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KickStand Location


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Has anybody ever had a little mishap with the kickstand and failing to deploy it completly? I've had a few bikes before and always found that the kickstand is relatively accessible with the left foot immediately behind the foot peg. But the Guzzi is a little different. It's in front of the gear shifter. <_>


I usually put the bike in neutral and then reach over to bring the kickstand down. More than once now, I've stuck my foot on the shifter and engage the tranny in first gear. No big deal, it simply kills the engine and then you reach a little farther forward and put the stand down. You feel a little embarassed, chuckle and move on. :blush:


This time, I'm bringing the bike in the side yard and I was trying to avoid running over my dogs. They're really good dogs and pretty much stay out of the of the way but I was being careful nevertheless. So I reached over with my foot and I guess the stand slipped off my heel, although I didn't realize it. I heard the sound and though that the stand was extended and started to lean the bike on the stand.


Like I've said before, I've had a few bikes before and I must admit, in all but one, I always had a little mishap where I would scratch the bike one way or another. This trend broke on the Ducati I had in France. Not a scratch.


Maybe I'm a little superstitious, because I usually don't fix the scratch... kinda like a reminder. But this time, it's payback for not having anything on the Ducati. The Guzzi leaned over, and over, and over. I was right beside a stucco wall and I barely caught it in time before the engine was on the floor. But the windshield is toast. It bent the mirror and the little frame holding the fairing. :o:angry::(


I can bend the frame back. I can probably live with the mirror the way it is. But I do have to replace the windshield. How much do those things cost anyway?

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Also , you might want to check with Andy at MG/Ducati-Nashville ( 615/353-1919). He imported some nice upgraded screens from Germany. I'm thinking MI in Seattle also got some of those screens.



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