCIIIusb map done today, and here is the new FAQ:


Forum V11 Sport/LeMans Dual Plug Head FAQ



...hey, lookee that, I'm a poet and didn't know it :P



I've still got to get my actual map from Hare(they are emailing it tomorrow), and need to double-check with them on some info on the dyno run I posted on the FAQ, so I may update that tomorrow as well.....


But basically, I think I can now officially say that I'm ALL DONE with this project! :bier:


Check out the FAQ above for a summary of the why and how :luigi:


...and of course, just "rewind" this thread for the plethora of "lessons learned" and the requisite photos :pic:





  • 7 months later...
  Paul Minnaert said:
I asked Jens from dynotec, his awnser:


> Nür eine frage ob doppelzundung lohnt.

Beim Brennraum mit 47 / 40 mm Ventilen immer siehe www.dynotec.de/


Do I need to translate?


Here in holland even people with cali's doubleplug them.  It's a fairly common practice.

Now your v11's come out of warranty, you can make a fine bike out of it.




Twin plugging makes for a faster burn rate due to the two flame paths. This can be a benifit with a high dome piston. However, by its self it does not add much performance potental and if not done right can hurt.


Coming from the air cooled 2 valve Porsche world, the best benifit of twin plug's it that you can run one point higher compression. A V11 sport is close to the same size per piston as a 3.2 Porsche 911 motor.


It is the higer compression that adds most of the aditional power 5% +/- and faster throtle response.



A small addition to this is throtle response and some added HP from the retarded timing. With the twin plug Porsche you run about 28 deg timming instead of 33 total advance. This gives less resistance as the pistion approaches TDC for the power stroke as the presure starts to build from ignition.


Adding a more agressive cam to the mix, (w good porting) allows again a bit more compression as it actual lowers the effective compression a bit due to the changes in valve timing.


Adding compression is HP everywhere. Adding a cam (more agressive timming) is usally a trade off of Hp higher in the RPM range over low end.


Just adding twin plug, especally with out dialing in the timming, would have a low probability of adding much. It might actual cost power as there would be added presure in the cylinder head from the quicker burn before the pistion reaches TDC will actualy creat some added resistance as the piston up to start the power stroke.


Again, twin plugs w added compression & proper retarded timming is a big win!


Twin plugs by them selves is likely going to hurt.


Keith :luigi:

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