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Perfomance Mods

Guest robbrugg

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The windage tray has three functions. Firstly it prevents the cyclonic forces cause by the spinning crank picking up oil from the sump. Secondly it aids separation of the oil from the air by effectively *Dry Sumping* the motor, oil is not kept in suspension in air flailing around the crank, (air is a great insulator.) so it cools better and finally the plate acts as a baffle helping prevent the oil sloshing about under acceleration and braking so it's less likely to migrate away from the pick-up if the front wheel is lofted.


I haven't seen enough broad sump models to be able to give a definitive yay or nay as to the possibilities of using an effective plate, (I have a feeling the oil cooler/thermostat gubbins might get in the way but I'm not sure and I'm also not absolutely sure of the relative level of oil in the case with the braod sump.) but I'd be happy to if I could get my hands on one. Perhaps when John Y's bike is out of warranty or he wants me to check something out that involves taking the sump off I'll be able to have a squizz.



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