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Anyone dual-plug a V11?


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Well, I'm finally back and saw this topic is still alive?

Amazing but since it is I too have a question , suppose it has been asked before but I'll do it anyhow:

Who has dual plugged theirt bike and what are your results/feelings about it.

I'm particularly interested in Dutch riders who had their bike done at TLM

was it worth it? and - how much was it


caio, Rudi

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No new info from State-side(I think I am one of maybe two folks here that have done the conversion), but here is the dual-plug FAQ:





.... I don't know of too many folks on the forum that bothered with the conversion, but it would be good to get some feedback from others if so, so I can update the FAQ if necessary.


Good to see you back Rudi, where have you been?



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Guest dopiata

I spoke to a few people on this earlier ...


They all say that it may help in the mid range.

But it may not be worth it.


And even still most Guzzi Race bikes have one plug.


If you are concerned with how the combustion occurs, you should look into better heads and better piston designs.


A better piston will fire off much better then a dual plug ... as it can solve alot of the pre-ignition issues ...


I think you are trying to "skirt" the issue ... and not solving anything with a dual plug.


And I so not see any bang for the buck.


Just my 2 cents worth.

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Yes, as mentioned some pages back in this thread, aftermarket pistons now available... like Mike Rich's new hi-comp pistons are designed and supposed to supercede the benefits(if there ever were any :huh2: ) of dual-plugging.


This of course is debateable...



However, keep in mind that this thread was started well before there were any real choices for aftermarket pistons... back in Nov 2002 :P



Regardless of measurable gain though, personally I just had a good time doing the project :luigi:



I would say though that lots of folks, especially in Europe, swear by dual-plugging, and the new Breva 1100 engine is dual-plugged from the factory. So read into that what you may :huh2:



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Hi Al , thanks for the reply

I didn't really went away (not physical at least but more mental)

I was involved in a crash beginning of october 2004 (with my v75) and the physical recovery of it is still not over - but fortunately I'm getting out of my mental dip.

The dip started when the orthopedic surgeon told me I might never use my right knee up to the extend for riding a sports bike and moreover he was not sure I could ever do my work again.

so after surgery, two ss bolts m6x70mm which will stay in forever , 8 weeks in plaster and 4 weeks brace I'm recovering now and last week I managed to bend my knee so that I could sit on my v11 (riding it will take some months more).

So I'm relatively happy now and the surgeon very proud of his work :bier: for him.

It is all very technical and I can't find the right english words for it but when I fell I hit my knee and lower leg which caused my lower leg to shift aft and breaking the upper part of my shinbone (eminentia) where the two "cross bands"as we call it or tendons in the back of my knee are attached.

so basically my lower leg was a bit disconneted..


My daughter was riding piggyback but fortunately she just had some bruses - I was just doing 40 km/hr at the time in the city when a drunk lady in a car decided to run me off the road.

women + cars + alcohol = killer mixture...



My question for the dual plugs (- and I've read all the info) was in my mind for some time - tlm has a service to pick up your bike and service it - the pick up is free and I was thinking of combining it but I have to be sure first it's worthwile.

Which - up to now I'm not , although yes in europe they are very fond of twinsparking - with cars it was alfa romeo who made it popular - bmw motors also twinsparks all models now and there are more examples.

I'm not looking for more power or more speed (I would have bought a R1 if I wanted that) just a smoother ride - on the other hand I have no complaints about the v11 for the first 10.000 miles :D

I ride with ti gianelli's and a mistral X-over and never really noticed a dip around 4000 which btw is very notable on my v75 (but hey with only 48HP what do you expect)

So there's the story in a nut shell



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Btw Al

Here's the bike going to tlm for damage check and how she was before


they declared it totall loss - I just bought it for 1750 euros - because of a damage to the frame - but I managed to replace the top frame - kind of open hart surgery - last week :luigi:

It's a good bike :wub::wub: - why scrap it...




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...wow, sorry to hear about your accident, and I'm really happy to hear that your daughter was uninjured. I know that must have been terrifying.


Glad to hear you are healing up relatively well, and are in good spirits also :thumbsup:



The bike looks like it came back together very well :bier:



Glad to have you back :D



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Hey Rudi,


Been down hwe same road. Keeps my finger crossed for you and your daughter.


Best wishes


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Thanks guys, I didn't talk too much about it because crashing with 120mph sounds more understandable (would be amazing too since a v75 doesn't make that speed) - with 20mph sounds definitely not so cool although it was'n my fault :bike:


But the sun is shining again :D

Jaap, I won't be seeing you at boxmeer cause this accident kind of messed up my schedule completely - in april I'm due for the next medical and if all goes well I can go to sea again , 4 months so there goes my summer :homer:




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Guest jsavola

I finally got my California K almost ready.


This winter was busy;


we shaved off piston domes bringing compression ratio from 9.5:1 to 8.3:1

put on 40mm exhaust valve to replace the standard 37mm

ported the exhaust ports

upped the supercharger gear ratio (0.5 bar -> 0.8 bar)

and finally, double plugged the heads!










Next step will probably be installing Ignitech programmable ignition system. It will take care of retarding the spark ...


Take care double plugging comrades,


MotoJussi & California K

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just did as signature tells. Scola did the job, plus increased compression, smoothed intake/exhaust duct, new camshaft (Ros profile, half way between hi pover KS and hi torque OSS ) Previously i mounted OSS, now i'll try this ROS scola's camshaft.


Now i'm painting bubbled engine with wrinkle spray paint, and hopefully sunday (with new ignition coil from Breva with double ignition cable) i'll try to reassemble the whole thing.


So i'll tell my first impressions with this new engine.


And soon... new valve rockers mounted on bearings... to avoid valve bounce at high RPM

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