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Wondering if anyone has tried any of the PIAA H4 replacement headlight bulbs. Now that fall / winter commuting is settling in I would like a bit more light output but don't want to increase power usage. (Yup, I want my cake and want to eat it too! :food: ) For commuting I use an electric vest and spend a lot of time in slow Seattle traffic which I'm sure taxes the already limited alternator.


PIAA advertises the same 60/55 watt power consumption with the equivalant light of a 110/100 watt bulb. Sounds a bit too good to be true but if they give a noticeable improvement it might worth springing for one.




I know there's no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to current draw, but I think it has something to do with depth perception. I used to have a Quota & this bike has serious lighting problems, especially at night with all the deer in this area. I replaced the stock ones with H1/ H3 replacements & the difference was dramatic :thumbsup: I tried a different brand for the Sport & they were no where as good as the Piaa's. I got mine from here http://www.cbtimports.com/

  Mr. Bean said:
Thanks TX,


I think I'll order one up.  Might even try the taillight bulb they offer while I'm at it.





Mr. Bean,


If you do, would you be kind enough to take a picture of the two bulbs shinning on something (like a wall) at night? My very basic understanding of this subject says there should be no difference between any two high quality bulbs. This is backed up by test in the US magazine Motorcycle Consumer News. This is contradicted by reports like the one from our red necked friend above. I'd really appreciate it if could take some time "shed some light" (sorry) on this issue.


The V11 desperately needs more light but the alternator's weakness makes me very reluctant to add more lights like I would with almost any other bike.



  Lex said:
Mr. Bean,


If you do, would you be kind enough to take a picture of the two bulbs shinning on something (like a wall) at night? My very basic understanding of this subject says there should be no difference between any two high quality bulbs. This is backed up by test in the US magazine Motorcycle Consumer News. This is contradicted by reports like the one from our red necked friend above. I'd really appreciate it if could take some time "shed some light" (sorry) on this issue.


The V11 desperately needs more light but the alternator's weakness makes me very reluctant to add more lights like I would with almost any other bike.






Lex, I've read those same reports too, but I don't believe there is a machine that can measure what the mind perceives :blink: . I've always been a night person since I can remember :ninja: I have spent 28 yrs driving a truck,25 of those have been spent running a team operation , of which I have run the night shift. I'm always the first to try a new lighting product & have spent way too much $$$$ on this stuff. When your life & your co-drivers life depend on you & how well you can see things at night ( the last 13yrs that co -driver has been my wife ) in all types of weather, you tend to ignore those reports & make your decisions based on what you perceive. It's just like sunshades, some people wear yellow & some wear green.

Here's a whole bunch of stuff 'bout lites http://www.webbikeworld.com/lights/index.htm


That's a good idea Lex,


I'll try and set up some sort of useful comparison pics...I'm a pretty lousy photographer though! :P


I agree with TX in that it probably is all in the perception of the light or color of the light rather than increased brightness. But if it works, I am not gonna complain!


Hopefully next week or the week following I'll put the new bulbs in. I went ahead and ordered the taillight one also.




i ' m using this on the Super 4, it seems to work a little better but regarding price not terrible ...


I have been working in a professional theatre. There you have the saeme things, a manufacturere that claims their lamps do it better.

We had lamps from 1000Watt each(PAR64), 50 of them above the orchestra, because of the heat and power consumption we looked for different lamps.

The 80 musicians were very keep on enough light, so they could read the music. Which is mostly on not to white paper.

We exchanged the lights with ETC 500watt lights. They were happy.

Why? well the ETC uses a lamp that gives a bit less yellow light, more blue, not much, but enough that noone found out that they were actualy having less light.

It didn't look less, but we measured it with an instrument. I think they ended up with 70% of original lighting level. We did comparisons next to each other it didn't look less light, maybe even a bit more. Just because the blue.


The gains were less heat generation above the stage, which is pleasant for them, less power use and we didn't need to cool the hall that much.


So a bit more blue gives you the idea that you have more light.




Thanks for the site. I think I had it but lost it. :homer: Lots of good info.




Hi out there,


I was scrolling through the September issue of Superbike and on page 22 they run an advertisement for Phillips' Vision Plus Bulbs. Phillips state that these bulbies offer a brighter (more than 50%) light, longer beam length, faster light-up on break lights and they will also make your penis grow 2 inches over night... well, disregard the latter, but for the astonishing price of 5.99 UK Pound Sterling (sorry, I have a Danish keyboard) it's worth a try ain't it?


The bulbs also come in blue and other fancy options are available too. Check out this thread


Has anyone tried these babies or shall I still stick to my lead dog when commuting in the early morning hours?






If you rob a bank, become a pimp, win the lottery or whatever it takes to get that Guzzilla, there won't be a headlight on the market that will have a chance of keeping you out of trouble at night on that bike.


Well, I recieved the new PIAA bulbs the other day and finally had a chance to put them in. Some good, some bad...


First the results:


The new headlight bulb appears to be brighter to my naked eye on both low and high beam...more so on the low beam. It is definitely a "whiter" light than the OEM bulb. The tail-light seems dimmer on both running light and brake light than the stock one.


The pictures I took also seem to bear this out.


The bad news is that now I have to go and get a new headlight! :angry: I have never seen a flimsier bulb mount in my life...The bulb is held in by a small spring clip that hooks under a tiny piece of plastic that broke away as soon as I put the spring back in. :homer: I was able to jury-rig it to hold temporarily for the pictures but there is no way I can trust it with the vibrations from riding. It all looks to be a single molded plastic part. Anyone have an idea how much a new headlight costs?


Oh well, here are the before and after pictures for everyone to make their own comparisons. The bottom right shot of the four taillight pictures should read "Brake light - PIAA bulb"






Guest aj howard

Thanks for taking those photos, I think I will plunk down the cash for a whiter bulb.. I think I see a difference! :)

Sorry to hear about the headlight, I will have to be very very careful when I get one for mine :(

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